'),part.Wor/d,King. s.."'.2.· Dauids ba11ds againll the Phihllims. The 1tfue of Goliah are flainc. - • Zl Chrn.J._ 7 JS 8 39 D•urd canferh the people to be numbred. ~Dzuod harh hrs choife ofthree plagues, l {e chuferh 10 fall inro Gods hands. The repent-ance of Dauod aud thepeople. D•urds fang 10 the'praifc ofGod. The Jail words ofDauid, _____ ., \~! 14 _...:;,.-"-_.:..- ·~ 13 lJ ., 1J K••t·'· A Caralogueofthecapraines oue1 Dauids armies. The water fetch from the founraineofBethleem is powredour. Roboam is borne. Dzuod beeing Urocken in yeares,Abofl10g is appointed ro cherifl• hi;,. The confporade of Adoniah to get theKmgdome. So~lornun Is annointcd by rbecommandcmcnt of Dauid. Adoou•h Recrh torhe Al1ar. Hd spardoned and letro come home. DJold abour to J~e,inllrul'te1h Salumon. ---1 11 He cJmmaAdcrh lum 10 chc1ifh the pollcritie ofBarfillai. 1\nd ro kdl Ioab and Shemei. ------ 1 eh,•. 480 3 4 6 7 8 9 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8• 9 9 10 !nab and AJoniah are llatne, Abiarhar is depofcd. S1fomon marrierh the King of AEgyprsdaughter. S.tlomon puycrh for wJfedomc. Hi$ iudgemenc concerning the cwo HarJors. The peaceof the kingdome bccing well ordered. The fame of Salomonswifedome. HraOl g"'etcth.him. ---- l 4 4 ------5 1 Hefcndeth him 1voodro build the Temple. z Saloruon beginning tobu1ld theT cmpie. 5 ----6 l ~ 5 6 7 Acongregation of1hePrieflund Prince• ofthe people. S The Arke" brought from S1on into the Sanaum Sanaorum. S God giueth aflgne ofhio prefence. 8 Salomon blelfcrhthepcople. 8 Hemaketh prayers and Sacrifices. S ~ • Heconfecratcrh1he houfe ofGod. 8 Hccdcbrateth the fea!l ofTabernaclcs. 8 ' Godcon6rmcthhispromifcs~\Salomon. __ . --·--9 • Z.9"4o If 'NowhcbegantobuildlliSowuehoufe. 7 " . 10 1 . IJ ~ ' '•l'' 1 I '3• 14 4 .. Jt 4 15 IJ 5 16 5 r' -, ll 6 ;ft 14 6 17 15 -7 18 t6 8· 19 7 8 I . l.o ',I 9 17 •9 20 10 J8 ' 195~ .. '' · 11 " u ,, ~ 13 •3 . - - '4 <3 :4 5 Salol!lOO! palhcewosfinifhed. . -.19 ~ • Hiram rcfufcth thecuicswhichSalomonofferethhim. 7 ·5 16 The Canaanires become rriburaries. 1 .6 z7 God will be wtflhipped afrerrhe prefcript ofhisl~w. 1 9 7~18 SalomonfendtthOllpstoOph~r. · · ' '-----19 ·8 29 TheQtleencofSaba vHirethSalomon. 1' 0 27 9 JO Sh<ehearethandadmirerhhiswifedome. lo z8 ·196 J'l Sheegouerhandrecemerhgift•,andrcrurnerh. ----- IO l-~'29__LI ~I_LJtl~J--~S~·I~o~n~>o~n~i~sc~o~r~ru~p1t~ed~by~h~IS~O~U~II~•n~d~i~fh~w~>~U~rs~.--------------~~~ .. . 7 7 9 8 9 9