Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

when rheyceafeto beindifferent, '7· •· a. vrgcd as necclfarieto faluation they bee vnlawfull,190.Z.b.413.1·b· We may not vfe ehem when we will, nor how we will, 190. 1. d. 1-Iow to carrie our felucs in things indifferent towards 1he wook<;.andlow:the obflinare, t90.1,d. hawfarrc menslaweoreflraine the v(c of them,t9o. 2,a, or make them necetfarie, 3~8.1.a. ,~ , In<i~lgcnces fee Buls. Infanrsofbclceuingparents may bee bapli– •. zed, 263, 1. c. whecher the,y haue faith, z63.2.c,h01vthey mu!l be iudged, 386. J.a. Infidelirie rwofold,629.1.d, Inlir~Dities in or hers mu(! bee bornewith, 442,t.d.J60.1,d. • lniu~ac:how ro forgiuc,aniniurie, 1 tS. t.c. how to-s;arieourfelues,when we are wron· ged, tt7.z.b.,. fnnrg;et~rs,Howchtldrcn arc innocenrs,3 74· . ,, a. ' Jnferi.ptipns or Tirles,beforeEptOJes arc no partofholyScrip.ture, 429.2.CoiJO,z.a. In~:~dionin coriuerOon twofold, 178. 1. b. Inrercdlionof Chrill nora vocal! but aver– '·tuall·prayer,•z9 1.a. lcs of force, •77· ... .d. Interrogations and their vfe, 169· r.d. 659· I \I!&• .• i . Inuc.cation ofSainug"roundcd on drc:ames, 5•.9•'·b.itscamall prayer, 2 79.z.b. . Ioy tw<lf.old:ofglorie,and ofgrace:n 8. •· a. bo~ to hauefometaflcofthe ioyes ofgJo. rrein this ltfe, 34.2, b. wherein theioy of grace Uandern,J 38.t.a. How ra difcerne theIoy of GodsSpirit from carnall icy, 35· z. a. True ioy bdongsro Godschil· dren,3oJ.l.c.37'· r.d.the matter of thetr io.y, 303. r.d. ground of ioyinrroublc, z89 r. d. 33~vl a. the falfe loy of the wnrld,3 7t.z.a. lren.a:us aChihafl,491.z.a. Ironies in Scripturc,659. I.b. Ifaac a figure oftrue beleouers, 304.r.b. Ifmacl, a figure of lu(\iciaries byworkes, 300.1.a.when he WaSboroe,68], Ifrael tw.ofold,4>S· r.d. Iubile yeare, 681.z.d. Iudaifme,r74·1,d.what it i>toludaize, 2oz, z.d. Iudges:the time oftheir go11ernment, 6 8z. J.a. .. Iudgements: how to conoder righrly of .Gods iudgemenrs,479 z.a.we fhould of. ten doeit,3J7.J.c. Iudgemcnttwofold, vpondifcour[e andby reuelation,112.:r .c. Three kinds ofiudge· ment,]t,l.a.wemull palfe through three kinds ofiudgemcnts In this life, 34'· z. d, ofgiuingiudgemont of others, 148. z.a. 11 J,J,3,316.I.d. Sixcrulcshereof, 149 r.a. we muOvfe chamie herein, 317. 1.b, publ1kc iudgc– mcnt.J48.z.a, priuatc Judgement,. >"f8. z.b.rules for it,ui.I,a. Judgement of mens fa!l,r48.z.c.ofmens do. arineS,I48.z.c.Ofmens perfon$)148.z,d. 317. r. C; Howwe muO iudge our felues, 149-•.d. wbatthingarc fubicato iudge. ~cnt;~hatbe nor, 11o, 2..c. Soueraignc mdgc 111 controuorlic:s in religion, 1 88. z.c.sti,t.a. what iudgerncnt the Church giues,188.z.d. La(\ iudgcmenr prooucd, 38s:z.c. Gods intcgriue in lodgement, 388. z.c. A patterne to nugi!lrarts in iudgemrnr,388.:.c. Iudictalllawes, how they bindevs and how nor,:st.1.d. Howto know whtlludicials haucmorall equme,1st.1.c. Iugglingakindeofwirchcraft,lJ1.z.a. lu(\tcevniuerfall,l48.r.c.parricular, 148.r. . d. patticulariullicetwofold,t48.t.d. luCliccin di1lriburron,r48.r.d. Iuiliceofchc pcrfon andofthe aC11on, zt9.1.a. Emblemesoflullicc, 388,:,d, Iu(Hfie,how rakcn:-zo4.z.a. Iufltficariondefcribed,: 04.2.b.Irs norby the law,: os,r.b.Th~rightcaufe rhcreof,>z 9· J,d.Cbrifi is the mcritoriouscaurc there– of, <os. z. a. It is norby his eiTcntiall dJ– uine lullice, z76, •· b. Iris pcrfca by Chrifi,zlo,t.c.Z II ,I.a, HisaCliue obedi. ence required thcrtto, 2 os,t.b,l74· J. a, nothingmuUbe added to Chrifls worko herein , 309. z. c. Its freely by grace through faith without.workes, t6).Z, d. Z20.t,a.&c.3O$.Z.C.5J7·t,b. Irs twofold: bcforeGod,and before men, z3s.:.c. oftheperfon, and of the faitho( the perfon, it dilfers from re– generation and renouation,zo4.z.b. The difpootion of the partio iuOified, >04,Z,C.Z2l)ot.c.our careand duty for Iu– llification,z11,t,b,::9.1,d.• 76.1.c. how the confcience is pacified about ir, iOG,1. d· rhepradifeoftheiuUoficd, :o7.t.d. u r.1.b.whatthe fathcratcach of iullifi. cation,SJ 3.1.b. IuUification with Papifls, 104.2,c,: 07, u . 3141.a. z76, •.b. naturall prcpuarion thereto confuted,J•7.•·a. kindsofiu{lffi. cation wich Papills, 21o. :. c. confuted, Zt0,%,C,UI.1.d.l U,z.d,ZZ9.1.C,ZJ6. I, d. Z99·I.d.p8.: .b.SJS.1,b. Workeoofgraceiullifienot,z:o.1.d.; o9. '2..C. Iu!lificarion~y workcs impofliblc, >47· :.a. 3to, Idolatrous dodrine, 185.1.a. A fundamenra!l errour, uo.1.d.z 87.1 .d. J09·••bo319·1.d, IuUiciaries by workcs arc Ifmoeliresl, 3oo. 1. b. cafl.out ofthe Church,Jos.:.b. Iuflln~hiserrour and countcrfeitbookes, 49t.J.d, K Kaies:The power ofthe kalos 'is annexed to ,God:rme