The Cfable. doclrmemthcnew fetlament, 171.. r.a. K1lhhc that kllleth die fauc ino11c cafe,•s•.I.b. 446. I.d. Kindrcd:whethcr Bapufme make afpirituall kindred, ]7.I. b. whether thiS fpirituall kindred can hinder marriage,n.:.b. Kingsfubi<Ct to EcdefiaG•call ccnCurcs,3 51, I.d. ·ofthe po.rcrofkmgs,59o >.c.ofthm dcpoGng, S91.I.d. S93·•·b· ofrhman– noloring,>9J·•·d· IGngdomc, how to eGabliOr akingdome, 190.1,d. Kmgdome o( God taken two waic•, 337· I.d. KmgdomcofChrifl d&ribcd, I7s.r.b. In · ir outward priuilcdgesar• norhing, 3'3· 1.a. . K•lfins tl:e Popes feete,8p. d. Kneelmg before the cha~re of etlate, 8s. I.e. KnowledgeofGodtwofold, :So.:.d. :8:. t.b.idl:andsinfixepoiots, 15~.r.c. Spin· tuall knowledge of God and rhe proper– ticsofit,:S:.r b.Gods knowledge of vs, Z83.I.2.6o7,.t.b.fru1ts:ofir, z8;.l.C, pro– peruesoflt, :83.>. b. what knowledge ought robe in truebclccutnil)o.t.c,how knowle.dge is renuedat tbc Lords table, 8 J.U, Monuesto know God, z.8:.1.b. L Lacbntim his counterfeitworkca,-491. •.c. Latue)6or.t.c.· LatinctcrUJce,ss7-•·c. Lama and Duha. 53o. u. That diflinClion ouer1hrownc,285.t·b· Law d••erfly taken, 196. 1.c. for the whole 0 cconomie o{ Mofes,•49·'·c.T1meof11 G8r.z. b,lurhredold, moral)ccremom;;al, Iudictaii,2-5I.l,a. Howrhclawwas ordat. ncd by Angels, >45·•·a· Two properties ofthe law)1.99·1.b. A rule in expoundmg ir, 1swhollycopu1atlae,3JI, z.c. whether Jt rcuellle lio after Chnlli corn~ ruing, 245.1, b, whatitistobevndcrth< law, 174 1 d. 296.J.d. who are voderit, lJ3.1.a 275·1 .b. howweearcredeeo,ed fromit:l75·z.a.Howtoknowa, ;o7.1.a. 66].z.c.foure benefits of this dehucrance, >7S.Z,d. How Chr~ll wa• fubicct tethc law,qJ.J.d.when rho Jaw wasabrogated, zso.z.d. bow farreforrh, 151.1.a. com forrsagamll the rcrrours ofrbe Jaw, >48 J.d. Two kindes offul611ingthe law, •34· I .e. 366,r,b,nonc can ful6ll itle~atly, • 33· •· C. Zj4.I ,c,164.J.C, The pop11h opmionconfured,, i 33· z. c. JIO.>.d,36S.I.3.H~-~.b. Thrs inabdiric "ot our fclues not from God,>J-:•.:.d,whatthc Fathers fay offulfillmg thelaw,H<i.J.d, . Law and Gofpclarc nor onein fubOance, z 12.1,d.z99.1.d.3rr.2.a.Thctr difference, 114.1.b.~J6. :.a. z44 r.d. 299 I.b. >99· :z.b.andc.36J.Z..c,vf~ nflhe Jaw, 2 35 r. b. >37-l.b. •49·•·b- J66.I.d, whar ~<pentanccthe!a\v workej,i l. ;. 1. d. whC!thcr it reoeale!inneafrer Chrilfscommu,g,t45z.b. How from thela~· 1 111. z. c. Threarnmgs ofthe Jaw arecon– dltlonall, :;;. r. a. •·37-Z.a. howlt,. our SzhoolcmaUer,150.I.c. Lawea of men : whether a man may with good confcicnce defend himfelte by Jaw, J I8,z.a.446.1.a.The manner how,I r 9·'· C.446.z.">. of cxrrermty 1n humanclawcs, ~57·•-d. 480 I.c.Vrgersofu reprooued, 438.z.d.44o.z.c. Themltiganonof law 437-•.b. whyiris notexprelfed, 439· I.d. 441. r.b.roomuch lenity reprooueo,438. z. b. Cafes of rnitigation,i37·•·d.Magr· Oratemufi doeU,i37·Z.c..f39·' ·c·440.2. d.Good Iawes ought to beobli:rued,>49· ~.c. . LawyersamongtheIewesweretheir Priefis, i41.•.b. League with the diuellrwofoldc, 33- 1.d. Learning: how to arrainc togoodJcarmng, 295.r.d. ArealileammgofChrrG, 1-79. l.c.and : .d. L<gacies for malfes may bee applycd for Gnds true worflup,24r.z.c. Len<faG : whatthe Fathersfoyof it, :54'· J.d. Leo his forgedworkcs,soz.z.c. Letting of!and• iliouldbewuh moderation, 440,l.b. L1beral1tie dcfcribcd, pag. 143. 1. c. See Almcs. ' L1bmie ofwill in good things loll in AJam, 148.z.a. Clmll1an llbertie dcfcribed, ;o6 1, b. paru of1t.>67.1.c.3o6.z.b. benefits ofir, 307.t.d.3o8. I.b. How o1ag•ilrares authoritie may fiand wirh 1t,~07.2.c. Chnllrhc aurhorofir,Jo8. r.d.Irbel0ns• onely ro belceuers 1 3o8.'!,b, Duur.s from the benefits of Chrifiian li– b<rrit,3 o8 J.C1309.I.a. Ho" Chriflians apply thcfe benefits, 308, z.c.abufeofChnlhan libettie, 320.>.a. righr vfc ofir, 3.2.-J.1.a. L•c dcfcribed. I8J. I,a. How it differs from vnrrurh, 183.1,b, From a parable orB– ~urc,,83. 1. c. from-concealing a thing, 183. '·d. From faigniog and femblmg, 18J.z.a. SpQrting lies difallowcd, P•ll· 183. 2. c. Officious li<Jdi!allo"ed, pag. 183. •· d. Rcafons agaiall Jying,pag.r 84. 1.a. 339 : ,d, Lifcvncrcar.d, HI. z.d. Lrfe oaruralland fpllituall,> r3.1.b.118. x.c. 341, '·a. t"o degrees offp~riruallrfe,34>. r.a.The roore oflpirlrualllrfc,ChriG, pag,H 6.1.d.bow hee ltuerh inn, pag. z J 6. z. d. How ro Rrr know