Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\ Ap•f/: 1World. jluda,;lfrarl: 7 14 8 :,5 >ZO (7oS) King,l. \ Cbr 11 n.:. · lunu. &IO ! lZO IJO 140 9 1,6' I I so8o '71 ~n ~ ::~1 4 11 s 11.2 6 ;:3 7 •4: s I'~ 30~0 ~~· I iS • z ) JO 4 31 5 JZ 6 33 7 8 35 9 ]6 )lOO 37 I 38 z 39 3 4 40 5 6 7 8 9 3II 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 '9 jll.O I .• 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 313 3 21 .. Zj Z4 A,maGas is borne• ------·----1 15 t6 17 z8 Ioas repa!rcth the T emplc. ------ .. 1 loachasKIPgoflfracl,yearcs 17. z TheSyrians vcxc hiskingdomc, 3 4 5 6 7 Ichoida high Pridl,dicd bceing ycarcs IJO• 8 9 Ioas falling away fuffereth the worfl>ip ofldolt. 10 11 11 IJ ---..,.--1'3 '3 14 1 15 loasKingoflfrael.ycares 16. --~-------'3 3 4 5 6 7 8 z 1 6 5Hcv•fircrhEfizeusbeemgficke. J 17 Hisferuanu klllhim. 1 )Zacharias is fiainc in theTemple. 3 \ AmaGah Kingof Iudah,ycares 2 9· 4 He embra<eth theworfilip ofGod. 5 Elizeusdierh. 6 Adead fouldier touching the bones of}\lizeus rcuiueth. 7 g 9 910 10 11 lJU 121 3 IJ t4 1415 15 I J6 17 J8 '9 20 .. ~Jeroboam the IJ.l(ing of!frael,yeareo4·1. AmaGab is proud hau1ng conquered the Edomites. He aaouercomcby the llfaelncs,and lined. ! Ionasflecth from God ro Tarfl>i!h. 5 r AWhale deuoureth h1m. TheWhalc~a(lcrh hr:n vp. ,1) '4'1 l 24 l 13 13 6 \'There he praycth to God. ~ lonas rhm bcc~ng(cnr,preacheth ro the Ninluitcs• The Ntniuites belceue and repent. ---~ 9 J Ionas u angricbecaufc theNiniulti!'Sarefparcd. H 2] 24 %5 16 17 28 29 :~ LAndagainc,forthesourdthatwithercd. ------1 12 Vzzias is borne. 1 l Amaliah is flame by his(ubicfts in Lachifi>. 14 : ~ The kingdomcofludahit aDcmocratic,ycarcut. 17 4 3 18 19 zo " Z2 ~ ~ ~ 7\ 9 8 '3 - 170_ 3_140 _9'___ •4 ---------------- -------·VzzTas . . % : ~ 3 3