Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Exod.' NNmb. Cbron 1. ---- - Theitd.J He is taught how to behaue himfelfe. 3 M~fes drawing backe is confirmed. _ , 4 \parture Aaron isgiuen to helpcMofes,and he vnderrakcrh hiscalling. -- ,4 our of He bringerh his wife and childrentoIerhro his father in law. 4 Egypt. God confirmeth his callingvnro him againe. 4 He askerhlcaue ofhis father,and goeth toward Egypt with his family. 4 The circumciuon of hisfonne,beong neglelled,is punilhed. 4 He beingcircumcifed by Zipporah, God is appeali:d. -- -· 4 Mofes fcndethZipporah backe to her father. 18 Mofcsand Aaron doe their mo!fageto Pharaoh. , s They are fcnraway as the heads of [edition. s The labours of rhe Hradites arc incroafed. s . The officers of the Ifraelitescomplainevnro Pharaoh. s They chide with Mofes and Aaron. --~,..-,-- 5 God hcarcthMofes,and renueth hispromife. <i ,Mofes fpeakerh to the Ifraclitts,but they beleeuenot. 6 Being btdden to goc againe vnro Pharaoh,he refufcth tbrcugh feare. <i Mofesand AaronareemboldcncdagainG Pharaoh. 7 The rod is rurncd into a Serpent. 7 I ' Pharaoh is hardened by his Sorcerers iuglings. 7 The waters are turned into blood. 7 The Kong is blinded by rhe Wifemensforceries. --- 7 The pl>gues ofFrogges,Lice,and Flies. 8 Pharaoh faineth to yeeld,but hisheart is hardened. 8 ' ! The plagues ofMurr•ine,Borches,and Hatle. 9 l Pharaoh confc:ITeth his Onnc. ----- - -- 9 Bur afterward he hardenetb his he~rt. 9 ' God relleth Mof<S ofthe bardnetfe of Pharaohs heart. IO T he pl•gue ofGra010ppm isCent. ... ----.. IO "'·d. 1\btb is made the firll monerh. ' u I, 10 The Lord in!lituteth thePa!Teouer,and fcaflofSwcetbread. u A choice Jambe io to be flaine after foute daies. u The plagueofdarknetfe for three daiesfpace. 10 Therhreatnings of Pharaoh againGMofes. 10 Thedeath ofthe 6rfl borne isfignified to Pharaoh. ' 11 Mofes departcth away very angry. Jl G_od patfeth by rhe houf•s that are marked with blood. lZ 14 The 6rGcdebratioriofthePa!Teouer. u ' T he firfl borne ofthe Egyptianure llaine. u 1 .rs The Ifraelires are Cent out with great fpoiles. lZ Mofcs leadethrhem vnto their fecond Ganding place. . .. 33 1 Theyare commanded yearely tokeepe the patlcouer. 13 J Mofes raketh with him the bones ofthe Patriarches. 13 Pharaoh purfueth thelfraelires. 14 Mofes deuidcrh the (ea with hisrod. 14 Thelfradircsgoe forth rh rough the midfl o(the fea dri·Oood. 14 The Egyptians with their King are drowned. '4 God the Aurborofrheir viCloryis praifedioafong. IS They wander three daies in drieplace• without water. IS They pitch their tents in Mara. IS . The people murmurc by reafon ofthe bitterwaters. IS Mofcs bycaGing i11 wood makerh rhe bttter waredi1•eet. --'-- IS God teacheth hispeoplaobedience. . IS They come to Elim,where are twelue fountames. ---- IS I They come into the de(art of Sin. , c;, Forwant ofmeatcthey mutter againfl God. I<S i ' They vpbraid Mofesand Aaron with theirplenry in Egypt. •6 The Lord fmdeth Q..uailes and Manna. . . S. J6 Manna is kept for aremembrance vnro therrpoflemy. J6 TheManna kept till neNt day putrifieth. rG The Sabbath dayManna could not u• found. - ~6 They murmure for laeke ofwater. •7 Mofe• Uriketh the rocke,and thewaters flow. ' 7 Io!huah ouercommmetb Amaleck. 17 Theyare charged to tooteout this nario~. '7 Mofes .. .