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rhe table. Clementll ceuilterfeirs workes,489.. 1 .d. Clargie in rhe Fathers, 6oJ.J,c. of theirex– emption from poliriqueiudgemenr, GoI. l,d. ClunaClericol years not to be obfcrucd,>86, z,d,4v6.J.C. · Cock-fighti~gvnlawfull,14I.1.a. CollcCloons for the poorc tn the primitiue Church ;whenandhow,t86 1,b. Collections ofdoctrine.66J,I.a,z.c, Co·mbating vhlawfuii,Jzo.I.d. Cornbate of fle01 and fpirit, 326.z,d, meanes ofit,JZ],J.b.caufe ofir,3Z].t.d. in whom it is;3 t].z.b.wherein itlhcwc• irfelfe, Jl7• z. c.effects ofir,p8.1.a. ' Comfort fpiritual,how gorten, 163 .:. .d,co!l1~ fort to the diUrelfed through wanr of fan· tl1fieation,J79.r.d.3 u.t. b, 3•9· t.a, for weake (aith,z.K3· z. a. and vpon conceit of their vnworthine1Te,z.48. r.a. Commandcmenrs rwofolde; of obedience; ofrri•ll,6>s.>. b. Comrnandemenrs ncga· tiue more forcible rheo affirmatiue,86.z.a !hediuil16 ofrhern in the Fathers,6oz. z.a, Cornmunicacion ofpropcrues.6s6.1,a• . Common-place-bookes,t5 51. I ,d. . Communion: fee Lordi Supper.Commumon vndcr one kindc, 554 2.. c. vnwonhy Communicants oftwo(orts,Sz. 1.c. Com .. munion table,how called an alrar,ss j.J.b, Commuaion betweene Ch{i£1 and vs dccla· red, >4:.:.c,16s.z.a. how to bealf•red of i~zo.1.b. . Concealing of a thing is not a lie, but fame· rime bwfull, r8 f I. d. Cm1colflon,whar it berokenerh,659. u. Concupilcenceafter Bap[ifmeisa finnl",JZ8. r.b. 364, 1. a. whatthe Father held about the remainders ofconcupifcence, 519.1.c. PapiUs make three degrees of concupif· cencc,zs?..z..d.i.ta finne in the fir{l mo.rlon, . 260.1,:1. ' Conference for vniry approoued, 188. 1, d. Conference betweencmin1Uerand people necelTary,>95·I.d.a ruleofChr~flian wife– dome inconlcrence;443· x.c. I Confeffion of fairh nccelfary,86,J,d.whcn it \ is ro he made;SG.t,a,Cbri(lian confeffion doublc,89.>.a. Confelfion of finnesro God conrainesthree rhings,t4. 1. b. priuateconfc!Tton,how rc– quifirc,:.I.C.C:meatsthcreio,z.T.d. z. z ..z.c. 66].2. b. Auricular confeffion when it be· gan,s?o.>.a.whar rhe Fathers fay oflt,S]I. 1.a.why it is rerained 1 416. r.c. Confidence and fauh differ,oo8,I.c, Con6rmacion with chri(me andim·pofition ofhands,how vfed oftheFathen,s7•·•-d. rheoriginall ofil doubtfull,s7J.>.d. Conformity with Chrill rwofolde, z 7'· t.a. l94·1.b. . Con'furing errors in preaching,how,668.>.c. Confcience dcfcdbed,u.r.d,'rwo adions of J confciencc, JJ·, 1. d. Gods word alone bindc~confc!ence,J r.:.b,how mensJawcs binde1t, 11, z.c.:~cf!ionsof confcienco dcuid<d, 11, >.a. Howa fanClifiedconfci– (OCe is knownC,I9.l.d.pacificationofcon·· fcicnce,3 o6.z.d.How to kcepeagoodcon .. fcicncC 1 I6.z.d.How tocomfort atroubled cenfcicoce, 12.. 1. a. 24K 2. d. infufficicnt ·waies,:3.1.d.gwundsof rru~comforr, z4. 1.a.Sec dillrctfe ofminde. Collfccrate,whar itis,.s6z.z.b. Content preparcsrhc heartto bcloeue, J6o, r ,d.itsno ccrrenmark ofrheChutch,r6o. z.a.norof.truth, zo:.1.:l. wherein confenc Uandcrh, 16o,J,b. whereconfent in religi– on is tobe round, I6o.z.c. CathollkCCOD· fenc of belecoers inmatters of religion is nor Scriprure,1 6o.:.b. Conl1dcration fpiriruall, 478. >.c. of Gods prefencc, 479· 1. c. of Gods ludgemrnrs, 479·•.a.of Godsword,48o.u.of Gods Workes, 480. z,n, of ourfelues,3s6.z, a. 481.I.C. ConUancy in good things vrged,• u. z. a. 315. 1.d.4.oo. x. a. howattatned for the rrUTh)I6s.z. .a. Conflanrine• donarionapocryphal,490,1,d. Confubflantiation more approoucd rhcn Tran(ubHanriation,s63· r.a. Conccnrauooin ameane eltare. 421.1.d. vr* gc:d on belecueu,z4o.I.c.z68 ; .c.376.1.a Contcntions,lawfull,; J5.J.d.Smfull, 335.1. a,conrentions hurrfull in the Church,3• 3· z..c.thcy areviclenr.j z3.1.b. ConrraCl of matrimony, whetherir may bee ditfolucd vpon a conragioos, incurable, deadlydifeafe, 141. 1. b.1vherhcr parents may nullificrhc~r childrcnsc6rraCls made w~rhomrhcirpriuiry,z69· I .d. Conrrary,God workesby contraries, z8.t,d. 140,1,2. Conucnicnce in things indifferent defcribed, 3·I.b. Conuerfation,how rheconfdcoccis robe pa· cifiedabour it,JO].I.a, ' Conuerl1on ofa linn<r wrought by degrees, z94· >.b. Its agrcarctw0rke rhen creation, 4H.1,d,its of twoforts, t 78.z.b. prepara· tlon for conucrlion is by humiluarion,J 77. z.d,whcthcrviolencebe offered to thewill in conucrlion: fee will. lnconuerOonare fiue degrees ofgracc,6;],J.c.PapiUscon· futcdabout cOuerfion ofafinner,.pz. 1.c. Co~opcrariou offaith and workes,. ,whercinJ 10$.I.d, . . Corruption in man isexceeding great,413.2. c. hiddencorruptiohs dangerouS, 189. z.c. comforts to Gods children troubled here– with,) 26.1 c.How we yedd to thecorrup· tionsofthetimes, I 93.1.b. Couenanr, SeeTellamenr: kindesof coue– nanrs,• 99· t,b,legall and euangelical1,391.2.: d. Howrofltewaman tobewithintheco.lj ucnaot;15.I.c.Jawfullcouenants: mulf bee hptwith herericks,241, z.d, whether lo'f. res enfu1ng may cau(e breach of couenanr, 241..1.a. Q.q:q 3 !;:oun· ,I ,,