(701) I He is anoom:ed King pnuately. SjuJ 1samong rhe Prophets. Saul is chofeo Kmg by Lot. I ' The people receiue htm wirh occlamarioos. The Amonireswarre agamil Jabefit G•lc>d. /They rake truce for feauen daier. LSaul deliuereth rheru. __,_,_, 1 10 10 10 :--;--- 10 11 11 --11 1 31 z Saul hiscalling to thekingdomeis tencwed. fSamuelreacheth him his dury, I He teprooue the ingratitude ofthe r:opf~. . 11 IZ 3 4 I ~ s 6 7 --- .. 11 God by miucle c.aufeth them ro coulelfethett linne, Samuel eshorreth the people 10 follow theLord, 1: I Ionathan vanqmfiterh rhe Plitliiluns. 113 The Philillims pitch their tents oueragain(! Gilgal. • 13 l Saul muflercrh rhelfrael11es. 13 SaulSacnficeth without Samuel. I 3 I GodreicdetbSaul. -- ......__..._1 13 Thegreat fhu"y whcroin thePhildltms kept thelfraclites, · I 13 I lonathan punerh the Phlldltmstoft•ghr, 14 Saul would pur Ionathan ro death. . 14 LThepeopledeliuerhim. - · -- 14 SauldeflroyerhrheAmalakires. , )'; rsauls Gone in too much ltoiry. 15 I God pronounccrh hiS reiedton againe. •s Samuel hcwerh Ag•g in pceccs, 1S Samuelisfenrroannoinr Dauid, 16 I The Spirtr of rheLord commcth vpon Dauid. 16 Saul fendeth for D•uid. 16 ~ TheRubemreswarre. ·.--~-- 17 ! Goliab challcngerh a Gngle combare. HeisfiaineofDauid. 17 LThePhtlllltmsftee. • 18 17 The Am11y of Ionarhan ood Dauid. 18 fD, utd ismadecaptaine ofSauls guard. '' 1 8 I The women in their fong preferre htm before Saul.' 1 8 S\ul therefore harerh Dauid. · 18 Hecunfpirerhhisdearh. ----- ---~ 18 I GoJ by hiS prouidence deliu<rerh Dauid, ~, 1 8 s ,•J.fs eudl inrenrisderc<'led by Ionarhan. I 19 I D<uid is reconctlcd ro Saul by Ionathao. 19 He warrerh agam!lthe Phththms. 19 Saulfeekcrhhisdearh. ------ 19 I He is deliuered by his wife Mtch al. 119 The fpirtrofprophdiccommeth vponSaul and his Embatfadours. 19 Dauid ft.erh roNa10rhin Ramah. zo I H~.:complaincth to Ionathan of his fathers iniury. 110 Theircounfell for rhefearchmgourofSauhminde, zo They renew theirleagueoffriendfiup. 20 Llooarhan deliuererh Dauid, ------, 20 Dauid commerh ro Ahimclech. fHegerrerh the fhewbread and rhe fword of Goliah, 1'1 11 I Bemg fled ro Garb, rhe Phtll!ltmsacknowledgehuu. Heefcapeth byfammghtmfelfemadde, Damd flwh ro rhcMo~b11cs, --_ -'.- 11 l Beemg warned byaPropher,hegoeth backc toludea. WhiCh beemg heard,Saul fearerh rrcafon, · I Saul flayerh Ahtmelecband hufaauly. He rafethrhe whole cllto, I Abtarbar cfcapmg.cummerh vnro Dauid, Dauid chaferh rhe Phili!lims from Keilah. He r<ccmcrh Abiarhar, I Dauid askmg counfcll ofGod,learncrh all rhe counfcls ofSaul. I He h1derh htmfclfe in rbe wildcrneffc ofZiph. ' There he renewelb friendlhip wirh Ionarhan. The men ofZ;ph betray him to Saul. Nnn 3 . . .. H 21 ZJ ZJ •l ZJ •3 13 SauJ, Chron, 1•