~~··"~'~·~2 .,~_r.~F_u_.~·v_•J_.~r~PP~·--~----~---------(~6~9~9~)__________________________ s_._m_._1·~~- !- 7 ZJ 17 - • (bran.J. s 18 Theyore grieuoufly opprelfed by thePhiJi{lims, J10 J JO HO 350 360 5 6 7 8 4 [Q They crievnto Godand are rebuked, 10 10 . They repent amlobtaine mercy. Icphreludgc S.yearcs 6. -- ...::::_c__ 11 fHc is madecapraine ofrhe warre again(l!he Ammonites, - 11 I Hcvowctha\o'OW. -- 11 Ernbalfadours arc fent to the Ammonites. 1~ lThevictoryoflcphre, · :'J ·!,,. ~·· ·' ,.,. · -- ,,,. l HISdaugh,t.eris[acrificed, .'" ~ 11 I LThe warre oLie.phteagainfl theEphriirniccs;;. d 1:,u· ·r.C 11.: ... ~ .. Ibfan [udgc 9 rcucs 7· • - · • The Ephrai,mte~ knowne byrheir tongue arc flaine. Sampfon 3 Nazariteis pron,ifcd. -– The promife is confirmedby fignes. 9 5 znd 6 I I 7 1 Thefame promife is performed Sampfon being borne. The Phih ilims opprc!Tcthe Ifraclitcs4•>.ycares. 1 I 3 Elonludge 1o.ycarcs 1 o, 3 i 4 5 6 7 1 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 8 7 . 9 1780 8 10 J1 10 J1 3 4 5 6 7 8 --------· --.-- l.Z: 1 IJ Abd~nludge ti.ycares 8. 14 J ' IS' 4 16 5 17 6 18 19 20 l: 9 1790 1 11 Sampfon Judge u.yeares:o. 13 '' Helcuctba Phdilhm. 14 3 • 4 5 6 7 8 9 18oo 3 4 5 6 7 3 z3 0 .\lhcdayoftus marriage he killern a Lyon wi1nounvcapon. 14 4 14 Rcmrningfrom lmnuptials,hetakcth bony from the body oftheLyon. 14 5 15 H.' propoundetha riddle. '' ( 14 6 z6 H" minde ISdc!cl'lcd by his wife. 14 7 1.7 Hegocthhamellithomhiswife. 14 8 • S He killerh the PhiliUims. 14 9 29 ThewifeofSampfonismarricdtohiscompanion. 14 xo 30 His wife thus gonc,hc burncth thePh!lJ(limscornc. 1·5 1 J 3 J The PhiiHlims rcucnging thcmlducs,againehc Jlaycth them~ 15 12 32 He is bound and brought vnto them. 15 13 33 With rh<iaw·bonc of an Affe hek•ll•th uhoufand Philiflims. I 5 14 34 Becingrhirflic,Godgiucthhimwater. ------ , 5 15 3.5 Hegocrh10anHarlotarAzzah. 1<5 16 36 Hccarrierba\'vaythegaresofEhecity. .; 16 17 l 7 D1lilah dcce1uerh him,and bereouerh him'ofhis llrength, 1<5 18 38 They purouthiscycs,and pur hi!l' m them ill. 1 6 8 1 ~ 39 HepullcthdownethehoufcoothcPhdillims, 1 6 9 zo 40 Andthercdicthtviththcm. ---------------sam,r. :Sro 1 Eli_Iudge 13-Y<•m 4o, , i · ·o ----------- 4 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 18 8 9 Hannah enuieth Peninpah. ·,, ------------·- r rShec is derided for bccing b•rren, J Shec prayeth to the Lord fquf 0 nne. I Sheev<>weth her(onnevnr~ the Lord. 1 Her anfwcrtoEli r<proouing her. ---------- ~-- ~----~-~LS~a~n~,u~e~l~i•~b~o._rn~c_. ______________ 'N'~n~n~•~----------, !i~~nah . . .