'Ihe table. know it; 1.I7,l..C, Howtoattaineit, 217. :z..d. How tO liuclVi(cly,l.I3-'l,C. feuen rulesofGodly-lifc: 214.1 a. how to line iu(ily, 11'f. l.d. why a belccuerisfaidto liueby fiurh,z 18.r.r.howhe liues by faith, ••8-•.c.• J6.r.c. To Jiueby fenfe only," pcaill>ke, 218. z. c. The end why man l1Ues,p1.z.d. Life ofgloriC,J4Z.I.a. it hath three degrees, 36 I.c.z. 14.z.a.itsa lcgacie, Z43· 1,d. Light oi uaruredcfcnbcd,49·•·•· .Linus counterfc1rworkes)49o.z.b. Longfuffering what it is,3 38.•.c. how rage< · andkeepe11,J38 z,c, Lorinvfcanholy.rhing, 141. >.c. how Lot differs(rom.a cafuallaa,. pag. '4'·'· b. Loue,Godstendcr louerohis,J93· r.a. His fpccialllouegiues atTurance of faJuation, z_o.z.c.How to knowhis !pedalIJouc, :z.c,. z. d. T11·o fpcciall elfcas of our loue of God,63.r.d. our loue of Goducfcribed, 338. r.c.iu knowne two waies, :z. 1. 1. b. . three !ignes of it, 338. J c. · Loucistbe law ofChnfl 1 361.1 d. Loueofourncighbourde(cr>bed, '1. •· d. \. Z9J,I.b.~zx.z.c. 33 8.J.d, howthewhole lawJSfnlfillcd.in it, 3"· '·b. Brorberiy )oue d1fcerned threewaics,>o. z.d. 338. 1. How irs calJed a new commaundement, J6Z.J.b, Loo-' is~ottht>furm.eoffairh, »7.z. d. 338. ·,~.how they d1tfcr, 314 1.b. How loue IS ' a fruitcofthe Spirit,339 r.b, Loue of1be rrurh ·~nd at the world cannot Hand rogeth('r,4I4-·J,d. How to come ro loueChri(\,16J.z.c. Inwharcafc we mu(! loueanother bcmrthcnourfdues, '91. J.C.j22.J C.362,1.a, LudoUicus PlUs his donation to the Pope" forgedso4. a.c. Lu(l in the tenth comrnondcrnenf,J>6 t.d. D ruers degreesofJuCl, 99. I.e. p6.:, a. lleOJ!y IuUsdeclared, J41.r.a. how forre they proccede in God~ children, 316.2..a. Two aC\ionsofthislull,JZ7-'·b· How to morrlfic ln!t,3 31.I.e. Lurh<r and Mcbnt}on did well temper one theother,J61.J.b, Lycanrhrop12,ur.J,c, M M•chiaucls policie condemned, 117. 1.d. Magiflracic nccctfarie among Chrillians, >66.z.c. defendcdagainll Anabaptl(ls, ~307. z. b. 421. J, a. how it meddles with ChrHlian Jibcrric, 307, z.c. ltsouer rhc publlnting of faith and profellion, 3'4-'· a. Amagi(\raremay compell his(ubicc:'ls to profctfcrruereligion,411.l.d. obieC\i– or.sagainGiranfwcred > 41%. I. b. Magi– ihatcs aUthoriticin makinglawcs, 4 37· I. a. Inmoderating the rigour ofthem: (cc !awes. l'vbgnanimiry 11~ vice.ri ~ .1.r.1 ~4 z.b. Man, How men arc nothing of themfelues, 367. 1.2. his condition outward and in· ward, 194·2.a.. Maniches:rheir errouts, 6z. o.:.c. Many/or all;657.2.b. Marriogcdefcribed,z96.t.c. Its more then aciuillconrua,z97· '·c. ofdegrees pro– hibited in marriage, 574. r. b. Ch1ldrens marriage is :lt the d1fpoling ofth~parc:nts, 269. i. b. whctbcr rh.e father may com– mand thechildtomanie, .z69. I.e. whr• ther it be any mauiagewithourconfent d paten", 269.2.a. whctherfpirituall kin. dred may hinder marriage, n.z.b. what tlie Fathers fay of PricUs marriage and finglchfc,575.1.a. fecondmarriagcafter d10orcc d>fallo.-ed by fomc Fathcrs,574· 2.b. prohibition of marriagedifallo••ed ofthe Fathcrs,s]6-2.dSp~riruall marriage betwcenc Chrin and his Church,z 9'·>.2,vfes ofit, JOl. 1.d. Marie.conce!llcd inOriginall finne,596 I.e. The booke ofherrranO at10n doubted of, 491,1.a.lh<feaflof,her alfumption in(!,. rurcd, 501. 2. d, of bourcs.and fcnHcc ro her,596,>.d.of her atfuu1ption in the Fa– thers,s98.1.a.ofthefeafis of her concep– rion and purificarion, 598.r.d. MarkcsofGod•children:Scc ch1ldren. M>rkeofd1Uina1on in Scripmre rwofold, 26"1.2.3. MarkeofChri(itwofold, 4>6r.d. The vfe of (Uarkes in Chufi lllllS that iuffcr, -4 27-•-•·m2rkes of Sata11,4> 7,1.d, SaunMarke hisMatlccnunrerfcir, 489. r. c. Mart1all ofl3urdcux acounrerfeitApome, 490.2.c. · Matfe:irs a malfeofCeremonics, z7o. z.a. The degrees whereby it carnevp,554·•·c. The ma!Tes fathered on the Apollles are forged,489,1.b.c. Appurtenances to the malfe,;64.r.d.ofprmatc n:alfc, 555· • .d. wh<rheramanmay goc ro the matfeand keepethe heart eo God,87.2.a, Matrimonie no Sacrament, S4S· J, c. Maximus Taurinenfis,his fwuonadoubted of 1 SOI l..a. Meanes:Tofeneuhemcanes from thccno, and contra, is the diUels poll>de, 39>· I.e. Meare: of d1fferencc of meates by way of rdlgioniuthencwTefiamcnt, to4.1. a. "9- 1. d. d1fference of meare in fundrie refpcC'ls allowed , 129. r. b, how tovie mcates toGodsglorie, qo.z.a.Rulesfor themeafure ofmeareand drinke, 1 3 2..2. c. for Chrillian moderation in eating, •J•· z.c. 336.J.d. Moriues thereto)134- 1.b. . . Mediarour:his ordainmg,6o8.J.d. Exh1b1. ring, 6o9. 1, c. Fathers ocknowledge Chiifl God and man robee Med1atour, 51J.I.c. HowChr~ll eanbeeMediatour hemg God 1 246. z. b. How Mofes wa~a