Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\D<p•r<,,Wor/d. 1iud.(Jpp. (697) Imig. ·G 6 G Chu. 7 7 7 ... Filth, 8 8 8 9 9 9 Z640 10 IO I 11 11 ~ .. .. 190 3 IJ IJ 4 14 I4 s IS IS 6 J6 IG 7 17 '7 8 18 18 9 '9 '9 •Gso •o zo Barac is chofen caprainc againrl labin. . _ ___;:_._;_ 4 Zl f fhe bar~ell at the brooke Ktfon, 4 zz I label ktlleth Sifera. ....__;__ ---4 zoo l ZJ Deborah fingeth a{ongofthanksgiuingfor the viC!ory. s. 4 •4 , God i•acknowledged theaurhorot thoviC!ory, ---5 ; •s j Shec bletfeth the Couque1ours. · , ; G zll ~Aprophctic~ll prayer. ---,-------.__,__ S. 7 Z7 .~ ") •it 8 z8 9 Z9 z66o JO ,, I Jl Elimclech by rcafon ofrhefamine,goeth into.Moab. ,---- • JZ He dicch there togtther with histwofonuco. %10 3 33 ~ 4 34 ; 35 G j6 \. 7 37 8 38 •I 9 39 , _, Z670 40 Naomi ofBethlehcm r<turneth with Ruth her daughter in law. ' \ I . f Ruth glcanerh corne mthe field of Boaz, I ThegentlenesofBoaz toward her. 0 • Shee goeth [ecwly and floepetb at Boaz feete. ----- 3 ~hec tcilerh btm ofbts'ncete kmdredvnto her. , ' - 3 j Hefpeaketh of her mamagc tohernextkmfman. , _ 4 . He refming.Boaz marr1ethher. - -~---:--::-- . 1 • 4 LObed the grandfather ofDauid is borne. • 4 I Thelfraefitesturne from God. G ~ ~ They arcoppretfed of theM~d1apit<S7.yeare,, T 6 uo 3, 3 A Prophet reproouath them. 6 4 4 3 Gedeon ludge 4.yeares4o. ~ ; s 4 6 'G s 7 7 6 8 8 7 Gedeon calledby an Angel isalfuredbyGgnes. 6 9 9 fGedeon deUroyeth Baal by noghr, I) z68o JO I Beemgaccnfed of {acrtledgc,he 11 defended. I) Il He fendctb backe part of bos fould~ers. 7 IZ 1 The JOo,rhatlapped the water arereramed, 7 2JO IJ I Gcdeon IS confirmed by a dreamc. ' 7 4 14 The enemtcs arc pur to Htghr wtth the rrumpels,pi!chors,and torcheo. 7 5 JS _~Gcdcondotbappe~fcthcEphramutcs. ---- 8 I) 16 .j' 7 I7 8 ,g 9 19 2690 zo, Thecitizens ofSucoth deny him victuals. ---------. 8 21 (Gedeon is rcucnged vpon rhcm. 8 --- --_--=---- -_-- ------- N.tin Tebih