Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

The yearc5 ofNo· ahs prea· hing 1%0 %0 Z3 %5 (685) Genr(iJ. N the beginningoftimewascrcaccd thcvtmofl: hc~ucn,and · themattcrofthingsvilible. --- - 1 Thefpirit cheriOJeth that mactqmoouin~ '·pun it. Lighwfeth out of darknelf•. · d. The firmamem is made,and (eparateth the waters. The water beinggathered rogither 1rbc driclaod ii fruitfull. T \VO trees arecreated in the garden ofEJc:n. 4 Lighrsarccrcaredin thcFumamellt. 5 Birds and FiOJcsare made out of the woters. ,__.......; I :1 3 6 Beallsand all cattcll are framed out ofthe earth.. !Hnherraonely ami!l did water the careh. I ThebodyofAdamwasmadeofrhed~ll. ' God brcatheth into his nollhfllsthe breathoffife. I And man w., fa01ioncd after the l1kenetfcof God. Alfcreacuresarebrought vnto man rofec how fie would call them. I Euery hearbeand fruit arcappointed for mcace. Euaismadcout ofthenhofAdam fleeping. - - Godgiucth her to Adam forro be hi• wtfe. I ~mtage IS ordained. TheWedded are brought into the Garden. Lfhe prohibition oftrees ts enioyned. 7 ThcinlliturionandfanC!ificauonof thcSabba~b. The firlllinne of our firll parents. Beeing arraigned and conuiCtcd,th~y arepunil11ed. Chrill promifed ofthe foedeofthe woman. If~haisnowcallcdH<u•b. --- The fir!! garment made by God. The caGmg oi Adam and~ua o~t of P~radife. Cam is the firll tharwasbotneofwoman. l 3 j 3 3 3 i Abclborne. --- --- •i IJO 135 Cain and Abel offer facri6ce to God. Cain moooed with cnuie killeth his brother. He dcfpaireth and is throwne from the prcfence of God. The firllcity built in the world. ., Serbborne in rhc IJO.ycare of Adam. Enofl, borne the .1o5.yeareofSech. Then men began to call on the nameofGod. Kenan bornet~e 9o.ycareofEnofl1 . Mahalalecl borne the 7o.yearcofKenan, Cared borne the 6;,y<areof ~ahalaleel. Enoch borneche 6z.ycareoflared. Morhufalah borne the 6;.yeare of Enoch. Llmech borne the •87.yeareof~echu(alah. Adam died being 93o.yearcs oldc. 1 ; Lamcch ihc firll aurhor ofBigamie, Eoach is taken vpaliue to beauen)yeare 365, Scch died beeing 912.yearesoldc. ' " Noah bornethe I s~-,~~earc ofLamcch. . • The inuention of ~ufickeand the Smiths craft: Eno»dieth the 905.yeareof hisage. - ' K•nan diech the 91o.yeare ofhis age. ~thalalecl dieth the 89;.y~arc of bisage. lared dieth the'96t.yeareof his age. ThcfonnesofGod marry thedaugbters cfmen. ror thefc were borne Gyants. . l ,l'l'ow all flefl1 had corrupted his 'f'Y· ' God!'purpofe conceming the llood,rcuealed, The cornmandement to buildrhe Arke. LNoah preach<rh repentance, 1556 Iaphct is borneche fiue hundrethyeare ofNoah. i 4 i 4 5 5 i 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 i ·5 5 5 4 5 ------- s 5 ; 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 H9 SetHis borne the;oJ.ofNoah. 1561 Hamisbofnr. 11 --6 1650 . Lamech dieth in yearc of hisage7?1· 5 Chron.t. "il ----------------------------------------- ~"~~------------~~. __ e_th_,u_la_l_ah _______, . ,.