D1p.vt, 1 PVdJ. jlud,i Opp; (695) ludg. 9 ' 19 1 • The Ifr>elites doe wickedly in their mamages and Idols. [3 Chron:i . %5 jO. ZQ Th~1r bondagevnder Cufh•n eight ycarc:.-. - - -- 3 I ZJ z. BoJz isborne o(Rahab,Matth 1 I.5. z u 3 M·cJuh rf'fiorerh his rbefrto h1s mvrher. 17 H" mother dcdicateth it to ldolarric. 17 AnImage is made of it. ·- 17 He hireth a Leuite to be his Priell. --,17 Thechildron ofD•n fend men to fearch the J.od. 18 They take the God sand PriellofMrchah ao·ay. 18 They dellroy LaiOr. - - - -18 They build 1t agame. " " 18 8Q They (et vp cheldoll which they tookc from Michab• . 18 A cemine Leuite (ercheth hiswrfe from Berhleero, '9 Beeing at Gibeah he is befcr by the citizens. 19 He is compelled t<> expofc hlscoAcubine. 19 She is rnoll vrllanoufly abufed to the death, 19 The Leliitc ctllteth her in pcece.. ----- 19 And fendeth her to the tweluetribes. •9 The Ifraelirescite rhe Bemamices. -- zo They fend for rhem that did the vlilanie. Zd The Ifraelites are twice ouercome. zo Arlength theyget the vrClom, zo They aske couofell ofGod for the relloring ofthe enbe. Z I They fl•y the men ofhhefh-Grlead. Zl And giue ofrheir virgim 5oo.to rheB.eniamite!. " Zl The Beniamites rake the daughters of Shlioh. ll The reconciliation of theT ribcs, Z l 3 Z3 4 4 '4 5 5 15 6 6 "' ~I Cun.am the King ofSyria is ouercome'. 7 '7 1•• ~·-----·-- l 8 •8 Thel(racliccs are deilucrcd. · --===-- 3 9 '9 ZHO 30 ' I 3' • 3• ; 90 3 H 4 34 5 35 6 3G 7 37 8 38 9 39 zsso 40 r I Ehud thefecond Iudge oflfrac!So.yeares. ---3 z z He was left handed, _k_ ___ , lOO 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 [1 9 9 1560 10 1 Thclfradites Gone again<. 3 I 11 z'Eglon,Amaleck,andMoab oppreffc rhem. 3' z " 31 ThcIfraelices arc ouercome and Jericho is cakeo. 3 l OO 3 I J 4' 4 14 si 5 15 <i, 6 16 7. 7 17 8 TheEmbaffadour ofrhe ICraelires to Eglon. ~-- - 3 8 18 I Eglon is flaine io"hts parlour, 3 9 19 The efcaping ofEhud. - -·--li 1570 20 Thefupprcffion ofthe Moabiies, . - Th