4 ., s •<> " •7 7 •8 8 '91 9 JO 191031 I 31 • 33 \ God promifetb to 0Juid contin~ance in his ~ingdome•.-· --.=-- 7 Dauid ouercommetb theMoabues and Synans,&c. 8 ~His fricndfl1ip ..-ith the king ofCamath. 8 He dedicatcrh thefpoiles voroGod. 8 Dauid makerh officers in church and cooJmonwcalth. ~ · ·. 8 ThekiodoclfeofDauid ro Mephibofheth, ? Hanun Kingof Amman villaooufly handleth Dauids metfengers. I o SThe Ammonites arc twifc ouercome. I o ~TheSyrians require peace and become tributaries. •o ThetimeofthcwarrewiththcAmmonitesDauidisathome. 11 f !)auidcommitteth adultcrie. '' Vriah io Oaine. ..::::....._._." Dauid marricrh BarbOJeba. 11 1 Dauid reproaued byNathan confetlerh hio Jinne. •• The child conceiued ioadulrerie dieth. u ~Dauidhauing before faC!ed aad prayed for irrhen ceafeth. •• Salomon ioborne ofBathfiJeba. Rabbah iscaken. Thecitizens aregrieuouOy punithed. Tamar is fcot in to Ammoo by her father. 1 Amman d4filerh her. u u ;.._..,.o.-~-111 '3 13 Tamar iscomforted by her brother Abfolom. ----'3 • Abfolom dlifemblerh his hatred rwoyeares. '3 He prouideth rhat.Ammoo is Oaine at a banquet. 1 Abfoloru isbanitbed 3.yeares. -----13 -·.,-.......---II J • 3Dauids hem is toward Abfolom. 1 Hciacalled home by Ioabs mcanes; zAndat la(! he is reconciled. 14 14 --~----1•4 The praai(e ofAbfolom roafpirero the kingdome. '> r The peopleconfpirewirh him agaiofi·D.auid. 11 I DaUidficcthoutofthecitJe. I$ Thecounfell tohinder Abfolom. 15 Thegoods ofMephtbolheth aregiueo to Ztba. 1 ~ Shemeicurfeth Dauid. . I<> l D.autd ab!bmeth from reucogc. , I5 HulhallcounfeiJroAbfolom. --.---~--t6 I Thecouofc!J ofAhllophel, I<> Dauido coocubineiOre defiled. I 6 Ahirophels counfell agamU Dauid. I 7 , l Hufha11 counfelhs preferred. I j · Dautd goeth ouerIordaAe. 1'7 I Ahitophelhangethhimfelfe. 17 D.auid deuideth his armie. I 8 Abfolom is haogcd,flaine,and caR intoa pir. 18 I Dauid lameorethrhe death ofAbfolom• --·~__;=-I·8 loab reprouerh him~ I 9 I The tribeofludah bring him oucr lordanc. I 9 Dauid isre{lored. r9 Sheo1ei confeiTerh his fault,aod is pardG>ned. I 9 l Mephibofherh is reC!orcd. I 9 The Ifraclilcscooteod with Iudah. I 9 ThehofpitaliricofBarGIJaito Dauid. ''9 !4 1 The Ifraelircsfollow therebcJJ Shebah. 20 3> 1 Only thetrlbeofludah brlogoth the Kingrn Hier'ufalcm. •o 36 3 Theconcubines which weredefiled arecommir'tcd toward.- zo 37 AmafafollowerhafrcrShcba. · ' .-. 10 Ioab killethAmafarralterouOy, zo Ioab and his brother vaoquifl1 Sheba. :----:-- zo The Faminoofthreeyeares begiooeth. '1 Which was feot forthe Oaughterof the Gibeonites. z 1 The fcaueo Nephewes of Saulare hanged. u N nn 4 Dauids Cbrow.I. ,g 10 !t \(