The Table. Fauour ofGod:how obtamed, r;. •· d. 44· J.c. Fautlus Rbegienfi• condemned by Gdafius, SOt,J,a. tFc:arc: J.kinds offcare.z oI.z.a.n2rural fcare J is good, zot. J. d. hew it bccomescu11J ::oi.I,d. Fcareof God agrear partof his wor01ip 1 !lands in two things,6z. z.b.114.Ld. Featliuall daic!,597·•·•·&c. Fclicitie in this life,t9o.~.a. . Feeling followes faith,83.z.b. . >l FellmvOup with God g1ue• alfuronce offal– u.uion,z. o. I.a.foure fure notes ofthis fellow– tlup,z.r.b. Filiation r.aturall and l•gall,66t,z,c. Fmcs fl10uld be moderate 1 44o.t.b. Flaucrersarelyers,t 8J.I.c. Flefl> not allowed for mcatc before the flood, ll9 r.d. whether flelh may beeeatenwilh goodcon(cience on times forbidden, 13o, ·I.c.Cautionsrobc obf~rued thcrcabouc, I J O.l d, Flcih raken for outward thingsp<mining to rhcourward man,:: z4. r. c. Flcfh put for the corruption of a,IJ rho powers of the foule 1 3zo.r.d.J z6.1.d,and z.d. 341.1.a. it fignifiei more then fen(uality.334 is contrariety ro the fplrlt,; 2 they canfight,p 6.z,d. Foolcsro the world: andtcGod, 39 ).1.b. mofi men are (ooles in religion, 211. z.a. natural! fuolesought notto bee keptto laugh at, I,I, d.why impenitent finncrs arecalled foolc•,rr 5.r.a.why Paul called theGalatiansfoolcs, 110.2 .c. whetherwe m.aycallanothcrfoolc, 1ZI,I.a. For,dothnot aJw.;ies figmfic acl1ufe,391.1.2. f orce:wherher we may defend our (clues by forcc,.JJ9.1.d.andwbcn,J z.o.t.b. Forcknowleclge in God : how it goes before hiswlif;andho\\·aftcr. t641. d. ZJO.I.C. 6z 8.1.b.Its ioyncd with his will, z. 3o.z..a it is not in refpctlofourfairh,176.z..d. Furfeiturcs ofbondes,how to bo moderated, 439.r.b.Forfcuures of!cafes.439 x·.b. Forgi1><11elfo of thrceforrs,8 z.1.b.Foure– fo!d,u8.r.c. we muG forgiue thofe that wrong vs,445,z..d.two cautions in this du: ty,44(;, I.c. Forntcarion a manifdl u·orke of the Acn1, :mdnot mdifFcrcnt, 330. 1.d. 01otiucs eo Au~it, 331.t.a. Forfakcall,in3 cafes,127.I.c. Francis ep1!1le to the brctbren,forged, 505, z.b. Freely taken twowaycs,z 19.2..d. FrceferuingofGod vnder the Gofpel, 151. 2..b.)07.I.C, · i Froedome mgood things fourefold,J07· •·c· Freersdocdrcamcabout Chri£ls futferings, 2.39 I.a, G Go!ati> :what the Churches of Galatia are, 161 .2.a.rhc prmc1pall argumer:rofrhc Ep1Uieto the Galatians,J64.>.c. uo. z. b; Games vfcd fOr recreation of three forts, · of wirallowed~ •"I-•· z.. b. gamesofmcerehazardcondemned. 141. z. c. M1xedgamesin fomeforr allowed, 141.r,a.gammgfor.gaine,vnlawfull. r4'· ,t.b. Gdaciusbooke of two natures,counterfeir, 5oz.z.c. Gelinarprince of Vandais his miferie, 417. z..a. Generation ofinfants !hewed, 1941.b. Geneus,647·1.a. · Gcntilizc:what it is.zoz....z·.d. G enrleneiT• dcfcribed,3 J9.r.a· Gifts of God of rwo fvm, xoo. I 1b. made ours two waies,43·z· d. the morcwehaue the more feruiccablewee fhould be to 0· rhcrs, 349· t. b. · .. Glalfe of the T rinitie,a fidion, 5;o.2.a. Gloric:coglot ie comprehends 3.things,~1 6. z. o~ wherem we may and oughnog(orieJ 419.X.a, Wherein we ought nor to glorie,416.-t.d. vnlawfullglorymgdeclarcd, 41 8.x. d. it n1aybe donethreewaies,4t 8.1.a. How to glorie in God1 37'· •· c,d. of glorying in our felues,3 7I.l,c.cautioos,37~.t jb. how it d1tfers from vaineglorie)37 '.z.d. Degreesofglory in heauen,;87. I .d. the ground he~eof,;9>. t.b. HowtoglorifieGodmhis workel; x87. J.a. Gluttoniedcfcribed,n6. I.d. ' God:proofesrhatthcreis a God, from rhe light ofnaturt,49·'·b. frcm the fouleof man,si.t.c.from rhe common confeffion ofall,sx an alfertorie oath, st.<.c. from the lighrofgrace, 52. z..c. from the light ofglorie, 53 .1.b. Men by nature de– nieGod,459·•·•·Ho~>,459·z.d.falfe gods fcrvptu.·owaJes :a.SI.r. d. How the true God is madc'«n Idol in worlh'ip, 84. 1. d. HowGod is to be conceiuedm·our minds whwwe wor!hiphim,6t. J .c. . Gods knowJcdge, 384. 2. a. His modcratidtl towards all men,448.t.d,457:z.c.towards his Church and ch1ldrcn,450.1. b. God is vnchangable,z46.z.d.vfcs ofir; >46. z,d. Gods prefencc,479· t.c.v(es ofir, 452. x. b. God isaFarhcr in two refped•;•53·•.b.why rhefir(l pcrfon ismo(l coQJmonlycalled God,r64 x.d.27.x.a. ,. Godfathers bewime!Tes. Godlyandvngodly, howrhey drffer, 260, I.C.J3 7.-z .a. .T(lGodlmelfewhetcin it Clands, 1 t;J~, d. z:s. I.:l.32J.J.2. ' Goodnelfc handled,:,z.a.whatitiS,j 39.1 .b. its threefold, 401, '·d. foure degrees of communicatrng.gOedneiTt,40 t .z . b. The cxercife of goodndfe, 3J 9. 1. c. rhe want of ir,3 3?. I.d. I • We muG do good ro all,z67.•·d.4o>.2.d. nlOtiUCS.J ,,