Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I 681. lntroduf!tons. I ~l.)rcouer.lo this pa:ncle was rhe go~erne- A' t~is1VRbetpqft'a{ar mPtolant~ was not the fame ment of Iudgc:~ for ?57. yeares, wh1ch by wtth J.Yalmch4dnt~tJr , I adde thJscnc: rhmg, compur•nonwdlc•hly•ppeare.. Andthere. that the Ecclip(e of the Moonc in the ].(. forewhereas,Atl. 13. verf.lo.tns{ald that yearc of Camlnfrs dorh U 1 tiCr (wm that I God gaue rhcm Iudgcs for thefpaccof 450, which happened cleu'n daies before rhe rnoy=arc:s,_ it (cemerh thus to bee taken: From narchicuf Alo.·ttndrr,t 9Z./H/umyearcs,and \ the diU•Ci~n of the land, Vnto Samurlcherc 64. daies, and that th1s '" ~.l!ftant (:om rhat ore(as! (a~d)bur 357·Y<OI'es,•nd this number which happened in the ninrcemh yearc of S~tnt Lt,k_t feemes to haue fct dowoc: ~ezcT1heriw,J63. JJIIianyrarcs. IvJ.ureouer,from rhclatrcr reue~)thatthe number might thou Ec11pk111 thC3J.yerc ofDAriUJ 1:-hjl~tjjw, bee rounder: Buraltcrwardfome body reato rbe Eccl:pfein the la(! yeare of Dariw• Co- ~mg .oucr tl~c bookc of Iudges for 7!1:c~~'}'i"t dom:therearc 1; t.lulitm yearcs.Th<:fethings ~ubtflrutcd'ltpx;qj~~~ofmecreJgnorancc: For robe(oas ]fay, Ptolem(m hisacconnt doth mdccdeour ofrhe yeoresofrhcludge•, and pla,inly declorc, wbo reckoncrh tz6. Egyptitbe yeares ofrheopprelfours d:UtnClly and an yearcs fromN ab•nafTor ro the Eccl:p(e 10 fepararcly numbered, there doe arife iu(l B rhefiftyeareoflVab•p•llafar,and "4·Y•arc• 450. yeares. Bu11hofe ye•res mull nor bee torhe Ecdipfe in thefeauentb yeareof Camfoporatcly numbred, bur it isto be held for a bifos, anu 4'4· yearrsrothe death of A/ex. Cure rule ofcompolltion, tiMt the Jt'arcs f)f ander,and 718.rothcnigneof .Augu{im. Al. 1ha oppr.jJoHrs bee!!'d m rhe J'""' of the m-gif/iirb.J.c.8.ond 5.14.W11h rhi,•grcesrhe /tJdges. calculation of Prwjfia, wbofe ~ccounts for The(econd r•rticleis from the founding beginnings and ends of nmes are moll <erof the Temple vnto the dellroying of the ren,wh:ch runnerhus. [amc. 417. y~ares. 1? thi~ paruclc thereare FromN a6o?UlJ1ar ro theheginning of the thefe rules of compolltlon;t.It often fals om yeares Jn/.yc3rcs,__.JJies. that rhe yeoresofrhe kmgs of luda and lfraOfrhe death ofA"xand"--4>3.-260, cl~re incomplete. '2. Thefonnebccing f/lctOf lttlitu C&:(tir-~--70J.--309. . roy did raigncwirh his father which was bufiOf our Sauiour Chri0---]46.-·JI o, ed in forra1newarres.3.Somctimes thcye:ares From thedearh of A/(.'Ctmder eo tbc bcgtnwheretn they gouerned wickedly are lefrvnnirigofthe yeares. counted as if they neuerwcre, 1. Sam. '3· J, Ot'iul<~u C<[ar--~-z]8.-;o. 4· The yearcswherein rhefonne ra~gned the Ofour Sauiour Chrill--3 z3·---'->'· father bemgaliue, but (pent w11h age or dif. C From Julsus C<(arto rbe beginning <>fChrill ea(es,are rcckncdal(o to the goucrnmenr of --------~45· --:----~1. the fame: father. He which will thi.nke thefc: thingsrobce The third particle is the rime of rhe capf•ined,he mull vrrerly ouerthrow alllogiflitiuitJc in Ba.byJon)of 7o.yearcs, lerem. 15. call Allronomie. And truly thisfeemeth ro vcrf. 11. Tile beginning of th1s particle me tobea notable argument tO proouc the. fcemesrobecatthe burnrngof rheTemple rrurboftheholySdipturcs, bccauferhefain the yearcof N ~tGuchad. I 9· For this capcred hiUorie in the order pf her narrations tiuitie wa9 net only the dc(olationofthe peodotb m0£t exactly agree With the conuC'ffiple, bur alfo of the land, which •lfo mull ons of the heauens, A1_1d on the other fide kccpc her fabbarhs, z. Chron. 36. vcr( zz. this is vmo me a proofc, that the beginning Bur the land could not re(\ oil the tia1e beofrhe tveekes is no!lo be fitted to rl:eyear<s fore,haumgin her a king,pric!l:;>cJtizcnsJand ofCyrmor Dari1u H1{f"JPW~ bccaufe then :.1husbandmen. rno(l nll humanchiflones, and all a(lronoThc fourth is from rhc rcrurne out of Bamicall obferuations are to bee denyed as byfon tu the beginnmg of D~nitls weekes; countedclr. and is about fourefcoreycares. Rea(on. J. D All the king•; ohvhome th<rc is mention Dar~.9.Z5.hefpcakcrhof fuchn going forth mad~ in E~ra,Nehrmia,l-ltfftr, and D~'llid, ofacommanndemcma~ by which not only for the mofi pan did r3igne in this fJme, rherced,fyingofrhcTcrnple, butthcinhawhcme I (following the wdgcrnent of 114. 1 bitino IJktwite ·and repairmg of tbeir citiQ Gualter, and Temporp,rms) doe d10inguilh af-) wa3aTiowed: Nowwe readeot' oofuch Edict tbis fort. 1 in •lithe B:ble, before the 7• yeare ofAr· The y were either Medes,orPerfians. Lonoimamu. For the edict o( Cyrm, Tbc Medcs were tum. Thcfir!l, .A[fucrus and theeditl of DariTM Fflfl,tfpu, both of thefathcrofDa>imM<dm. Dan.9.r. This is thc[cfpeakeonely of building the Temple, that A(/iages the Empcrour of the Medcs but net of the citie. 2. The conuerfions of & Perfians extending his goucrnmcnt ltof!! the heauens, & rhe dillances ofthe Ecclipfcs lr.di• to,AI<1hiopiam Arabia:ncucr "''' rhrs , I doe make rh< ltke[pace. The Ecdipfc in rhe depriued ut hiskiogdome by C;rm K•ngofl fifr yeare of N abupolla[ar, or N abuchadntthe Perfian•asfomc hifloriansdodalfly fay. <..r,ISd:llaotfrorn that which happened the It is probable that hec was rhchusba,nd ofl nmreemh ycarc of T1buim; 65.:. lulian Hefter, and not D11riP.J Hz/la(}unor}f.., yc.arcs: and leH any ondhouldth;nke rhat Reafon 1. In Dari:u Hi/IA,tpu ,thtrewa'$-graUitlc ...