684 lntroduE!ions. ' Thetime from theBaptifmeofCh11fi vn· A folcmnely performed,Secondly,IohntheA· I tothe fir(! Palfcouer is a!moll halfe a y<are. po!lledoth acknowledge ibis day to bee the And thus is the time ofthe old world ;the Lords.Reu,J.I o,thatis,a day confecrared ro time ofthe new followeth, which is from the tbehonourofChrtfi. And thereC!oftheAafcenuon ofChriC! varo the la(! iud~;ement. polllcs haue obferued this fame day in fiead TheSabbathof the new worldis,thedaY, ofthe Icwes Sabbath. A~. • 0,7, yu Chrift of Chrills rcfurre~ion,which io tho eight himfdfedothfcemetohaue done thefame. from the creation: and me thinke1 the Scriplob, to, 19. • t;, Thirdly,it isthe opiilton of turcfeemeth to alligne the Sabbath to the CJprim~, that circumcifJon was a Sacrament Lordsday.r.Cor.r6,a,Tomakegathering of the Sabbath to bee kept on the 8. dayin onthcfirlldayof the weeke isan Apo(!oJi. B thenewTefiamcnt.f.j-'pi,J?·•"Fidum. Auc•llinfiitution, therefore the hallowing of g•fl.de Nil,dei.f.u.<.3, 'IheLord• d'l"'" h•fthis day for the Sabbath is Jikewifean Apo- /owed~} Chrif/tre{Nrre£lion,And Str,1$ J,'Ihe (!olicall io(!itutlon, bccaufe gatherings were Apofl/udidwd•ine tht Lord1 d")ll ~~ ft.!p111ith not made but when the worlhip of God was rtfigioN"""foit, ' •·. ·- f . ,.- In .. .