1~'!:.:.... World, (6SG) Gtntjit. Gbr.,,, 1zo ~~-~-.-~.--.- , ~~lhe-r~hu~(~a~l.~h~d~ie~th~r~h-e_9_6_ 9-.y~e-ar-e~o~f~h~i,-a-ge-.---------------~--.~~s~~:~~ IO • 10 , T ecommandementtoentc:rintorheArkr. 7 •7 / Theenrr•nceinrorheArh. 7 . lr raJOeth forrydaies, 7 3 >7 TheWl day ofthe raine. 7 J7 ·The Arkc rdlctb on rhe mounrainesofAruar.• \ Here end an hundred and fifty daies. lo 1 1 The tops ofrhemountaines appeare. "~ J • 1 The Cruw and the Doue ardent forth,wirb returnt. • 9 The Doue ts fenr our rlie feccnd time. 1 Shce rcrurncrh u·itban Ohueleafe. · z6 The thlld rime being {cot Oree rerurnes no more. 7 I I ' t •7 The waters are dried from offthe earth. Noah remooueth the C0Uf:ring from offthe Arkc:. Gvd cornmaunding,Noah gncrh our ofthe Arke. rHcofioreth facr~fice vnroGod. s ---- 8 8 g ,8 8 g 8 8 8 8 I Thecourfcof natufe is rellored. ' Tile Rainbow is rhe ligne o( Gods couenant with the earth. Marri<~ge zs confirmed. · Mans dommion is rc:Uorcd. 9 9 9 9 9 Thecarmg of Hdh,except the bfood,is permitted'. '- The office ofaM>gifhare is ctlabl!lhed. The law for murrhcr. The drening ofvines,and Noahs drunkenneiTc. Ham i! punlll1cd for mocktng hts (arllcr. -----~- 9 The picry of Sem 2nd Iaphet is rc..rarded. The dwelling ofhpher in the rents ofSemis foretolde. Arphaxad is borne 1 oo.yeareof Sem. I6>J3 SeiahJSborncrhe 35.yeareofArphaxad. 171 l Heber is bornemthe Jo.yeare of rheageo(Selab, '757 Pcleg is borne the ~4.yeare ofrhe age of Hcber, '-------- 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 IO 10 I fTh eparung ofrhe earrh,or rhe beginning ofnativnr. l laph<rrhe bdl king ot Europe. Sen.ofAiio. -------~~~ 10 (..Ham of Air1ca. to 1787 Reu isborne rhe 3o.ye21eofrh<ageofP<Ieg. I r Nrmro~ buildeth Babd,Ercch,AccfJadand Cafnerh. / He wasrhc firll founder ofrhe Monarchy of Alfyria. ~The rower of Bab<l is budded. rS' 9 Serugis borne rhe p.yeare ofReu. ~~49 Nahoris bornerhe 3o.yeareof Serug. t87~ Terahisbornerhe 39·Y••reofNahor: rn8 Abram is borne rhc 7o.yearc ofTerali. 1 9s'7 Saralis borne. · <996' Pdeg d1erh rhez39.yeareof his age. .,oos Noah dicrh in rhc 95o.yrare of hisage. 2·o•; J. Thepromife of land,and of fucceflion is.made to Abram. Terah wuh Abrom goe from Vr ofrhe Cba!Jes, They come ro Haran and dwell there. 11 11 11 11 ______._ Jl 11 . 11 11 IZ d 11 Abrams departure into Canun. . --+-:::--...- .1 t From thence becaufeof rhedearrb hego<rh into Ej~ypt. ~ Sarai being taken from him is rcflored mutolate. They depart from Egypr Cafe and foond•. 6 Reu dierh rheyeareof hisage>;9. 9 Abram and Lur being come backb into Canaan,arefep~rared. io3o The promrfe of lond and fucc<nion isretTued. , Lot as taken pri(oner in che oucnhrowof Sodomr. .~ Abram dehucrerh hrm from the bands ofrbe4.Kings. The orher Kings honour l>im wnb rhelltleof Vidory. Hcolfuerb Sacrifice vnro God. Hckeeperh nothing ofrhc prey ro bimfclfc. Abram dcpforerh rhc t>aot ofchrfdren. The·prumife of rhc land and fuccdlioo iB!enued. Sara1 glUeth her ma1d vnto Abram. ., . - J: 11 13 '3 14 14 1-J "' Jj IS IG tcS Hagar