Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

(7>7) [ w.riJ./Chnf/.:N .rionr.\S•'""· 4361 395 JOO JOO Two Prophets preach cloathed in fackedoth. 445' 4?5 \4oo 400 Tha beat! with feucn headsperli:cutcththeChurchand the 4;6z 595 500 ·soo Prophets. 466z 695 \6oo 1 6oo Anotherbea!l hdpe·th thefir!l bca!l. 476~ 795 7oo /7oo The feales arc opened,O•ughrcr.famine,plague,&c. 486z 895 8oo ·Soo The horfemen that de!lroy mankind. 4961 995 900 19oe Chri!! defendeth his Church in deedt andword. so6z 1095 Iooo I ludgemc:nt againtl his enemies. 5r6z 1195i"oo .rooc Saunis loafed.----. sz6z 1195 u oo SJl' IJH ucoo rThe z. Prophetare Oaine. I Thebeaa and the whore areouercome. Tiieconque!l ouer ibe Dragon and death; <The fir(! refurredion, I The!aCl iudgemenr. L Tne gloric ofthe Saint•. FINIS~ Jl IJ I J .., 9 ·~ IS zo