Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Th,J,part. 1W.r/d, 14!feouer keptat Sinai. . They "'hich werevnclcaoe mull keepeit,rlle z.moncth. The reafon why theywandred fo longiri il:ie deferr. ~ • 1 The nu:nbcr ofthelfrae!ites ~ble to goe'to""atrc 603 SJO· Theoffice ofLeuites in the feruiceoftheTabernacle. The placingoftheirTents/and theordci of their iournyins. The nurnbcr,place,and office ofthcl,e,uitej. · "• The Lcuiresare coofecraud in the placeofthe firil borne. '· Offices aredtltriburecl to the Leuires. "" The polluted mu(\ be call forth ofthe ho(t. · · A law concerning tcaloufie. A lawofth<confecration of the Nazarit~,. ------,-:-'ll""-- .z The heads ofthetribesoffer in theirorder. ' The deJrcation ofthe Altar ofburnt offerings. The manner ofas~ingcounfell ofGod is profcrlbcd. Theofficeofthehigh Priefl about the Lampcs.------ The Leuiresareconfecrared for rhe fir(\ borne. The time ofthe Leuites miniflration. The vfeofthefiluertrumpers. : :o The cloud afcendinggiuerh atoken to goe forward. Their three da1e~; iourney from Sinai ro Par:m. Hobab is their guide and companion 10 tbeiriourneies. ·i14 Thepeople murmure and arepunin1ed with fire from the Lotd. At the prayerofMofesrhey are deliuered. They lothManna. ' ---------- Their lufl after fleil• is farisfied and punifhed. Mofes deilreth to be freed from his office. Tho 7o.eldcroare chofcn. ' • Aaron and Miria<>• gruoge"again!l Mofes. God prcferreth Mofcs. Miriam i• liteken U<ith·Lepro~e,and I• hcal~dat theprayer ofMofes. Thcygoe from Hazarotb to R•thrnah. From Rithmah to Ririlmon.parez. From Rimmon-parez ro Lib 0 ah. From Libnah toRitfah. · Ftom Ri!TahtoKehelathah. From Kehelathah to mount.Sapher. From Sapher to H2radah. From Haradahto Makheloth, FromMakheloth toTahat. FromT ahat toTarah,thcnce toMithkah. FromMi!hkahtoHafmunah. --~ Sp1es arefent before Into Canaan. Afrer4o.daies beemg returned they tell thellrcngth of the Cananite•. The people are amazed and angtie with.'he fptes. · The people conf~ire to returnc into AEgrpt. . They are barred from enrring into the land ofpromtfe. They are commanded to goe backe into the wildernelfe, Zi6'o They that would goe forward are llaine by the eoemic. T heJawesare renewed to them beeingaboutto enter Canaan. 10 5 The punifhment ofhim that brake the Sabbath, TheconfpiracieofCorah again!I Mofesand Aaron. 7 Darhan,Ab~ram,and thecompany ofCorah are fwallowed by the earth. Corab going about to gerrhe prieilhood ;, burnt with fire. They are commanded tocoucrthcAitar with the cenfcrs ofthe confpira– tours. •470 Thepeople murmure the next day forrhcm, zo The plague begun is llayed byAaron. Aarons rod buddcth and fo he is confitmed in hisotlicr. , :480 The office ofthe PricHs,and tbeirwageo. . .