'The table. Councds praifcd by the Fatbers.599·•.b.apthcaruficiall day,66I,t,d.678.1.d. proourd for makingpeace.;z4. t.a.alfcmDay and night before thefunn.c.s6.t.d. bled by Empcrours. 599·•· c. Thm deDaycs put for lewilh Sabbaths,185.1.d.Obcree• dllti:r fro Scr~ture. 159·1.c. Three feruarion ofdayesfourefold. 185.:.a. Obconditions in a law nil Couocell. I88. •·•· feruation of dayeo as good and bad for Councdl of N coca:fario hath Io. forged bufinetfe,is heatheni01,185.1.b. 2 86.>.c. CanonS,49'·'·b.firfl CouncellofNice is fee time. corrupred.493· z.a. fccond Counccll of Damafcenes workes doubtedof,5o4. I.b. his N•ce~s idolarrous. s<>J.1,d, Councdl of difiintlion of Gods will into antecedent Sinuclfa forged.49J.z.b.Sccond Councel and c.onfequent examined, 614.1 .c. of Aries depraued.493· •· b. Councellof Damafus his counterfeit workes, 494.1.d, Sardica fufpecred. 493·•-d. Councelsof Damaf~sPonrificall fufpetled,497. I,b. Rome vndcr Confiantineand Silueflcr al· Damnation defcribed, •F· I.d. Whether together countorldt.494·1.a.Councellof God created men of purpofe to damn< I Agarha hath no Caoomexto1nr. 503. 1. a. thcm;6u.I .c. Whether any be nece!laCouncell ofTrem reictled,ond why. I88. nly damned, 6:o.I.e. J.d. why Protefiants ioyoed nor therein. Danicl,whenbrought.to Babcl, 7I3· When. 314.r.b. Danidsweekes begin,681.1.d.7I6.When CounJcrFeJtworkes afcribcd to ancient Writhey end, G8J. rers.489· r.a.&c. Darius Medut his raigne,G83· I.b.7I5· Creauon defcribeJI.6o6.I .c. DariusHyfiafpiJ his raigne,683.t.c.7r6. Creepeu into the Church, I 9r.:.a. hcgaue the editl for the Temple.G83.I.c. Cr.itJcall daier in fickneo notto be obferued. Dariu.Norhus hisraigne,68J. I.d. 7I7, 186.1.d. Dauids combatwith Golrah vndwakcn by Crolfe put for the Gofpd ofChrill cru<ified. txrraordinaric inlllntl:. J zo.1.c. JI8.J.a.for Chri(fs Sacrifice on the CrotT. D .1uncing rnixr of men wuh women con· 418.1.c.motiues to bcarethe Crolfe. 414. dcmoed, 141 J,a. z.a. Comforts vnderthe Crolfe.:8o.I .d. Dead in finne J·th< llate ofmofi men,J7S-1.c Popilh Crolfeo tlOnfient &materiall.4I 9· Deod to the law , u·hat it meoncrh,u:.:.b. J.d.how PJpins gloric in rhem.419. z. ~. Death rightly confidered of,J6.r.b.4I9· I.a. how the fi_gncoftheCrolfewaa vfed by rhe 481.:.a. preparation to dcarh, 34.t,o. Fathcrs.st; 2..a. ir wa~ not the lignc fhew~ Hdpes for comfort in thepangs ofdeath, cd to Confiantinc 51J.•.a. Hou·miracles 36,I.b. were wrought by it.5'4· I.d. Dcbare,whar itis,J 35· J,b. Croileswantcd Cruc1fixes longofter Chrill. Deccirfulnelrc of fione,; 8J. J.d. 5'4·•.d. Deceiuers ofrhemfelues,368 r.b. two wayes Crucifying as Chrlfisaetlonconraines three - ;&J.I.c. in mattersoffoluorionmofidanthings.341 :1.3.How we are crucified with geroua, 368. :.b. Deceiueu make enuie Chnll.: 14.Z.d.Howto carry ourfelueo as betweenemini!lers ond p.eople, : 91,1.a. men crudfi«d.z. 16. J.b.howwe cruci6ethc they retain< rhe names ofholy rhings,obuftc0J.J4I.I.d.& :.a. what it istobc cruciflfingthethmgs, 3·t I.J.b. ed totheworiJ.4I9.1.b, how the world i< DecreeofGod,how it roakeo thing• ne~ciTacrucified tu V!.419.:.c.Right v(e ofChn(i tie, 6 I 9.1.c. crucified.z. 1 $'d.C. Decretal! Epiflles forgtd.499·•.d. · CUJfeofthelowdecl:lred. 231.1.b. 1J7·•·d. Defence by force, whether lawful!, 119. z.d. Eucry finncr is accurfcd. 13z.z..c. how ro when, uo. I. b. wherein a iull dcfcoco cfcapethe curfe. '3'· z. d. how:Chrifi is Hands, uo,1.c. madeacurfeforvs..z38.1.a.in wha.rnarurc Deliucunce in d(firelfe, why God deferre• • 38. •.c,how far forrh,•J8. J.d.How God it,Jz.:.d.hmv to comfort themind rn fuch isfaidtocurfehiscrcorure.456.1.d. Cur· dday,31.t. c. mednations rbcrcin,33..z.b. ling by priuote perfons condemned. I68. Delufion ofrhcfcnfes by Sotan.u I.J.c, r.d. Defcrtion twofold: oftriall, 6 u.:.a. ofpuCJP"''" falfc ond countcrfeitworkes. 49I. nifhmenr.61t.z..c. z.d. DeGre rwofold, :.p.d. Spiriruall defires diCynl of Ieruf,Jem,whereinfufpeClcdto bee llinguifl10d from carnoll, z78.1.d. Defires counrerfeir.495, I.e. oftheSpiritarcloudcrics, 178.:.d. two Cyrd of Alexondria, hiscounrcrfeitondfuf. fpeciall examples ol thefe defires,•79. J.a, peeled worke.. 50J.l,C, Defpaire defcribed. u. r.b. howfueb are to Cyrus King of P:rlia, hisraignc. 683, 1, c. bedealt •·ith, 667.:.b. 715. Detellation ofthingsdiDJCnourableto God, D 147-I.a. Deuill :heeis good by a gcneroJlgoodnes, Daiesrreoted or,,, naturoll, arti6ciall, 679. t.l.c. bee cafis into the minde blofphel I, b. D iu1fion of narurall and artr6crall moos thoughts, 39· •· •· hew to dr(- day.679.I.c.& :.a. Eafierned1fiinClion ol cernethem, ;9 J.d. wec:mufi nor ~dore him, •