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68o lntrotlu'ilt"ons. q·•·•fl.7t.vpon ExoJ. Ambrofelib.r.Hex•m. c.4. LroStrm. 9. de P4j{rm. Bede de r~ttione TempBmm. But it is wont to be obiedcd,rhat hcarbs and trees were brought foortb with ripe fruit, and rhcrcforerhc: creation was in AUtumue, But JanC.vcr<hatGod gaue cuery rree power tu bring foonh his truire in his t1111e: butchatthe lrU\to (I doe not deny but Come, for rhat is motlcertaine,Jbut that all, werl! r1pe in the creation it is no~ ccrtaine, '<vhe<her you fay the world beganne in the fpringorm Autumne. For cu<n thefpring ·doth feeme to bring forth fame ripe fruits as , .vel as Amumne,cfpccially among the lewes ' and them ofthe E>ll, which haue their haruelt not much otffrom Ealler. Exo. 9·3'·3 •· Luk,6.r. The common beginning of the yearewas moneth, Thi[n: Exod.13.16. ThejeAff ofg•thering [rHits fh•ibt in the end•[ rherar~,whm thoH hA{Ig4thered inth1/a~ours out of the fodl. Here beganne the date of the:r bugaincs, buyings, felling.,, bandages, rcleafeofland, tbeyeareof re(l, andlubi– lies. . There ~•• alfo beude the naturall yearc aprophencall yeare which by the like 1s to bee vndcrllood to bee of the !pace of )60, ycares, and the Propheticallmonedl in hke manntrconlit!eth of th!rtie yeares. Reuel. 11. Thns farrewe haue declared the Notation ofti,nes,the computation followcs. Compolinon is thefecond part of Chro– nolod,i: concerning the ioyntng or time with ume, 10 which there bclongeth foure thmgs. 1 DHplic•tio• o(tim,, by which ~he Scrip– ture dorh mingle th• (all part of the tome •fpentwtththefir(} part of the time towme. Hence it istbatthe yeares ofthe kings of Iu– da and llracl doe often fall one wttlun the compalfeoftheother, lfhich cannot iullly bee reckoned, but by a certaincdoublmg. Chhll was in his fcpulch<r fixe and thirt>e houresortherc about; but the Euangelills (ay that hcro(e ~tgaine ttfttrthrud~yu, and on th<thi,Jday. Howcomcsthisto palfe I why, double~he middle part ofthe time, and you baue your wif11, : Rotundation iftimt, by which either through adding vnto, or taking away (om(– thing from the [et number giuee,rhe account thereof i-; made more ea!iP. in (peaking or writiJJJ[. Vcry well faith A11guflinr, qu<£ff.47· \·pan Exod, 7 1Jc ScripturrU wo<t~t [o '' cafltht ' tim~J, aJth.1t whichUjome1•h~t oHN' or tmdrr the i~:fi rutmher,is not rte~m,d. Let rhat bee an example.Numb.14. vcrC34. You rhall bearc your iniquiuc for fouruc ycares. Thefc words were fpoken to the lfraelites in the fe– cond yeare afcer their departure; and there– fate they futfercd pumOu11ent full)8. yeares, and about 40, 3 The third is, that timt"is raken in ~cA counts crtherfertherime alrcaaie fpenr, or forrhe rime now in fpending, and not yet patl. Matth.>7. Afurthrttti•i" I ,.,y rt[t t~g~tint. 1. King. 15. ·Jn ·tht ·tightunth 7ear~ sf Ierohoam r•igntd ..AbiA thfrt )Btrrn: and yet afremard 11 i> (aid, that his IOnne be- . gan to raignc in the twentic"yearc of ltrf}- boilm. · ·. t ~: ~. ~ i · ·4 The fourth i•,thaubc beginning oFtlie ! tfmc mcempUution IS put·fofnetiine e'XdJ.. uuely,fom'ctiri>e lnclulludy'.''"'')'' . '; • A compoun~'tiindlthai'Whicli ;, made 1 of agcs,yeares,day~s,or mun(!ths,ioymlx ta· gethcr:and 11 ii C!lb~'r of the old 1vo!ld, or oB . c-henew. I B, i Tlietimedf1heold world is th'ccootinu– 'ance ofthe yea11:'s from the beginningofthe , ·wotld to Chrlll crucified, whf~h is abour. · 4ooo,yearcs.· · · The Sabbath of the oiJ•..orllt is the fc1 uenth day (rom ihe creation,which was con– , feerated for diuioe fcruice in Para,drfe before' the fall. The preparation ofthe fabbath, is part of rhci)ay gomg bCfore, wherein chiefly afi-cr· che Jaw was glu~n, pro01fion of vil9-uaJs was , made for the approchmg !abbath. There– ' fotewhcreasftlsfaid,Iob.J?:vcr£:14, lttr.t4 ' theprep~rAtson oflhe PaJJeourr, it f.!inot'f6r r'lie Palfeouer it felfe, but forthcfabbath in the Palfeou<r, or Ealler. Muk. 1 5· {IIPaJ th' p,.epar.ttionwhich il lufore Jhe ~{, And C Luk. •3· .A•d th•t d•J ,.., rht pr<paratisn, and the [abbaih dm• on. Againc the whole day ofthe Palf<ou<rw~onotholy, but the cuening only, in which the Lambe was flame, forit (ecmes the rell was woikie day. Mark. 14. vetf. u, ·~, 14. Hence il ap– pearcs thar the Palfeoncr bad not his Eue properly. Tbetimeoftheold world bath a. pam, the r,withoutrhe law,the : ,with the Jaw. The time without the hw is fiom the be– ginningvnrorh~ time when rhclaw was gi;.. uen,and it hath three particles. The fir!I is from the creationto the Hood, and it conutlsofl6 56.year<s. The (ccond is from the Hood to the proD mifemade vnro Abraham 367. year<s al)'d no more. Fo·r I tbinke (fauinga better iudge– ment) that JJ!irahamwas borne the 7o.yeare ofr,.h,and not in the, 1o.y~are. Reafon '· ThcTeOimonie ofMofr~. Gen.11.16. Te– r.h liucd 70. yeam and beg•• .Atraham, N•– horandH4'an. Now thc(copcofthe chaprer io to declare rhe genealogic of Chrill from 4damvnro Ahr.ham. Therefore hrc poin– reth at .Abrahams yeares not .ar N~bort or Haram, efpcci>lly hauing doncfo in all the preccdentgrnelotionsvnro Ahrab•m. Rea– (on z. Vntetfcitbe taken (or grauntedtbat A&rAhamwas borne tha 70. yeare o( Ttrt~h, it •·ill be ahogethcr vnccrtaine• hen hee wao borne. Forrfanyone flJaiJ fay Ah•ham ""' borne the 130.)'careofhis (arher, & th:uir is . .