Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Prom.l w.,fd I ( 689)' a~ndit Iofcph e'l.ollnderh them. 41 Chron.1. / HeglUe< counfcllro prouide forthe faqJinerocomr, 41 Hereupon himfelfc ismade rulerouer theland of Egypt, becing J?.yeares of age. 41 The marriage ofio(eph. ------------------ 41 ll)O The7.yea1csof plemy beginne. 41 I Manatfcsisborne. 41 uo • Ephraim is borne, 41 4 Ezron is borne. • 6 The beginning of theyeares of famine. -------- 41 H hcob fenderh bis fonnestnto Egypt. 4' Here Iofeph enrrcate<h them asifthey wcrefpies. 4Z They prom1f'11o bringBeniamin with them, 4' They bcare home rhm coroe and the price in their facki. .. 4' Bc:niamin isfc:ntwlth the: reG. 43 Thecuppe i• found in Bcniamins faeke. 44 ludah otfer<rh himfelf<ro be a feruantfor Beniamin. 44 Iofcph raaketh himfelfeknowne to his br~thren. 45 ~ heob'goeth downe in10 Egypr,being 13o.yearcs olde. 46 Accompanied wllh his fam1ly of7o.foules. 46 Iofeph mecreth his farher. .f6 Heteacheth hiS brethren u·hat toani\ver to Pharaoh, 46 Iacob commeth before Pharaoh and tcilerh him his age. 47 The land of Go/hen isgiuen him. 47 Where lolcph fuflaitlCih rhem with food quietly. 47 1140 The Egyptians for hungerfell both lands and liuings. 47 uo I Iofeph buy<rh all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh. 47 2 He goueth Seede corne to the Egyptians. 47 >jO J!$0 lacob appointeth his fepul<bre in Canaan. ---·--- 47 l lacob adopteth the fonnes of Iofeph. 48 '· u8o .By d1uinem!linCI hepreferreth theyonger before the elder, 48 Theright'ofthe fir!! borne isgiuen from Ruben rolofeph. 48 s :6o He·bletfcrh hisfonnes,aod telleth them what n .. llcome. 49 >JOO He tcllcth them tharChrifllha!Jcome out ofludah. 49 :8o Hewilleth them to bury him woth his faohers. 49 Iacob dietb in the faith the 147.yearcofhis age. - 49 9 Iofeph dieth theyearcof his age uo, so They kcepchisbodycmbalmed, I so >310 Exod, 190 3 Thelfraclitesareincreafed in number and power, --- I The new Pharaoh gtieuoufiy oppre!T<th them. I TheKings commandementtode!lroythernalccbildren priuily. J >)10 Leui dieth the IJ7.yeareofhis ar;e. - 6 )00 5 So dieth all that generation. I )10 >3JO Ram is borne. lJ60 The ediCI of drowning the male-children I JiO 1J70 Aaron is borne. ____ .;;.,.....__. 7 )50 3 Cahat dieth, 6 Mofca is borne of Amram and Iocabed. • ZJ80 He is call into the flagges,and taken vp of Phauohs daughter, z. 6 360 l400 He is brought vp in the learningofthe Egyptians.A<'t.7. J80 1410 IofiJUah is borne.lolh.r4o 39° 3 Mofe• killcth an Egyptian. s For feare of Pharaoh,he flecth to Madian. z He is married to Zopporah. • 4 Caleb is borne.Iolh. t4o :liao Themen ofGath beat theEphraites for robberics. 400 - 7 iZO •44° Amrallldicthintheyeareof hisage137• 6 14~0 I z 4JO l God bmeth the mone ofthe Cbildren of Ifrael. z God calleth Mofes eo bee the deltucrer of his people at the age of So. yearea. 3 Mmm3 He