Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

dp•P•fi•· I W.r/d.iluJ•. !J{rl<.! (7os) Kmg.l, He fall<th intoldolatr~e. 1 z ChrQn. :. 30 t'l Ahia fordhewerhthediuiuon ofhiskingdome. " 31 3 l4 And rhat leroboarn llulbe K•ng oftcnoc tribes. -----u IJ JZ 4,3S s.lomon feckcth leroboams life. 11 33 s•6 leroboam abiderh in A Egypt till tbe death ofSalomoo. Il 61;7 ~Proucrbs. f 34 71)8 Salomons writings. Eccleliai!es, >s 36 8139 Salomon dieth. ---~----. -- 11 940 9 37 Roboam by his an(weralicnawh rcnne rnbcs. .. 10 '97° I I Whereupon Ieroboam IS the fir(! King oflfrael. H Roboamthefiri!Kingo(luda. - ---. - .-,. He lhyeth_his preparation forwarre by Gods commandcmcnt. JZ leroboam tortJficthhimfdfc. IZ He (crrcth vp Idols in Dan and Bcthcl, .. Heexilcth the Prophets. .. Jl z • A man ofGod threatneth the Alrar in Bethcl. I 3 lcroboams hand "'ithecethand the Altar clcaucrh. 13 • 3 fhe Prophet d~parting thence,by deccirrerurnctb. i 3 Afterwards departingaLion deuourerh him. -··------- I 3 leroboams wifeaskcrb coun(dl ofA.hiah. 13 He dcclarorh the dellruetion houfe. '4 4 4 The IdolarricofRoboam. I~ 3 5 s Sifak (poilcth theT emplcand Iud•h. --· ---1, 4 6 6 Semeia doth prophclic. ___ ,, s Jl 7 7 6 s s 7 9 9 8 IO 10 9 11 11 10 z98c ll (2 I 13 '3 z ' 4 14 3 15 IS 4 16 (( s 17 I] Robo•m dieth. ---- 14 6 I S ~Abiam rho(econdKing ofludah ycarcs 3· --- 'Si ' Jl 7 I I ThewarreofAbram with leroboam. I? ~A.biamdieth. ---- I5 13 9 20 Afa 3.King.yeares 41.inludah. ~ lcrbooam dierh. ~--14 zo Nadab the>.l(ing ofiCrad, yeam u . >G •99° 1 .. I He is wickedafrcrrhcexamplo ofhis father, IS I 3 Z1 iNadab I!Oaine by Baafa. IS z 4 z • Baafa the thirdKmgofl[rael,yearerl4· IS 3 5 3 4 6 4 TheProphcrs flowrilb. ._,..____ 5 7 s 1$ 6 8 6 ' 7 9 7 ·Icfapbat is borne. - 8 10 8 u 9 11 9 Afa ouercommcth the king ofAEthiopi~. ;o 3000 u 10 { AfarellorcthrrueworOlip. ;;......__ 14 I 13 11 Azarras llowrilheth. IS z 14 u 1$ 3 IS 13 4 16 ''I s 17 15 Baafa fioneth likclcroboam. --- J6 G a8 16 A like death i< denounced•gainfl him. 16 IQ 7 19 I] He oppugneth ludah for rel!oring religion. 8 20 18 Hanon isputinprifon. -. r 16 9 2( 19 ThelcagueofAfa with theSyrians. liS 40 "01 0 Zl zo ' 1 jz 3 I , , The