'The Table. Ca' olus Magnus h1::~ booke againfi the death ;md facnficc was volunury,16"3- a.d. Cour.ccll of N1ce not counterfeit. 504. Hee died for oil, bur not for eucry oncaI a. J1ke, 61 I.z.b. He l5 not rcuealcd tocuery canioous bookesiuOiycondernned,so•.•-• parricularman, 64o•••d. we mull behold Catalogue of our linnes profirabl• ro ·bee Chnll cruci6ed, U).l.d. The benefits of madc:,py.z.c. ir, 2.23. t.a. Catcchifl,,c ucfcribed, 665.1.b. nccelfaric, Chnll" thegre:tt Proph<C and Dodour of 2 95.2.b. his Church, 172. 2.b. Hcolhewes irrhree Ca.dur1!ts and Puritanesconfueed,348 I.e. wayes, J71.:z..c. Hchath neither partner, C.ubohquc : This word not in vfe in the A· nordepuueas mc:diawur, 191,1,d. 309. poGics dayes, 43 I.Z.a. Whatisro beac1.c. ThctimeofChrillsnlln!Uorie, 683. countl?d CathoJiquc:,48GI.J.a. 1 c. H~ is nm rhc mimClcroffin, 11 t.z.b. CcnfurcrsraflJ!y, reproucd, Jol.J,c. Too .How Cbrlll as mand1ffcrs from all orher iharpecenfurcrsreproucd,4i4·'-b· mcn.273·•·b·•74· z. c. Hard fpceches of Ceremomalllaw, Z51.1.b. the Fathers about Chnll humamry ex· Ceremonies of the Iewes remained indiffe. pounded. 513. z.b. Chri(l taken for the t<nt·tdf the dcllmd10o of the Temple, Cbu<eb.z4•.z.a. 659.1.a. 88 1.<. Chfl!lian defcribed. 54o.z.a. Their duties. Hmv1hcy becameimpotentand beggar340 z.b.)4J.I.c. How men fhew them· ly, 28j.Zc. bowwearetorcfu(eceremofduesChnOian•·44·2·'· rciall4•3·'-b, mes before the aducrfancs of the truth, Chronologie,wbat it is. 678.z.b. parrs ofu. 19>.>.c. , 678.z.b. Cereu.on•es of lignification and of o"'er,: ChryfoUomesbaOardworkcs.497·•·b• and howabrog:.rctl,151.1.b. Church on earth h~tb wicked men mir, 191. Chalenges vnlawfull to bee gJUen or taken, I.e. V>liblc Church<& fubiett toApolla. uo.z,b. zz6.r.c. • cie. z8].z.b. 299. 2. d. Church conlills ChJ.ngc bclougs to all earthly things. J 85. of teachers and hcarcr'i. 3So. 1. a. Shec z..c. o , is troubled three wayeo. 3•7· 1.a. Moll CharaCl<r indeleble with Pzpifh, z61.2.b. troubled with vnnecelfanc malters of cir. not kno"·en ro· the Fatlms·, 541• 1. b. cumllance. 4Z6.1.b. Three rules ofdireHow the Fathersi~ke Charadtr.547.1. c. ttion.in iudgmgof the llote ofa Churc!1. The rcuc •ndele~le phuatler. 42 6.z.d. I 61 •.b.Infalliblc marke•of theChurch, Char1ry tn Commumcanrsneceffary.S:. J.b .l90.1.d. 302.. I.d. o( AmiqUiticand vniCbarmescurenor but by .dlabolicalo.p~ati· uerfaiJrie. 3oz. u. on, 196.z.b. z61.r.d. ,..., Churches T ell•monie of Scriptum how to How ro know charmes, JJ?.z.b. Char. be e0ecmed.t71·1·a Shee may gJUcno ming1s akindofio"itdl'q;(t,J 31~. z.a.fopJe commandemcnt d1ffcrcnt from the word vlingcharmcs are no witches, 333.1.a. 3oz. .1.d. ChaJliritie, how preferued, 331.1.c How the Chri!lian Church is cslled barChdc)rensfubJ<ttion toTu:ors and GoucrJell. JOJ.•.•• Defolate, J03· r.b. Gods nours, 269. z.d. Parents mufl difpofe of warchfnloelfe ouer his Church. ; l].z.d. tilflr callings, z69. z. a. they arc not pu· Carbohke Church. 59S. z. a. rearmed the n101cd for rht:ir farhers finne',373-l.b.. A new lcrufaJCfor lixecaufcs. 3oo,t.d. How child ofGod f\l·owayes, 25J.l.C,IOarwoit is abouc in hcauen dwdUng on ~arrh. , fold degree , •94-l.d. Markcs of Gods . goe. z.b. Irsoneinnumber ondy. 300. ' . chiJJren,z78.>.a. 1151d. Z]9.Z.d. z.J. lrsinuifibJe. JO!.I.a.Sheeisamo. Ch•ldren ofAhraham of iwoforts, 119.z.b. ther. JOI.t.b. H owrofinde thismorher How to be indeed thech1ld ofAbraham, Church. 301. 1. c. Who bee members Z)O.I.a. ofir. 3oz..z..a. U.'i nota vHibfe company Cltnfme in B•prif<ne, ~>hen it began, 57•· vnder one v•fible bead. 301.'·'· 3o3.1.d. 1.c. how 11 is fpoken of by the Fathers, Her two-fold cllate. 30J.1.b. Hmv wa57~-•.d. · fled. 175. 1, d. Wherefore God fulfers Chr.ll is God, sz.i.d. 17J.Z.d. Chrill made it. 175·•··· ll)an: Sec rncarnation. ThcvniGn of hi6. Churcbes for prayer: of their names~ cootwo natures, 2 73·l.b. when hewas borne, fccrarion,adorning. 525. 1.a. 720. bJS birth held ordinary by feme fa. Circomcilion, when mllJtUJ<d, 687. When rbers, 513. 1.d. he is Our Lord fiue wayes: oeccllanc•indifferc:m :vnla~.J:(uJI.l90.J.a. 42 8. 1 a. for rwocaufes, 16 3. J.a,. · 309.1.a.ithad \-·fe afi:erlt \"aiadminifired. Hcc IS the llorehoufe of all Gods blel· %59-l.b. falfeApofliesmade itmeritori· fings, pag.Z43·•·d· pag. 418.1. d...pS. ous. Jll.l.a4tJ.Z.b. r. a. the rnarrerofthe wholeB•ble, 179. Circumcrlion put for the prebemlnence of 2.b. how hewas madevnderrhe law, z73· thclew, 410. r.d. 2.c. his rwo.fold obedience, Adme and Claudiuo Emperor,when and how long,7Z5. Paluue, 205 z.a. 27 3.2.d, whether befulCleaning vntoGod, 6p.b. l--fi~·J~I.c~ .d.~t~h~e~la~w~f~(,~r~h~'"~'~~Jf~e~,~·~7~4~··~· d~·_:H~·~·~~C~I~e~'n~r~r.c~i~e~ : fc~ee~m~ee~k~e~n~el~k~. ----7'1~~ ClenH:nt.s ..