Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

450 . ' ( 8 39 ' (7<>>) 1Sauls enrerprtfc IS broken on purfumgD1u1d. l Saul purrueoh Dauid m rhewoldcrndleot En~;edi. Dauod hod macauefparethSaul. ---~ :3 -- '4 ' .... Hecuttcth otfthe lapof has garment• Saul acknowlcdgeth hosownelmulhce. '-Hemaketh Dauod rofweare vnrohow to fauour his po!leriry. - Samueldoeth. -- ~-- fDamd goeth downe into thewoldernesofParan. I He helpctb Nabals heardmen. Nabalcuoll-m<rcareth hos melfcngers. The Lordkillerh Nabal, I Dauid taketh Abogal to his wo(c. TheZophoms agame dofcouer Dauod to Saul. Saul brrngerh anarmoeagaonfi horn. I Dauid raketh away Sauls fpeare. Andapot ofwater from his head. LSaul confelfeth hli llnne. Dauid ftcerh to Achifh kingofGarb. fWho giuerh him Ziglag. I Dauid dellroterh ccrrame of thePhilillim•• Hemakerb Achi01 beleeue they are rh• fpooles oflfrael. I The Phihflimsfervpon Sauf. . · Dauid promofeth ro Achofn his affillanceinrhe battell. I Dauid harh the chiefc charge about Acholh. --.- ·- . ThePhili!lims prepare warre with rhclfraditet. Saul confulrerhy;ithaworeh. I A ghoU appearorhand declarcrh his ruine. With feare and fainrncs he falleth downe, I The PbiloCiomscaufcDauid to be (em backt. Acbilh is compelled tolet him goe, TheAmalekuesburneZoglag. --- - Dauid purfueth them and recouereth the prey, I Which he deuiderhand fendetb part to hiSfriends, .-- His fonnc• being flame in the barrell,he killcth himfdfe. The bodies ofSaul and his fonnesarc hanged on rhcwals.· .... . ... .... •s ., •s •s ts 25 tc> zc> •<> l6 •7 17 l7 zS .~ ·~ ·~ t8 •8 z8 l9 •9 30 JO JO 31 Jl Jl JC.h,.,.,,, 1 Saul fighting with the PhiliCiims,is putto lloght. .. I The me oflabclh take down their bodiet,burn the,& baryrhcir bones . HcthattoldcDmidofSauls dcath,is punifl1ed. J I SAm.t.• l I I l l L Dauid roourneth for the death of Saul. Do~uid is annoinred King in Hcbron. (Abner maketh li1Jbo0Jeth king ouer Ifracl. I Thefameraigneth rwoyc;ueo, The warre betweencDauid andllhbofl•eth. LAbner andhis men arc put to lloghr. Thechildrenof Dauid in Hebron. fMichal is rdlored to Dauid. _ Abner by rreacheric is flaine and buried. I Abner and the Ifraelites returne vnto Dauid, The kin• declareth rhat it was donevnknownc to him. 1 3 l' Baanah~nd Rechab flay llhboUJeth. 4 Dauid commanderh them to be Oain•. ! 5 LT be head of llhbollleth is honourably buried. 5 6 DauidiomadeKingouerall Ifracl. c; 7 fHerakeththeforrofZoon. . 7 8 I Hcmakethamityl'(irh rheKingofTyre. 8 9 LHeoucrcornmerhthePhiliUimstwic•. 9 . , o fhe Arkc it brought from the houfe ofAbinadab. 190 o 11 CVzzah forralhlyrouching theArke, it Clrlcken dead, u I It is put into the houfe ofOt.ed Edom. . 13 It i• brougll!tO lerufalem. . . . 14 Dauid dauncerh bcforeu,and IS dcfpofedpfMocbal. 15 ... Shee therefore is punilhed wuh barrennes. I ---· -- 2 2 • 2 __ ........._. 3 3 3 3 J ' 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 --6 6 I l 3 4 5 6 16' 1 7··-~N~a~t~ho~n~p~e~r~fw~a~d~et~b~r~b~e~bu~i~ld~i~ng~o~f~rh~e~T~em~p~k~;a~n~d~d~it~f.v~a~d~<t~h~i~~------~7-r-- 17 - God . .