·fhe table. l dcfcribcd, 4 t 0.1.b.They do good rhing~ X. for wrong end•, 191.1.d. why they hare Xcrxes bisraigne, 716. rbe ;odly, 4!3. 1.c. Y. W orO>ip of' God twofold, inward and ourA YcarewirhrheHcbrewes, 679.:.b. when ward, 6!. 1. b. heads of inward worlhi p, the narurall beginningofitwas, 679.z.d. 6: r.c. the mward onely is properly wor. The common lJeginningofir 2 68o.I.b. fl>ip, 6p.a. all worlhip fllOu!d be mSpiy....,., '" '"' '""'"·=·' '••. ' ·'·l m, 3 ' z. z.d. outward worlhip defcribed, prophericall yearc, 68o. r. b. Two holy 6;.z.b. How God isto be worfl1ipped, 61. yearer; Sabbararie and lubile, 68 r.:.d. r.b. r6, ,:,c. allouradions inGodsworYceldingofrwo(orrs, I93·I.b. flup mu(! be grounded on the word, 517. Yoke. Tbelaw a Yoke three wayesl, >75· z.d. Aman naturally iudgerh Gods woe- '·"· fl>ipa vainething,465·1.d. di(iindionof z. worfhipinro douliaand Jatria is aoouehie, Zealcin religion dcfcribed, J]6.1.b. 530. 1.0. Will-worfl11p agenerallrhing, 1equi46p.d. red, 17<i.J,c. W rarh of God : How Chrill fuifcred ir, a 38. Zipporah her fad in circumcifin~ herfonne :.a. a linnc oftollcration, ]••. c. •G:,J.d•. - ' I - l -· .,, . ,, 1 ' l _, 1 ' ·• -, - ' , .- . ' Sff A