Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'';1;, d<part./World, /l•d.IOpp, (700) S~~mHtl '· 9 [ 10 1 Hannah lingcth a fongvnro the Lord. ----,: Cimn. '· 28zo 11 The wickcdnesofthefonnes of Eli. I I" The lfraelite• abhorrc their offerin!!, % IJ Eli his indulgencctoward hiS{onnes. ""7'% 37° 3 14 4 .15 - 5 16 6 J] I 7 ,.,g God foretclleth SamuelofrhedcRrutlion ofEll. 3 ' 8 19 Samuel dcnounccrh defirudion ro Eli and his pofierity, 3 to I • 9 •o Samuel hiS authority in all lfrael. --- --:::;-- 3 18;o<Zl 1 lu % Z.J 380 3 24 I i I 4 zs J 5 26 f 6 17 ~ 7 .s .. 8 29 9 JO 28.40 Jl I JZ z 33 390 3 34 The J(raclitcs areput to Right by the Philiilim•. -- .4 4 u fT he Arke ofthe Lord is brought into the campe. ---4 5 36 JTheJ(raelltes arc beaten the fecond time, ' 4 6 37 JThe ArkeofthcLord istakcn by the Philiflims. 4 7 ~R , Arrhis newes Eli and hisdaughterin law In childbed die. 4 8 39 J At the prefcncc ofthe Arke,Dagon falleth downe,and is broken. 5 9 4e LThemenofAOJdodarcplaguedwithEmeroda. --5 zSso 1 Samuelludgctioyeares4o, -----7 I z rThc Arkc" fent backc in awaineafrer fixe moneths. 6 z 3 J The men oiBeth!bemetharc flricken forlookingin the Arke. 6 400 3 4 LTheArkeisbroughtimothehoufeofAbinadab. ~ 6 4 5 The manner of.thegouernmentvnder Samuel. 7 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 Daaidis borne. -- -- 3 •86o 11 I .IZ z •13 410 3 14 4 IS 5 16 6 17 7 18 8 1•9 9 :o TheIfraditcs by Samuels meanerrepent, ,.----7 •a1u Zl rTbey arc faucd from the inua!ion of the Philifiims. 7 I .. 1.. They rccoucrrnccitieswbrcb they had ion. - --1 • ' 3 'i>O 3 24 4 zs Samuel makerb hisfonnes Judges oucr Ifrael. 8 5 2<5 6 Z] rwho follow not hislleps. ~---· - 8 7 28 I The Ifraclires aske aKmg. 8 8 '9 . Samuel dilfwaderh them fwm theirpetition. 8 9 JO LYe<at lengbth he yceldethvntothem. s z88c Jl I Saul c .. king his fathers alfes,commerhto Samuel. 9 rHcis forewarned ofthekingdome. 9 I He is bidden to tbefeafl. 9 Sauh: fer uant is fenraway. ------ 9 He . .