\, with l_oftao, tu. . 1 ~h~ ta~~driekindesofOll'caders, zu,1.d. INe~ctlir(c.t,woCold,]4· I,~- ·'3S·•·c.6t s.1.C· 0\dl)lap,whatit is,4ll.2,b, 619. '-'!,H.ow 11 agreeth t<>cthings, 6r~ 1. Order of deede.,hreefold, 678.1.'1. ofna· b. 'rhre~ \!_egrtes of,Qcede, 144. >.a, ture,(bid. b.ofdignitie,ib. ofwlfedome, N«ghb0u,r1Jwho i,: maq•Ioaturall oujll 16.c. . . .• 1, r[louiithts·agatnfl his qcighbour, 465. 1, d. Ordin~!iqn ofBifhop~ no ~acrall)<~i, 545.' :l'lsr<> Emp,<;_rpur:wheqa~dbow long,];a,~. ·•.I?."! hen the people may ordaine· amt· jNcw creatu~de(s:rlb,cd,4~tl.-l.a. it~lan,d,in niller,I7~·•·-a• !..' h , .:t· 0 ., 'lua!itie,~-tn.z.b.4•~· ~.b. Tn,Uq(it, ,Oriaft~.wheper~C!.edin Churcl)~s , 565. v~4zz. ;.;do~.. , :1 ·~ ~ \i 1I!O to ~!jhul1 p •) J!!l. ;· J • Ne" )'<W<1·Sifts condetnned of.ol<J•, 676. 0Ji,gqnJulloferrours,' and hi• courit~lfeit 1 ___ I.;l.Jo -, •... _~;j, !..1 .J :t>rl •o,Jrh workes>491.1..£•, ,t ), • • N<ceociTeofour nature int~egoodJpings,of Origi)l,ai)re~t of·thc ·Bible vncorrupted in ' ,Go.4,<1~6.1..a. tqc-~emedio;ofitJ ~-•fr. the iudgement of the Fathers, 509. JioJ\C.iJ.~ .. , .!... t ~,I 1l.d~1: '• >i, Ntcep)lor~s is fabul.o.u,,s.os.z.d. ·bJ Ornaments of goldfiluer,!Xc.lawfull, 134. ~~_q1tm~n1aa~,~86. • ~·CJ 1CJ~I') .. >l~.:a. . t•J• r. N!!.eiJ'>~itY~•.tel (\fhis 1 pJ,e.a.<hing, ,6Jlj,i,Jhe . how they ma(!_qevfed,r39·' .a.b. quanti tie of hisarke,58.1.a. his dt~Jlk~nOthi>Jlle Emperou!S oath ceunrcrfcit,so4, .t !JC{[t133.~·~..._d. : l ••• '11.-hJ.~•J/1 .f. J-; d;· , Nouatian crrourcon[ured,j'!~.J.d.,, :.\• .O'!er..~eningourfelueo, 367.>.1. incident N~n1b<r: why change of.'IJU<J>b«rjp,rfed, totbe rrgwrrate,a~J.z.c. . 66o. o,d.how we.n.QpJber our dal!o,,,,,sr.l ,T.h~caufesofir,s 68. u. Remedies of ir, ,! z-.<;.. l~rt~ ..~ ... :u. ~!1r, a69 .z.a. ·1.}. . Numies,when they fir(! began, 595·'·"·• Outward calling and a8ions commend vs :- 1 .•,1.1 t 1 ~\ t IW'"'1.•L' .! •~' ·o!'l!. 1 u QtJttoGod,4u.I.~.ThCymutl nor puffc ';_l£iDL:cm t9w ,:,.. ' -, vs:vp>4li.I.b•.. O~t)J;~~~~firis,9t .1.d~~~~;e th.ing~i~ "~1ry ·'' q~ti·9~·•,b.r8"f,. l,c: how ~noa.thinobe takeo, 9:.2.a. when an oath bindeth, 93· "'~~l)cp nt>1,95, "• b. whcniti4.topefa– ken,9'·'·d· whether aman may fwcareby . i~<,c\eature dlte.;l))l"and indire.dly by !4od,93·•·d·184z.a.. whetboran 9atbby theSf~~11·re bea true 91th,and robe kept, -. 9.1 • ._b!whetberan qath by a falfe GQd be •f~.-oat~~•nd doebind,v 1.>. c. 94· •.~.whetheran endamaging oath doe bmde, 94· >;a:.)l'h~rher an oath ,go,tten py f.r~ud and ., (iJb;.illi~doe bind,9.4-''·b.whether an oath _.gq,ttcn by feare and~ompulfiondo biijde, 94 • c.whe!l we~nuU{wearc,l84 ~•.b•. .W:IJetber the Pppe. can difpence ,with•a !a._wfu(loarh,9S·•·b· ,How an oath differs •. ' (ro.m an obtcfiariqn,9l·'·b, ',1• .•• Oi>~di~t)Ce defcrjl)~d,,>~. I>C. of• Chrifli– an,Z39·I·cl.ir muJl nq~b~epartiall, l~ z. .~-4-!~ fllUU be wirbou!.con(ultation, 180. :; c;,J:kw obedience necei.farieto faluation, t6.r.c.Three t~ing1 il] new obedience,r 6, ,.,~,c.. Jiow a ma11 n!ay fcamehis life vnto it~t6.z.a.mrn naturally rc:{olue nqt ro O· bcy,464.1.d.Inwa(qobedience, 6:. •· d. 477-J.b Qbeolel\ceofCilrjfl-wbercby wure iu!li6ed,treatcd of,zos. 1.'b.and zo6. 1.and ~. Obedience to fup~r.ioUrs,ISt.z.c... ·' ~ o l)lauoos,ssJ.l.2. 1..t Obfcruation of t>thers lawfull for three COdS,350.'2.C, \) . F ~lJ cdJi'v"'whatadigmfics, 293·1.c. Otl:to'cs to vs from others,threewaies,117. z:b. ~, Offeod nor God fq•all th•world .. lOI.I.c. Oo(ward thing• diuerfly oppofed ·to the •fJliingsofgrace,4~~.1.a. ,; Pacification in reli~ion, how to be.wrought , Z9S·•·a.it may not be admitted with Pa: pi(!s,)>J•l,d. l?alntmg offacesreprooued,x38.:.c.Awor· thie paintingcommendedto them, u 3· ..... Palladiua hiUorialaufaica afardle offables, 499-•.d. Papias oflerufal.em cenfurcd by Eufcbius, ·•· 491-l.b. Pap•ll• preuailc much by outw2rd Drewes .41 ,,,,a.like the Phorifcs in firiel vrging ofothers, 4'~· ·· b. TbeyioynewithA– thdlsagamfi Scriprure,6o,t.c.and z.b• Parable; how it.diffm from a lie, I8J. . I.e. Pardon ofOnnc: gr~unds!hewing the potli– bilitieofpardon, -<fo2.z.a. Grounds ofpar– don graunted, 43. 1. a. foute dogrecs in c pardonoffinne,•86.1,d. wharwe askein our daily praier for pardon, I 86.z.c. Pardon offinne ••ith Papiils, zo].>,c. Parentsauthoritie ouer their Children,z69. t.a. 1 Thelr.dutietowards them before they die, >69····· Pafcalius depraued;5o4.>.b. Patlion ofChtiil what-11 is,174.1.a. PaiTeouer had two parrs,68t.z.c. Thewhole .day of the Pailcouct was not holy, 68o. z.:C. Paflor:feeMinillcr. Pat•ebt:e tow:ardcs God. pta. 6t. T• I, in o•lleilc