Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'I~e table. Equiuocarion in an oth maintained byPapifls,Goz.u. Erre:excellert men may crre. 199.1.d. Errors c~o hardly bi: difcried by their begin· ' ning,t 91.1,a.howrodifcernethem, 316. ,J,a, Efleeme;how to eflecme ofmen,194·1.b. Euange!Jfls,how they ditfer,648. :.b. Euchcriut hiscounterfeit workes, sox ..z.d. Eue knew not whether the ferpents could fpcake,s7.>.b. . Eu!ll-Merodach king of Babcll his raigne, 714. Euodtus forged workes,so1.1.d. Eufebius taxed fer making Potu Bi010p of Rome.>s.yeares,195.>. d. his Eccleliafli– call htllorie commended, 49'· •· c. his Chronicle corrupted, 49J.1.c. Eufebiul Emifenus !Jomtli<s,nothis,so3.1.a. Examinauon of our felues by that law, •45· •.d. Examplc:euill e1<amplemufl be taken away, 3:16.t.b.iucontagious"' tot.z.c.zo3. 1.a. force o(cxamplcs,663.z.a. Excommunication: whetherparties excom~ · muoicarebemembersof Chrill, 78. 1. d. who mull be e!ltcommunicatc, 317. .z. b. whether children ofexcommunicate per· fons hauerig~t to baptifrne,78.1.a.Thrte · iodgemenrs vpon the excomnJunicate, 78.1.b. ,' " • F Faioin~or fcmbling is notlying: and how I.wlull,t ~3·•·•·• oo,1.d. when vnlawfull, 2oo.2..a. Fainring twofold, 399· >.c. faintthougbts, 47Z.>.d. Faith taken two waies.1>4.1.b.>: 8.> .d.faitb forrhe doctrine oftheGofp<ll, »4. 1.b. 149. J,c.for true rcllgion,ti,z.c. Faith iuatfyingdc(cribed,GJ,I.b. >o8.t.b. Formeoffaith notloue, >17.1.d. 313. z. b. · buraf!ianceor appltcation, >19 I.e. 313. > faith Iolltfycth,J09.>.d.» S.z.d. z 36.z..d.Aionc,1 xo. I.a.tJo.I.d. Its nece!Tatie tofaluation, 15. 1. b. bow it faues, 11o.z. b. twothingsin fauiog faith, 15. 1. b. cafes of coofcieoc~ touchtog (a. uing faith, is. l. d. how it isrequired in the law and in the Gofpell, t 36. z. b. whm it breeds in the heart,ts.>.b.> it iu:onceiued,155. 1. b. Three degrees in faith,185.1.d. rarenelfooftroe fairh,zo9. >.b.How true faith may be knowne, 8>. 1 .d.:36.z.a.Faith,"cakeand flrong,: o8. z.d.zs4.1.d. how we atrainc firong faith, zo9.1.c. how faithisptcferued, 16.z.d. gre.,, >44.2.c. 313· t.d. it brings a fpeciall certentie of Gods mer– cie,JU.>.c.sJ8.z.a. 538.1.0. grounds of particular fauh,zo8.z.b.16 ).t.b. - Three aCh maparticular filith,%54· 2. a. obietliomof P~pif1.11 ag:1inll foeciaJI faith an(wercd, '54· z.b. prouocationsto &•t fatth,>44•·•· . howthcfathers fpeakeoffaitbto iuflifie, faith is renued at theLords Supper,S).I.e. Sarans tilalioe againll our. · faith,l8s.l.d.>u.t.a..wheth<rfaith may belo£1,18s.>.d.truefaithcannot, 186, •· a.GJ>.r.c.Scefall. Our dutie in regardofour faith, 1 8G.>.d. zo9.1.b. JIJ.z.d. The common faith of the wmld, 109 .1. a. z;o.r. b. falfe faith, how difcerned,z ts.>.d.•Jo.t.b.zs$'.1.d. 314·•·•·339· >.a. Agenetall faith fuflici– ent to obtaine amiraculouscurejzo7.1.d. Faith with Papms what it is, zo7. :. b. its ~ pvorefaith,zo9.>.a. how it iu£li6rth with rhem,2ol)-z.c.zz7.>,d. lmplieitefaitha blindefaith, »j.z.a. Faithtowardsmen, Jl9·•· b· itsrare, 339· 1,C'. Faithfull ones 010uld vnire thernfelurs; 404. , preached vmo,667.1.c.. .. . Fall ofman:Seo Adams fall, grounds ofanfiverro blind que£!ions about the fall,•48, x.a. Fallingfrom God in profellion eafic, 217. 1.d.kindooffalling,667.U. ·how they that are fallen ought to he dealt with in the preaching of the word, 66;. 1,a. Fals afterconuerfion may bee recouered l>y r<penrance,»7.I .a.•9J·•·d· ltsdange· rous to f•ll from grace in part,195·2.d. Eucry linne is not a falhng from grace, 1SJ.1.b.thechild of God cannot wholly fallfromgnc<,117.1.b. ;n.•.b.4oe>. I.e. GJ,..I.c. Obiedions anfwered, <SJs.t.d. and 6J6. Falfificatton ofautbol! by Papifls, 492. 1.c. Family of loue knowne by their opinions, 4op.b. theyabufeth< Scriptureinalle– gori<s,•98.z.d. Fa£l:whatareligiousfafli•,lot.I.O. how iris robeobferued, roz. 1.c. iull .caufesofa faCJJxo2.1.c. hoW long itmuU continue, 1oz.z.d. ofearingduring the fafl, 103. t.a.whether all perf<ms be bound to keepe a folemne fafl,r OJ.I.c. Right ends ofareligious fa£1, IOJ. I. d. Popilh falfecnd!, 104. z.d. whether Po· pi01 fa£1sbeeapprooued ofGod, 104.1.a. ofthefetfa£ls in our Church, 104.1.d.fa– £1ing on theSabbathallowrd,490.:.d. of fa£ling in Lent, Ember-weekes and Eues,S4:.1.d. Fathers ofthe Church: theirauthoritieand manner ofwriting, th<ir wri. tings are to be receturd,487.1. c. They fpeake (ometimes vnfitly in Sacr<d ruatters,and why,487.•.b.Their count«· feit doubtfulland corrupted workes,489. 1.a.They hauetheir crrours:488.z. c. Faults ofothers,when and how tobe fpoken of, 149·1.b.lctfeningofmens owne faults ordinarie,3 J6.1.c. •