lntrodufliom. uitie and prudence ioyned wit~~ certaine A Thefe weeke5fccmc tome for t,?cndar the p 1erie,bunn A If• mu lufi and leUlfle.z.M•r· death ofChufl, and norar rhc finall dcfiru. d"h'""" rhe tirfiyearcof Cyrut, rhe capu. cbon both of the Temple and cirie by Ti. uirie bccino ended,clnlC againe into Icwnc. tus. Rea(on 1. The coucoant with many E<-r. z. Tl 1 ercforc he did not liue in PcrGa was plainlyconfirined, partly by the prca· vndcrC•mbifu, D>rillsHifi•fPi.t, or X.r:w: chingofChrifi, and pauly by hispalfion. and 11 15 norcred1ble that hec who was mofi hur ifthe lafiwoeke becexreoded furrherto carefull ofrhe true wodhip of God, would the defiruCl1on ofrhccirie, then in rhaltlme rcrurnc agamc into rhe Ea!l,when hee might alfo fome folemne league fi1ould haue beenc vfc the bene6tofhisJibernc. 3· Xer.\·um tbc confirmed: bur no league was confirmed in 7· yeare of his raigne was out of Perliain rhelafiwecke more rhen was in rhela!l but Sardl»orioGreece, notrcmrning homevn· one. z. Danirl dorh plainly fay,Seauentie ull the eight yeare. fim,ffrts alfo his wife was wcekes are determined vpoo thy people,and a mofi wicked wotnan. The obieClion ofrhe vpon the holy cirie,ro fim011hc wickednclfe, Palace ofShulhan, isoffmall force· for fay and rofeale vp rho finnes, and ro reconcile rhar 11 was rhe PAlace ofthe Kings o/ P<rli• rheiniquirie,and ro bring in eucrlafiingrigh· wh1le c 1 rutteigned, (asS~rabo Callh,libr,l5·) B reou~netfe, and to feale vp rheviGon & pro· yetrhe Palace of rhc Medes mightbein rhe phdze,and roannoinuhc mofi holy, which fame place beforo CJrut bisrime. ForStrabo IS rheM tffi.u. Now if tbe deOruClion of rhe faith intheaforefa1d booke, rharrhe Pallace c1t1ed1d end rhofe weekes, then not 70. bur ofrh•l'<rfians wasnorrbere before rhe Me. 65. weekes and a halfe were determined for de. wereoucrcome.Ifany one rhinke orherthe fim011ngof rhefe things; for m rhe 65. wifc,he thallvfe hi!owne iudgement by ruy weeke was m.a.de rbe fatisfaCllon . for finne, good leaue, In rhefe and fuch like things I and rhe MerfiJs annointed, 3.Ifyou !:eginne wtJJnotcontend. the wcekesfrom thcz. yeareof D14riHtNo· Th~ f·cond is Variut Medru, heewas the thu;,thenNth~mi.u f11a1J haue continued vnchicfem thefackingofB.abylon. If.t.IJ .J7. to the JZ.yc:ueofD~riurMrumtmandfomeler. s 1. 11. and rhe B>bylonian Empire was ,vhar longer, and hce 0JaiJ bee an 1oo. in his hand forrhefpacc ofayeare, Dan.6.1. and 90. yearc. old, and rloen al(o firre for This fame is A;Tumu,Ezr.4.6. longiourueyc1: and E<>r~alfolhall bdarrc The Kings ofrhel'er Gans are rhcfe, elder. 1. Cyrus,yeares 30. bur after rhccooquell ln the middle of rhelaO weeke bcglln the ofBJbylon 7, and from hence rhc Scripmre C mioi!!ry of Cht1!l or the rime of his going beginnerh rhe yearcs of Cyrut:hc(as Xmoph. vpand duwae. ACl. I. ZJ. The beginnmgof witnelferh) acknowledged Dariut robe Elll· his mimllrie was when hee was baptized of perourof-rhcMeJesand PerGans,when bee f•h•, and beemg annoinred with the holy led the armie again£1 the BabyJonians. oucr GhoU,was fcnt to preach,and ir enduredvnwhichklngdome he ruled rugerher wirh 'D•· rorheday ofhiulfumprion, and conGfis of rius MtdHJ,Dan.5.18. - rhree yeares and an halfc almofi. z. Camh 1 [eq, he is Artaxtrxu, Eua. 4· The fir(I yeare was from rhc fir(! palfeovcrf.s. uer,loh.z.J J.vnull rhe feaO,Ioh.).I.Thde· 3· D.riusHif/4/Pi.t J6.By rhismans ediCl condyeareisfromrbarfcaU vnto rhe palferhcTemple was bUIIded, •nd norby the E. 0uer mentioned, Ioh.6.4. The th1td yearcis d1ClofDoriat Norbus, vnlelfe we w1ll fay rhat lrom rhis palfeouervnro rhar wherear Chrifi th(re were Come furutuing in the fecond ycarc was crucified, Ioh. 1 3· 1. This patftoucrwas of Darius Nothus, which were almofi z.oo. ccJcbratcd tbe 14. day at euen , horh by! Cap.s,J. y~r.e:e old. For"' A:;ge in this very year~ of Chntland the Iewes thcmfelues, Mark. 1 4_. 'D~truu doth take for graunted, that there I z..Nowth~Jirfl daJ ofvnl4A!Itned bre~td u•hm were fome of the people yet left who had D th')[acrificed the P•fJtoutr, And hu D{e~pl" feene and knew the beauty of Salomons (azd vnto him, where lPilt thtJH thAt "'egoe ~and Temple. prrp4re th~tt tho~l mttiefl eate the P~tfJe6Ue1"? 4· XtrXeJ,!I.Dan.u.z. Luk. %1., 7• Then came the day u{'l.mleaHe,ed s. .Artaxerxu Lvngim11nt1140, Ezra. 7. I. hreadwhenthe PAfleouer mu{J 6e. offered. The1 and 6.14. eatingofthe l'alfeouer was either the eaun~ 6, D•riHs NothHsor Ochut.I 9· ofrhe Lamba, or of other cheere made of I Of rhefe parrofrhe facrificeaccording to thelaw.The I vnrill .A. caring ofrhe Lamhe was alwaies on rhe 14. 7· Arta.wrxerMnemon43· lexunder, ,Jay, andirisnot hkefy rharrbelewesdurll 8. D•rintOchHt,%3· >the holy VIOlatefoplainealaw. Tl1e earmgof rheo. 9· D.ariut Ar~t.;. I Scnpturet thercheerewason the 15.16.and 17. daies, 10. D•rimA'f•mu. 6. fpcakenoandyer nor by any rhat was pollured 1 and rhmg, nor ofrhislarreris to beevndcrOood rhar place . J lof'phHs. olloh.18,verf.18. Thqwentnotintothecom• j Thefifrparticleconrainerhthe wcckes of mon h•fl hf/thq [hould b,Jr{it,db•tthAtth'l Damdl, and therefore itls of 490. yeares. m1ght eatetheP•ff'eoutr, ' The . ~