Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Th• d•p.ut, 1War/~. (691) E:·rodtJt. Nnm, Mofes buildetb an altar vmo the Lord. 17 C:hr~11.1. le thro commeth to fee Mofes. 18 He bringcrh Zrpporah and her children. 18 ' Iethro reioyceth and offereth facrifice to God. - 18 Byhis counfell 7o.Eiders are chofeo. ,g I They pitch theirtenuouer again!! Sina. .. '9 God fignifierh that he will renew the couenanr. ... 19 They are bidden to fanaifie them{dues three daies. 19 : The people are f'!rbidd~n t.o touch the hill. , 1 .• 19 I Cod appearet!1 on ilie Mount in thunder and lighrenmg. 19 I 3 5 '!;'he 1o,commandemenrsaregiuenwiththe voiceofGod, 20 ' A great prophet to beCent.Dtflt.I8. The people being_afraid ddiretbat Mofes may fpeaketothem; %0 7 Mofesgoerh to the toppe ofSinai, . zo He {layed with God faCiing4o,daies. . , 20 God giueth him thelaweswhich rhe peoplelhould obferue,ca.2 1.1 '·'3· God rdle1h hin1the forme of1herabcmade,capJif·to 3 1. · 4 16 Mofes is a8grie for thegolden calf.e, 3' He breaketh1hetwotables. ;• The Leui1es flay 3ooo,ofthechildr<noflfrael: ,. 19 Mofes goeth vp into rhe mountaine 1o pray for the.peop!e. " s• There he {layerh falling4o.daies.Deut.9.18. Mofes returning reprchendcihthe people, ----:::-- jZ The people repent changing rheirgarmcntfl. 33 TheT abcrnacle ofthe congrcgauon is ercded. 33 Ther• God promifcrb to dwell with bis people•.. 33 Mofes deGrclh 10 fee the face qf God. 33 Tbe ro\llesare rcnued, . . . , Mofeocommcth from tbeMount:i~d his iace.fl1:neih. 34 34 Bec:iogcome to the congregation he couereth his fi1tC. ---- 34 The obferuation ofthe S•bbarh is againecomm~ndc:.:l. 35 The readmetfe of the people to offer for theworke. ' 35 / God chuferh and namethforth hiS workmen. The making oftheTabernacle with all the furnlrur~;- 35 ---- 36 • 14S4 &c. I I The T abernacl• '!'ilh the-•ppurrenanees is reared vp. 40 Theglorie ofthe Lord defcendeth vpon theTabernacle, They iourney nor,vnletfethe cloud afcend from theT abcrnacle, 40 40 God giueth cbargeoutofthe Tabernacle (or the burnt offerings,. L~Hil. I Concerning roeate offerings. : The Sacrifices ofthanfgiuing,orpeace offerings. 3 The offering for finne done ofignorance. A larger declaration ofrhe Sacrifices, . .. A declaration ofthe Sacrificeofthanksgiuing. 6 Theconfecration ofAaron and his fonnes. . 7 They muCiahide 7.daiesat the~ore oftheTabernacle. 8 8 8 Aaronfacrificelh for himfelfe and the people, 9 Nadab and Abihu areburnt. The priefts mourningfor thorn is forbidden, 10 ThePrieas are forbidden wineand arong drinke. 10 A law for 1he eatingofholy things. 10 Ofthecleane and vncleane bea{la,birds,and fifl1es. - 10 Howwomen 010uld bepurged afre< their dcliucrance. -· " Ob(rruarions ro know the Ieprofie. .. Thecleanfingofeuery leprolie, '3 The purgingofvnclcane Hfues, --. ·- 14 The ordinance of yearely cleanling of linnes. - ·-· IS A lawconcerning thecircumflances ofSacrificeo. 16 A law concerning matrimonie. 17 Alaw for iu{lice in weightsand meafures, ,g The dulie ofthe Magi {I rare in puni01ing. 19 · Ofthepuritie and honour ofthe Priefl•. :o " Ordinance• for rhe prie{ls and offeringg, ~~- .. La\ves for keeping their feaCh. ., Mmm4 The