Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'. I I CJ'he Table. Soulesolthe dead rerurne nor to rhe lming, giUracie,9o.>.d.rsr.> wee m•ybee 6o>.>.c.wwhcrethcfoulcs of rhe Fathers able to Jutfcr,u 6. r.d. moriucstobcwil- - were beforeChnU,s r6.r b. sz6. r.c. • ling10 futfcr,414.l.a.417.1,a. Sowing,• hat itnotes metaphorically, 384. Supemogarro~ m .,orkcs of counfell nor s,d,.vhaw isro law to thcflefh,; 9o.> knowncto the Farhtrs, 541. r.b. Its rhe . the Spim,; 9o.z.d. Phllofophersdccorum,so6.r.c. Spyiogofrwo forrs, 19>. 1. b. what fpi,.we Superiours Owuld glu:good example, zot, ~.oughr>il ro be,r 9'· r.c. :.d. how they mu(! be honoured, rsr.J.Q. Spjrirraken dr'!c" waie• forth~ third perrhcymaybereprooucd, ;sz. r.d. How, fon,UJ.•.d.torrhcoperarionofir, 1>4357·•·•· r.a,forrhc gift ofrcgcnerallon, ps. 1.b. Supper oftheLord held necclfarie to faluac. forthe p.o1vers of the foulc fandrlicd, uarion by fame Farhcrs,549 r,.c, lli.z.d.forthe~holemao,418.:.a. How and why it was called a Sacrifice, Spim of God defcribed,zn. r.c.the ofliceol sso.:.a. How farretorrh men may vfcor innGodselcd, •n.z.d.J •9·'· b· Two norvfeu,8r. J.a. Howrhc rncmbmof aCtions of it,3l7,1.c. fiuc properties ofir, the Church are bound to rcceiueir, Sz. 3 •s.•.<. why 11 i!Callcd rho Spirir ofrhe r.b.c. IuU irnpedimenrs from rhe Lords Sonne,177. I.e. why the workcsof it are Supper, Sr. 1. d. Volunraric abtlayners calledfruits,JJ7,1.d.Huw we receiuc rhc frumitreprooucd 1 8r.:.a, Howrovfcu Spilit,114-J.a.:4o.:.c. r~ghrly and rofaluarion,8 r. : .c. of prcp•- Srxcendsofrccoiuir:g it,14o.t.d.Rulcsof ration rhcrero,8r :.d. whatrfa man finde .1... thcopcr3-tiori oftheSpirir,315.t.c. motihimfclfcvnworrh.u:, Sz. .1. c. of rcctiuing ·. ·ons and operations ofthe Sprnr, ZJ6. :.d. fa{!rng, 8:. 1. a. whe~hcrrhofctbar hauc , ~: 17.1.d. H-ow to d1fccrnc them fwm carfuitsin law may commut'!icatc, 81. :. b. ) nail conceirs, 19. r.b. How at tcachct'h vs 8z.z.b.Thc r•ghr receiuingof it, 8.t. t. d. ! (' tocrlc Fa1hcr, .t78.r.a.whar it is to hue in S1gncs mthe Lords Supper of rwo (oru, ;.. rhe Spirit, 341.2, d. rowalkcin the Spirit, 8:.: .d. ~>hat if a rcceiucr doubt whether , 3'5·•-d.J4·l.t.b. How ro know whcrhrr ho harhfaioh,8p.d. Right behauiourof- , · ,_wehaue thcSp11ito341.1.a, Our duryto r<r rcceiuing,H:.p,a.Papdlsadrninr!lring -ret;ine rhe Sprrir,>41.1.a. ir rn one kind tinncagamU rheli€hrofna· Spirituallmencfr.,ofom, l49· r. a. their ruro,z4z.r.c. propcrrrcs, J40.J,d.J94-''· b. They arc Swcar<:HowGodfweareth,9J.I.d.fccOarh few,; 94·z.d.wc mu(! be all fpirituall, 3:G. Synode the fixr diuerOy iud;;cd of, 5o;.r.d, '·c. Syriackc Chur<h rcicClcrh fome Epo(!Jcs, Spims,wh>rmcn muRdo"·hcntheir houfcs 43 u,d. arc haunredwirb cuill fpirru, 3¥.:.d. Syriciusrhe Pope condemned all mariages, Stage playescondcmned;See playcs. 3; o.r.b.; 9o.:.a. Starres;none malignant,z 87. 1.b. T of eucry man• hie is ordained by God, T acianus refuted forcondemning mariagc•, 177. r.b.our llarcrowardsGod fhould bc 390.1 d. cunlidcred,48J· r.b. Tapers notallvwedbycheFathers, 564.1,d. Starion• with rhc Farhcrs,s44.r.b. Teachers muU £rfl bcraughr, 173·r.b. louc Stc:u·csnor ro bep\'!rmiucd, 33o.z.b. betweene rcachtrsand people, z 88. I.e. Stoicall fate renounced, 618.:. b. wh2t it is properties of f~Jfctcachen,.410, :z..c. 413· 6r ,.r.a.howwe diifcr from thence, Gzo. r.d.4•4·•·b· & c. 41s. >.a. Elfcnriall dof· z.b. fcrencc betwe1mc: true teachers and faJfe, Srangersrhar bcleeue rnufl be brotherly re- '4'4·•-C· Chriflueall andliuely reaching, tpcded,rfS.r.a. 178.r.b. Strength may nor begloriedin,4J7.r.b. Teaching priuarc and lilinifleriall, 'G:.u, Srudeors dury indiuinirie, •6s.r.b.hosdirc· rhc rcachrog of Chn!l :and of rnioillcu, Clron,6so.z.d. • 17z.: .d. SubieCliun r~olold:politike and fcruile,z 67. T cmpcrsnce dcfcribed,• r,z.d. 1•4· r.d.34o. fuffcringand in doing,9o.z.a. IS1. r.a. fourc rulco for the pradifc of rr, 340. 1..(;, Sub!criprionroEpinls:fcc po!lfcriprs. Succdlionrhrecfold, '7'· :,d. Ita notal– wareoanorcofrhctrucChurch, r8,. r.d. Succdlion from Peter (canned, IS9· 2. d. Howacknowledged in the fathers, 598. l .d. Suffcr:How ChriUrt<mpcrariefuffrings did COUnttruaiJeeternail,Z3 8.~.d,,onrorrnity to Chn!l on our fulferings,2J s. :.b. vfes offutfcrir,gs,u 6.z.o. b. · · SuffcnngmuHbc wirhout nrilhnce toMa~ J.2. T emplc ar Icrufalem differed from. our ChurcheP,68.r.a. Tcrnprarionoofrryall, 11· r.d. of Seduce– mcnr,u.r.d. ofBiafphernie with trouble ofrninde rhcrefrom,ond cure thereof, 39· 1.d.How to con!idcr rightly of our parri– cularremprationi,'!Sz. r, a. They Rmfl not dolcourascv• vpon rhc change ofour liues, r8r. r. d. Fruedcgrccsor tlcpsm temptation,635.~.b. Tenrhs \I• ere partl yCer<monisll. parrly ludlcJall,