1- t • 'The Table. \!Vnere iti<ro bee adminiflred, 16.p.d. S50.u.Vfe.ofBiprifme,79. •.c. 16f 1,a, ir bmdcsto holy hfi:, ;u.r.b. Whether linnc after B>ptifme take away the whole benefit of it, So, •· b. Markes of inwardBapufme, 155.z.o. Itmu!! belo– briuredfor, zs6.a,b. HowBaptifme is a figtle ofAdoption 1 l55-I.a. Buuo held Apocriphall,so8.z.d. Bar.!, corrupted and counterfeit workeS,49S I C. 8me-bairing di(allowcd. i 41. z.o. Bcarconemnt~thcu burden:~ :fee Burdens. Bcdehis Martyrologiflm fufpeded, sos·'·d. Before God, the forme ofan oath, '8i.r.c. vnlawfoll in common talke,t 84. z.c. Beggers oftwofom, r4{.z. d.lull1e bcggers are not to bee releeued, 144·z..d. faue·in cafcofncceaitie, 145.J.a. going3.bourto bcggedrfallowcd. Ii$. J.b. Chii!l !rued not by begging,143·.z,cl. · Bclcefe:fcefarrh.Whether all bebound tdbc– lceucthcir rcdempt10,6z.s.J,d. ThcCom. mandement to belceue and repent is more general/ then chepromife o(merei(:", 2 57· r.d. 6o8.1.b. why its giuento•ll, 6o8,1.b. Bdeeucrsconlldercci two wayes, z66, z·. d. fourc kinds ofbcleeucrs,z 87.>.b.634·'·a• how rruc belccuersare knownc:, 147-Z.d. 3o8.1.b. rhcy ferueGod freely, >q.J.c. :76 J.b. Th<ir vnion wirh ChrH!, 11 G. z. b. other priuiledges : as free from the curfcofeuill, 3o8.1.b. nothing can hurt them,3o8. r.b. theirs is ChriClian l1berue) 308.z.b. not feruantsro the law, 3i9 z.b. theirs is I he inheritance, 244.z.c. They muCl bcfutTacrs. 126, J,a. Their milcries m>ny, 1 z6.r.d. They mufl hold rhepro– mife againO reafon,zz 8.1.a, They keepe not apraClifeoflinne,zJ7.1.b. Bd!Jfariushis great mifcric,417.'&,a. Belta01ar his ra•gnc, 7 I 5· Bornards fufpcttcd and counterfeit workes, 504 z.d. B1nd : power of binding in the Church bath fourcdegrccs, 168.a.a. Blafphcmcrs ought to die, Z5Z,t,a. BleflingofGod: how obrcmed,ZfJ.Z.d.. How re:nporallblellings ore ro be rightly vfcJ,zzS.z.a.howto moderateour alfaCli– ons roward them, 3•3·l.c. A threefold a buf'eof them, po z.b. Blood cf ChriH,bow ir redeemedvsJi3S.z.c. 13oa(ling lawfu'll and vnl;\wfulJ,J41.z.1.when lawfi.Jll, 1 93.~.c. 41 8. 1.a. rca(oosagaiotl vainc boatf1ng, 4t 7 z.c. &odyofChriil,rhreelold in thefachers,s6z, t.c.how rhe body troubles the mind,45,2.d Bondage:"hcthcr lawful! among Chrillians, :67. r.b.rheIc.-es bondage before C hn!l, l]O.t.a.Spirirual bondage Clands in three rhmgs, 3o6.I.a, thefigneofit, 3o6.t.c, gricuoufi1csofir,3 o8.1.d. · Uonaucmu~;:~s Pf.1ltcr ofthe V1rgin forged, 50),2.C. Bwhren taken fondry waics in Scripture, ,. r81,Z,C.JSI.•.c. . - ·.. Brorherhood naturall and fpirituall the ground of meeke,dealing,Jso.r,c. ' Brorherly kindncs,:r.z.d. Bribes, whcrhcrthcy mu£! be re!lorcd to the giucr,198.I.a. · Bul·bayring, bow allowcd,r·fl·•·a.1 Buls or Indulgences, s·89. I.d.accompt<d bubblea,by the Popes baflard,4IS-•·d· Burdensofrwoforts,)S9.2.d.J73·'·b· . Burdens which may be borne by orhets,H9· z.d.howwearetobearerhc:m,)6o.l.a.441 J.d.how C'uery onemull bearehia own bur– d<n,J7J.r.b. Chri£! harb freed vs from a tbrecfolde burden,J7S·' c. Burgdfes ofhcauco,theirbehauiour,Jbo.z.c. ~~ CxfarofArl<s; so). a,c.IuliusCa:farmade Empcrour by the Senate, 7 J 9· Augullus Otlar, whenand li'ow long, 710. Tybi:· r1us Cxfar,when~ind howlong,7.t1. Calamities, whar rod(leincommoncalarni· rics):t 19,z.a.z66,z.a. Calisul.aEmperor, when and how long, 715. C•llrng, eucry lawfullcalling is of God, J S9· r.b.A calling iiccctfary to Mini!lcrs, 15S. z. d.Mini£lm.ca:llingiexrraordinary, and ordjnary, I"]I.J-.d.Jrow-Godcais extraor– dinariiY;:'l''· ,c.a;How difccrned, '7'· •.b. ' ' CaHmg ofourMioi£lers2pprooued,r71.1.2. b.ThreckinU:sof calling in rhc Church, '59· •.i. Churches power of calling is mi– ntUeriatl; is9.1.b.f7z.I.b. God ordaines cueryman tor his callmg,r77·I.b.how te plcafe God inourcallings,z7t.z.d.JH .t , d,faithfulnes in our calling, 177· 1. c. 3 89. 1.a.patiencein the troubles thereof,177.J. d.alfuranccofGods profeC!io,therin, t 77. t.d.Gods callingtwofold,Jlo,a.•. time of Godscallinghow Jong,JI6.J.a. Gods cal– ling to libertyorgrace,3zo,.J.b.parrs of it two, JZO. '·b. How weernuU anfwer God calhng 1 I 8o.J,c. Cambyfeshis ra~gne, 6SJ.1.c, 7 ill. be is Ar– raxerxes,68J.z.c. Canon of thoolde Tdlamentappr~ued by the Farhers,so 8.1.c. Canon taken rwowayes in the Fathers, 509. t.a. Caoonicall houres with the Fathers,s•s. r. d.withPapi!ls,68. z.c.Three abu{cs chere– i!l,68.t.d. Capuuiry of Ifr•el into Alfyria,when,7ro.of Iuda il)to Babylon,7•4· Cardin2ls, S9J. •· d. fouly degenerate from their >dcienr dlare,S94·•·b· Caresof this worldvnbelceming C~riflians, z68.I,C; Carnall ro&n dcfcribed, 341. r.b. two forts of carnall men, 548.z.d, How roknow whc~ ther we be c•mall,J 9i·1.c. Qqq > Carolus 11