Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

The table. rhc wicked anlwerablerorhetrdeferr,;88. How to be rooted in it, ut, J.b, 1.c. Rehques :-whar rb.e Faihers held rouchiog Purgarorieconfuted,4•7·'·b.wbo 6r!l[poke reltqueo, s> ~.r.b. oftt, so6,r.c.whar.Farhersfatofir, 568. Remeqtbrance ofChrifl 1 18>.>.d. a.c. RemHiion oflinnes : how proper ro Chrifl, PutonChrill:whariria, >s<>.•.a. z6s 1.b. •8+·•·•· bow done,l6,,a,b. Renouation,whalitis,1o4.1.b. R. Rents 010uiJ be moderatr,'f40.r.a. Raca: wbarir lignt6es, 3os.r.b. 1 Repenranoc in God, how, 1i5.>.o. Race ofreltgion, 314.1.b. cuery Chrinian Repentanci Legall and Euangelicall, 213 mu!lrunneir,; 141.d.How10 runno well, r.d. T ruer<pentance, r s:.&.c. Its taught 315.1.b. , .., ~ ..• ,, • tn the Gofpcll,notinrheLaw, 1JG.a.b, Recabi<a: ofrbeirabtlAiniii8-from!Oiinc,101, ·rcpentanceiS necelfariero faluallo,J s.1.b, l.c. ,,-.... necerfariebeforc we prayi 63. 2.d. Its 110t Rec1pitularion in!lories, 6o.r.b, 678 :.a. in ourowne power,42>,l.c.renued repenRece&ue: how we rec(;iue Chrtll, t6$.z..d. tance is God• g1fr, 317 z.a. repc:mance Reconcihn' ofScrtpt•rea rbudtlfer 1 <>s9 mull nor be delayed, 11 3·•·•· 3'17->.b. • a. caullonuhcrcin,659 1.d. 18r. 1 c. rrpenrance Bap11fmc. Recreallonurelawful, 140,1.c.whararelaw79 z.b.1 57.t.d.parricular.repcnrancefor full· whar vnl•wfull,lfO. r, d. we may net k11owen lillne•tSUccelfarie,>97, t.b.lf.J.b vfc holy things forrccrtatJOns, 141..1.a. genc:ull rep~nrancc accepted for vnnartinoes,I40,Z.b.norGod,:iuJgernenr~, koowen Cinncs, 297.1.b. 7.:1. b. in two 141 a.d.Howwaoughttov(erecrcauomJ cafes, 1.41.a. rc;pcmanrperlonsrnuOnot l4>.1.d. lie vpbra1dedwirh lins pall, '94-l.b.Their 'R<cufanrs may becompelled ro the excrcifrs pratltfein l_ife, J<i.r,d.Thcir <Otufort,l 6;. ofRohgton, 19•· •·•· 411.•.d. 2.d. Redeemer proued by rcafon. H ·•.d.aud that Reperirionsvfed for waighriecaufcl,169.1.b heiSborhGod and man, H .l.a. 116 : ,d. 659 r.c. ' · Redc•nplion exceedsthe worke ofCrcation, Reports may bee heard and told , bur bo¥·, r6p,a 4U.1,d.ltsalone mCilntl, :84. 18s..z..b. 1,c, 3o9.1.d. What Chri(l fuffered in worRcprobarion defcrib<d,6H,.l,b. Godo dou kingir,: 38.t.d. To "'horn thepr1ce of tt bleaChhereio.6Jo z.b.cYoo orgrcC'tiO the was p:ud,z37·t.,c.lrs notvntucrLall, :48. fccondact:6rl.z.a. itpubnorin UHIR ne· :.b. 6o9.1,d. 6U..t.b. ccffinCof~rn·nation; 6to. J.c. , Rcadmg•: of dium reading• inrbe .llible, Reproofe: ~hoarc rorcprooue, 354 :.c. in lll.l.C. '(. wh'at caf~s menneednot reprouC,3S'$.J.d Regencrariondefcribcd, ~ o4.•·b· The Oare fou..,waycs.ofreproo(c, in :,d. who arc oftr0>ewed. 311.1 c.J>]. 1.1-4"·• ·•·6 35 to bercproucd, JS·I.z.b.for what,J5;.r.b. r.d. 1<s<heproper wotke ofGod, 196.r.d. Ten rules for rhc mancrofreproofc, 3sG. its ncucr vrrerly exlingUIIbed 1 •94 I . •· r.a.rtP'roofe mull not be delayed,347·•·b -416.r.d. it bringsarorallchaoge,JI 1.a.c. · yer rime mull be obferucd 1 358. I.e. Ir motluestofeeke it, •7J->.d. 301 1.a. The n•u!l be in loue, r6s. nb. withboldnelfe, flare ofthe rcgenerate,s.:.c.4S·'·b,1oo.> 199.1.dc Three ctlucatsrhcrein, 199·i;a. d. his priuilcdge,4r·•·d. .< , it mull be on cerreineknowledge,J$6.r.c. R•l•p• mro C.nne: how ro comfocl fuch:4 3· . • o1 .•· c. why ithc wicked.cannot endure 1.c. • teproofed47·'• .d:a parrcrneof humilitic Religion fignificsrwo thing, <io,z.d. pam of vndcr reproofe, 199-Z.c, religion, 6'.J.a. '0fhat tt.uur religion,6o. Re£ifianccto CUIJl pradifed, J 99·J.b. it mun 1,d. Markeo oftrue r<li•IO'n,uo.l,a.2 24. . be prefent,1o1.1.b. s.d. O nely in true religion is f~luarion. RdliiuiiOn for wrong,I97.1.d. who mull re149·' ·"· Jl!.2,d. lt breedeo ioyncrnte. • !lore; ~97.z.d.rowllom1 19].l.d, iohar, l•nchqhe, 30J.1.d. Infallible authomie 198:1,ar whw, ljl8.r, b. in what order, in rnattcrt ofrehgion, 301.2..a. How to •98..1.c. know the cerrentie of rel1gion, l59·~.b. Rcuelat&on ordinarie and <xtraordinarie, u41.d. ref<>lution in relig•on «quired, 17t.J.d, Exrraordmariefourcwayes,17Z. rgo.1 .b. for~Vardnes in rehgioo required, r.d. JZ8.z. c. •75-l.c, emulation tn rtligion Reutnge 1 howrofuppreiTetbe dclirc of it, aiJo.,ed, l]$.>.d, profitingin religion re-. 3l S.:.c. quired, 17S.z.b. 315-1 .a.The fault ofrhe Reuer<ncerofurcriours Otell'ed in lixe rules, worldrouchingrehgion,us.a.b. 3J 3,1.a. ·r s1.r.a. !ignes ofreuerence roGods Jlll· ro e!le.eme11 humane pol•cy,463 .a.b. To niOtrs, 18jl.>.d. cnecmeofitbyoutward thing•. 31p.c. Reuolrsoftwoforts,l65 I.e. robee~gnoraotolit, 189>.c. Caufesof Reward double, 39J. r.c. God r...,ordeth corruptmgAporlohcke rcligion,socS;•J.a._ fourewayc~, 394. a.a.rheumeofGocl, t<'.:. 'I mamleui!i~mrehgion,J65.1·d• \J.'ard,3 98.-:! .a. Howflf.~ eut>rbff1rg •c::1 ·~ --------------------------------------~R~r~r~4~------------------~·~··-"~'------