. 9 21 So ;oso 21. 4 s 6 ' 7 4 s 6 7 8 9 lOO ,30~0~ l 4 s 6 zs 3' 4 s 6 7 8, 9 10 11 ll 1) 4 5 6 7 8 ~\ : 3, 4 4 s s 6 6 I Ionm isrhc9.KmgofJfraeJJyearcs u. f 4 Eliah dcuidcrh IordJnc with his clo1ke. z I Tile takingvp ofEhah, 1: Elizeus l•keud{e deuidcth lordane. ~ I He healerhrhewatmoflcricho. z Hecurfedthechildrcnwhichmockedhim. --------1 s The Moabircs rcbell again !I Ahab, , 13 I ~The fecund election of!oram arIudah. 3 Elizeusgiucch their hoaff water. 3 V~t~lorie is promifcd toAhab. -· ------·3 A turfe I! decreed againfl Moab. j>· 6 The Prophet cncreafcth rhcwJddowes oyle. 4 rThe Sunarniu01 woman is Elizcus ho!!elk 14 I Of barren fhec is made fruitefulJ. ~ Herchtld beeing dead.is ra1f~d agaioe. ------4 The: bnter porrageis madefweere. 4 I He feedctha IOo.wuh 1.o.loaues.. NJ.aman is deanfed from hts Jcprolie. 5 G ehczi taketh g•fts vnknowne to E!izous. I H caild his po!leritieare pumlhodwub leprofie, :....The head oFche hatchet 1\vilometh. s ---- 6 7 Therrcafons of theSynans arc de•eCied, 6 l rThe fierie charc:tsdefendEllz"US. 6 Agn!l~ famine in Samaria bee111g behcgcd. --------6 8 I El.zeus dccciucd1,raketh,sndfi.,pprth~he Encmie. 6 A fu Jdamc abundance is foretold. 7 , The Syr1ans hearinga noyfc flee. 7 I The Lepers dcclarethisto the Ilraclitcs, The famme is helped by therenrs of the Syrians, j A fammcoffc.ucn yeares IS foretold. 7 ----7 8 dofaphat dieth. ~----- 9 Ioram killetil his brethren, 10 The Edomircsrcbdl. · "I I! AhaGoh King ofludahoneyeare, rHazael is called robe Kmg. I Eli~eus prophcfi:th again!! Ioram. ludeah is fp01led. l lorarn dierh ofa difeafein his bowels. Ahaziah ;·iGteth Elizeus bceinsfickc. Ichu King'oflfraelyeares 18, fHeconfp~teth again!! Ioram. I Ho kiJJerh Abaz~ah,Iezebel,and Ioram, He kilkth the pofleririe ofAhab. 8 8 10 9 ------9 10 I H ts dcedeiscommcndedbyEliah. H eflayerh the kinred ofAbaliab. 10 / HetakethawayBaalandhisPmlfs. ----- 10 IO Athaliah gerrerh rhe kingdome,and holdeth it fixe yeam, 11 I Shee deilroyerh the Kings llocke, 11 lloas is prefcrued, ----11 ~l Ioas Kingofludah 4o.yeares, 11 {Ichoidakdleth Athal~ah. 11 He re!lorcth the rrueworthip ofGod. 9 IO 11 11 lchu continuerh in the fiones ofleroboam. 11 u Therefor,cGod pumtherh him, lu 13 14 ' rs 16 17 18 19 Am•il•• . . %0 .. 11 .. •• %1 13