Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

i. Booke. Cafes of Confcience. 53 Tbirdly,thewotdof God reuealerh many rnitacles,,vhich do exceed and furpalfe whole nature, yea •11 narunll caufes: the doing and workrng \thereof, is nor in thepolver of any mecrecreature in the,vorJd. As for example: rh~ makingof the Sunne, againfl his naturalJ courle,to !land !lrll in rbe firmament ; of the waters, whicharen.,turally flowing, ro !land asawall,and rhe bottomeof rhcfea to bee as drie land. The maineend wpereofis,rolhew that there is anabfolute and almightypower, which isrhe Aurhor of nature it felfe, and all narurall rhings,and ordererh both ir & them, according to hls pleafurc. Sei1. 3· Argumen" The third Ground of proof<S is fetched li<>••he from the light ofGiory.Aod this istbatlight ::?th•.of wbrch God affoards vnro his feruanrs afrer oue, rhis hit ended, in the krngdomeof heauen, whereinall imperf.clionof knowledge berng rakenaway,chey fhalleeGod face to face,and bauea fuland perfeClknowledgeofthe god· head. To rbis purpofe the Apolllcfaith, t.Cor. IJ.Il..that inth~wDrld111e kJ~winp4rt,& w~fu .u itrr.erei" 4 glaff(. Thecomparifon i&worth the marking. Forrberc hee tomparcrh our knowledge of God,tharwe haue in rhislife,ro a~immc·fighted man, tharcan.feeeirher ve– ry ltttle,or nothing at all, withoat his fpeCla· des. And fuch is our fight and comprohenfi· on ofGod,darkeanddtmme,in rhatweecan· nor bebolde him as be is,but only as he bath manrfdled himfelfevnrovs, rn and rhrough theglalf< of rhc Word and Sacraments,and by rhe fpeClacles of his creatures. But the ttrne will come, wbon rhc akales of outeies lhall be wafhedoff, and they Ooall bemadeas ckare as crr!lall, when the imperfeClionand , •·eaknes ofour vnder!landing fhall becl eane remoucd, and then wee fhall beinabled to fee G~ddearcly and fully face ro face. Tbuube firfl Q.<!c!lto is anfwcred, rhatthere is aGod, II. Q.<!efiion, A IS ro conclude, rhar lefustheSonne of.Mor~e, is rhe Sonne of God and rho Redeemer of mankin~e1 and it maybe concluded in rhis fyllogifme. fie thAt fh•Ocom<efthefud of AbrAhmn,and DAnid.(:;~ in time ftJall be bornofaPirgin;th11tjha/ prwh the gladtidingt of theqe 1 'frel/, JP.tufie the Law,offir vp M oblauon of himfelffor the{mne1 of 1hemthatln!u'ue: ou&rcomedrllth !Py hiidMth& rif•rrcifion; afcmd into heauen, and in fulncffe of tiwe come againe to iudgeboth the q:~ick! tmd the dt'Ad,uthetrHt Mejfi.ual'ldSauiouroftheworld. Btulrfm of N~t~afetbtheSomuof Mary,i1 ht inwh~m-aloneall tlufe things foal cameJop.:~J]r. Tlurifore huone I] is thnr~u .iJdrjfilU Am/SA· B u;ourofthtw()rld. The propofirionor 6rfiparroftheargu· menr, is laid down< in the olde T etlament : Theatfumpril:>nor fecondparr, inrhe NeiV: The conclufion it the quefiion in h••d, rhe fcope and dCJfr of rbem both. 11. Ground.In.Dan.9.14. i!IVas prophe· cied, char afrer rhe time of 7o.weekes,rbat is, 49o.yeares,rhe .Metfiasfhould becexhibired. Bywhich prophecieit is manifefi,rhat rbe .Metfiasisalreadycame into the world. For from rharrime !ill now, therearearrhe leafl zooo.y<ares,asmay plainely be feene by hu· mane hi£lories, and by the motions & courfe ofthe heauens. lr i,.J[o plainc from henco. C that bauingbeene exhibited aoq come in rhe fleOr, hee bath madefarisfadion·by his dearh rothewrarhofGodforlinne. Hence it fol– lowes, rhar hee rs rhe very rrue .Mcillas, and Redeemer of the world, becaufe from rbar time there was neuer any to wheme this title and the forenamed properties, might [o truly agree,as to rhis Iefus rhe Sonne ofDauid. I I I Ground.Iefus rhe SonneofMary did reach,profctfe,and difpure;tbar he was God, rbat he and his Father were one, and herook vnrohimfelfc rho honourof God,Ioh.7.and ~.Ancuident argument that he was fo,as bee profetfed and preached himfclfe to bee. For neuer any crearure ohaleriged ro hinifdfe rhe honourofGod faiOy, bur was difcouercd and Whetherlerus the Sonne confounded. J• D Ad.,. for affeding and afpiring ro ir, was o(Mary,be t eSonne of qod, caa our ofParadrfe. AndHerodforitdyed d <D. d { h /.J ( miferably,Ad.!l. AnddiuersPopesarere· an .1. \e eemer o t eWonu . corded in Ecclcfla£lrcoll flories,tO haue taken By propounding this que!lion (as in the former} I meane not ro make adoubt tou– chingthe godhead of CbriO, which isone of the princrpaliGrouodsofour Religion: but ro rake away, or at lcatl, preuentaninward corrnptHm of the heart in them thatarcweak to knowledge;•·hcteby they may be brought romcrimcs to make doubt and qucfiion of rbc D1uinirie of Chriil, and rherefore haue needcrobe refolued in the trUrll hereo( ; Now forthe proofe ofthis point, rhat (brifl uq•d.I will.lay dow·nc tbefe grounds 1/ ' ' I. The fumme andfub£lance of meBib!~ this honour vnto themfelues: and there ""as neueranyforrof n>enin rbeworld, rhat bad more fearefull iUdgcments vpon them, then they. B•;rChrill chalengcd this ro himfelfe, and profpcred,andGod did mo!l fcucrely re· uenge hrsd•aih both vpbnHm d andPtlau, as allo 'pon the lrwes, and Emperours of Rome,thar pcrfccuted the Church. I V.Grouhd.Chrillwbile bewasonearrh before bee a(certded into ncauen, promi(ed bisDJfciplcsrofend1Hs fpitir vnro rbem,fo toatfi!l rhem, rhat they fhoold be able ro doe greater workes rbcn himfelfe·did,Iob.t4.12. &c.Nowwhen Chri!l was :tfcended, rbe cuenr E 3 was '