Ap•ft. l fYDrld.iluda.ilfrael.j King. I. 6o ]0 . f~ "\ 3 .,5 2J 4 1'6 24, 5 27 ;I 6 128 ' 129 1 8 J01 9 ,,1 ~) j 020 3'~ 13J ~\ 2 34, 3 351 9 4 r6, IG 5 371 11 ,6 381 12 ] , 391 8 401 9 41 )0) 0 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 , 3040 " lj 14 115 The death ofBaafa. . Ella the foutth kingoflfrael,ycarei z. He isfhinc by Z1mri. J Zimr~,Q,nri,Ttbni,KingsofHracl,ye.ues 1 z. z Z~rm&af.tcr fcauendaies bumcrh himfclfe. OmriisKingalone. He bmldeth Samariah. ~----x6 I Ahab the 5.King oflfrael,yeares ... 16 z In his daics H1el buildeth lerico agame. 1 6 3 Heispu_ni!hcd. 1 6 4 A(aOckc ofhisfecte dic1h. --.-,--~---- 5 Siofaphatthe foutth Kmg ofludah,yearcus. u 6 (.El>ab beginneth to propner.e. -- • 7 [ofapharretormcrhludah. -----.---- 8 1 ~ Eliah forewar~·cth of the famine to come. 11 Theheaueos arc Omt by the prayorofEl~as.lames5· 12 The RaucnsfcedeEltab a whole yeare. , 3 God {cndcth him to Sarcpti. Awiddow nouriOlcth him two yearcs. Ohediah bounrtfull to 1heProphaiS. 14 Eltah ratfeth thewiddowes child. 15 He gocth to Ahab. He rcprooucth him. Thl! Prophcrs mcece in Carmcl. Ehah ktllcth all Baals PropheiS. 6 He ~ecth from Icfebcl. 1 And abidt~h ina ,le{crt. And there is nouri01edbyan Angel. The failingof Ehah inHorcb. God appcareth to him before the caue. He is charged to annoimElizcusJHOlzad..and lebu. Ehzws is called 10 f.Jccccd Elios. , 7 TheKmgof Syria innadeth ifrael. 1 g Ahab vanqui01cth him in twobattcls. Ahab honourcth him ycclding. Ahab his wicked leagucwttb rhc Syrian. 17 '7 ----,-·-"-- 17 I] 18 ----18 18 z8 18 - ---- 118 ·z8 xS 18 19 20 16 '7 'f 16' 19 5 171 1120 1 Ahab bccingdenieJNaboth hiS vmeyard is ficke. I<febcl giuerh him hope toget it. " Naboth is floned. DcflruClion isdenounced to Ahabandhispolletitie. Ah3b rcpenrr.ch. Thereupon thepuniOJmcnt isdcfmed. Iofaphat ruakcth peae< wtrh Ahab. •I• They askecoun{cll.of the Prophers. M·chaiah" caill~to pnfon. , JQrarn IS left his fathers dcputie. Ahaliah the 8.Kiogofllracl,yeares z. 1 Ah~bchangmghis~pparcll is !lame. , The fhipwrackeoflo(aphat in AGon-gaber. > [ofaphat dothalfoctatchim{clfewith Aha{iah' Hcrrupon heis tcproouedby theProphet. The Moabitcs rebell. ]t rainctb fire. The wickedneiTeofAhaCiab. HIS death is forcrold by Eliah. He dicthof a fall. u u ------1%1 zz ,. 2Z 2Z 2Z zz zo zo King.1. I I I --',...,i-- 1 I oram ------·------------------------------~--------~~~---- -.