lntroduE!ions. 681 1• ' . I plaineout ofthe Scriptures; !anliver, dw A ircannor be OJOwne throughout the Swp– mres char .Abraln~m was borne the 13o.ycarc propagated our of the family of Jacob: I 1 an[werrhanheymighr, becaufe then poly– gamiC was m vfe, and then they did beget children from twenrie yeares of age vmlll chey were fourefcore and more, and rhen was the multipl:cation offeede promifed. If any one vrge n1e tbat AGrahllmwas not the fonneof l{rad,andthereforethe4;o. yeares of bondage is not ro bee flretched vnro A· brAhamJ!ime: ICaythefonne of J(rael dorh comprehend not onely rhtfced of lacob, bur aliihepofleririeof Abraham.Gen. 48. lacob faith of rhe fonnes of fo[cph, L<t m; name bee namtJ vpon thtm, and tbt name of m} fathers Abrab•m And 1/ilac. Therefo.re rhe ! rather then tile '3'· or the •3•· yeare of Terab. For M{u f.-1rh not any \Vhere, that 4bra&a., depmed into C1naan prefently rhefdfefaiDeyeare whereinTerah died. All things which are ioyned together in the or 4 derofhillorie, are notlikewaies conioyned in time. 3· Abrah4mdidaccol1orir fora mi– racle that bimfdfc beeing too. yeare old lhouldhaueafonne: how then could he bee borne in the 13o.yeare ofhis farhorland it is not likely chat .Abraham wao; borne 6o, yearei afterTerahhad got N ahGr,and Hara)J. 4· Abrabambeeingcommaunded to goein– to Canaan did not delay his obedience, but went prefently without delay fo foone as bee had receiued thecommaod,nor tarry111g for his fathers deoth, becaufe by faith hce made that tourney. Hcb.rt. But the charge&pro. mile he receiuedmVrofthe Chaldes before bee went to Hara,. ~-The iudgement of the primitiue Church a!fenreth ro me, and I rhinkeicworthic robe (oJJowed, vnJclfe u B Cannes oflfrael are the whole nation and familie of A>raham, no notcxcludingrhe head. be manifdlrhat it bath declined out of rhe way. A~tg,de cjuit.Dei,/.16,,;. 15. To him a. greethve·nerable Bedc, al[o lofephw, and lfi– dorP.<,HifPal.orig.lib. s. I!any obieCl that Mol's dorlnell the Uorieot Abrahams gomg 10· ro the land ofCanaan after the death of Te– rah. lanfwer,that iris done by Recapirulari– on,that be mighr6m0t rhe hiflorie ofTtrah in a continued narration. If any vrge the words ofStephm, Act. 7• After th." bi<f.s&cr waJdeAdGod brougiJt him into thi< lawd. I an– fwer, thatthere was 1\vo goings of Abraham into Canaan. The 6rCllji• before the death ofhis fath<r, which goin'!rwasrarher on pro. grc!fe,rhen for ro dwell, and ofthis fpeaketh Mo(o. Thefecond was to place and fettle his habitation in the land of Canaan of which fpeakethSuphm, for the Greeke l>'ord which he v[eth,.u:~"''~"• lignifieth that God brought him to dwell in the land of Canaan, And that it was fo this may be an argument, that Ab,.bam did not buy one plor of ground vnrill ayeare or twoafrer his farhers death. Thus S. A•gupine in the forenamed place harh raughttoanfwer, neitherdoe I fee whar can be faid againll it. Thethirdparricleis from the promifero the Law,and IS 43 o.ycares, E"od,t%.40. The dwellingoft he children of l{racl in .A::!JP' w.u 4JO)'CAm.GaJ.J.I7. The abode of the children of Ifrael in AEgypr was onely >ro. yeares. For from the departure our ofVrto the birth of ~(a.tc was 30, ycares, from thence to l-1cob w:~s 6o. from thencC: to the going downeinto AEgypt t;o. now ifyou rake rhe(e numbers from i 30. rhc:rc will rcmaine 1 JO, y~ares in wh1cb thelfroehtes dwelt in AEgypr. Ifany' fay that 6ooooo. armed men within the (pace of two hundred y~ares could not bee The time of rhe Law is from the promul– gation rhercoh•nto Chriil crucified, and it ha1h fiuc particles. The firll " from the law to rhe Temple 48o,ycar<'-'.King.6.1. At the beginning of this particle the Iewes ncglcfted tl1e true fir Cl: cmcra.ncc oftheycarc,and fo it was renuedby God. Exod. u.z. Then were feafliual daies appointed,thc PaiTeouer,PcntccoO,the ((all ofTrumpets: ofExpiation,and the fca(l of Tabernacles,&c. Ofrhe Patfeouerrhere arer1vo parrs, 6rfl C rhe klllmg ofd1e Lambe, whichwas done the 14.day of the firlhuoneth,at rhe euen which lhurrerh in the day. Exod. t>. v«f. 6. The other parr is the fcall orrhefolemnitit wherein t!Je Pafchall [acrifice was offered. Dcut.l6. Thoujbaltoffirtht P~tf[toutr tmto the Lord t&] God, of (hape•nd bullock.! in the place which the Lord fo•il chuf•. Sec an ex– ample:. Chron.3s. This feaU laOed feauen daies, which werecalled the dayea of vnlea– uened orliveet bread. Thefirfl day-of fw<er br~ad began at rhc' cuenwhich !huue in the I 'f. day,forwhichcau[ethis fourteenth day was called of his larrcrpart.rbe 6tll day of (weere br<ad. Mark. I <f. IZ, yer rhcfacrifices were nor killeJ before rhe 1S· day. The !all D dayofthcfcaU wasthofabbarb which wasas folemne as any ofthe reil, and for order fake it was called thefccondfabbath after rhe 6ril. Luk.6,t. The feafl of PenrecoU was excluGuely rhe so. day from rhe end ofEaCler, bccaufe rhe J[raelires departed our rhe 15. day,and the beginning of the5o.daycsmuU be reckoned from the J6.day.Leuit.1j. 16. There was •llo two holy yeares appoin· ted: aSabbotarieanda lubihe. TheSabbatariewas cuery fcuenrh ycare wherein rcH was giucn to rhe r::mh. ' The Iubilie was49.ycare exclufiuely lrom rhc former Iub111e, rh3t is,ifyou exclude the form~r l;.Jbilieyearc: butir is the so. yeare from the former inclu{iutly,Leu.z4,IJ.Th1s IS the common faying,bur perhaps rh< Iubily yeare" cucry 6fry yearedillintlly numbrcd. More-