Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Cafes.ofConjcience_;) fulhnimllers, lawfullycalled brGod & men \1\ 1word at Chrif!s cOITHllande;llent, and bapt•· totl\at function, ·keeping the nght forme of zed With the re(! oflnsJ?!fc•Jl!e,,Ioh.4. r,z. the Satramcnt according eo rhe..inllirution. Th1rdly, the Sacrament, d· Jt bee ~um101 • So;1 1 eaaaincarc;me.ere priuare perfons, rhar fired mthe nan\e,~,nJ by!·9<.p_o•cr otChnfl allroadm1niCler,\\horn 1 lsth.eon1mah'ceot God,.b~~tngrOCtJiued by wcmayvppo(eto rhe former fort, as contra· ,fairb,yea arr~e Saframenrpfj._ ~rilf; al,fd't~1c ry rorbem io rhis action. Orbet• agame bee force and eflioacre rhercof,·w rn nor dcp~\;'ct admicreJro Cl and inrberoomeoflawfullm&- vpon rheworrhmelfcoftl)eMm•llcr,burvp· mllers by the acccpration and confcnr o oh Chn!l. .The ,Jerters<ir!E'pill'le fenr A-1m men., or by cuflome, though corrupt: and onf man to anotbcr,are aoofi.eolicall;8d'ci0Cl rhefe arein,an~eane berweenerherwo form<r fully to cxprelfc the!o.~·rl•e-aurhl>~i fc;rrs, 1 .0f rhe rirrl there tsno quellwn. Bur .though the IJlelfcngcr or catt•er be""'~~~~~ the Sacrament adminillred by the fecond And.iAiikemanncrj'fiW I forr,., a meere nullirie; bcc.ufe they ha~eno finne~~ anyman rhar ftand•<n,ree.i'oome<l( , callin" rhercro,neirhercanrhey doiroftairh: a lawfull Mmifier, dorhh~~lnulHfie the~~- ! (0,.£i~uch asrhey hauc neither precept nor B cramenr, and rherefore•riotl<erefie ormi'lf. I example our of the word of God. Now for ficiencie.Saint CJprian,who-li•!td 3oo.yraf@ j I rhe third fort,rhough they be nor indeed Jawafter Chnll, was c>l thiS opmion, rhar Sac~~' I full pallours ;yerbeeingm the place of fuch, meors adminiared by H'creuckes, w~rc no \ i by the confenr, allowance, and cullome of Sacraments. Bur rhe Churcijc$ of'A<i•icltin . · ·~ · 0~ 1 ~~~;~~0 ;a~1;;~~:t:!,:~~ir:~~:i;,'ifi~~~r~; ~7~;,e:~~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~:r,:~~:~;~~ ,-:.: , ,c;;;~ 1 them, is indeede a true Sacrament: whichI deliuered. ·, '' .1 I prooueby rhcfe rcafons: Tbevfo. I. By this <!oCirine theyarefufi: J flfll, rhe preach&ng of rhcword, and·adly tobee blamed, who would·hauciheir chil• ' minHlra!lon of the Sacrament,are all one in dren re-baptized, which were l>eforc baprl-·' fub!lance,oFo"n the one rhewill of God is 'zed by the.Popifh Pnells;hecaufe rhcSac'rO:·' teenc,inthcorher bcard,Nmvrheword preamenr,though adminitlred by aPdp&ll, if'hee chedby Hererickes, isrherrue\Vord of God, !land in the roome of •· true Paflour, and and may haue hiS effect. The Scribes and kecpe rhe forme tbercof,is a true Sacrament, Pbari!ics,grear Dactours at the Iewes, were 11. Others by rlus dochiAe l:ome ro bNenotaU ofrheTribrofLcvi, burdefcended C , prooued, that refi.Jfc ,ro receiue rhe Sadra- ' from rnherTube~. Agame,euen thepubc1mcnts ar rhc hands of vnpreachino 1\'1-tnl· pall of them liucd by exrornon and brtberic, llers. Forthough rhcMin&fler beebvnfJffi. 1 aod .wercwickedmen,y~a H~redckc9and Ap cicnr, :md preach nor,yet if .hee becalled-by· pul!alacs, depofed & excommunicated perthe Church, bee bath the placeof aJawfull fans. And yet becauf< they occupocd the piaPa£1our, hiS adminillratlon •is warran rable•' ces otgood teachers,and !arc in rhe chaire ot and the Sacrament by him:admlmllred,a tru~ Mofes,rhatJS,read rhc do<'hmeofMofes law, Sacrament. .• Chrill bidderh his di(ciples to heare them, Ifit oefaid,rhatrhen the true Sacraments Matthew 13. 3· Prouidedonely, that they ~ay bee our of the true C~urcb, as in rhe rooke heedeof the leauenof thm falfe do. Church ofRomcar this day; becaufeHcrectriue,and wtckcd hfe.Nowrftheword raughr uckes and luch ltke mimllcrs ace not of rhc by their mimfleriewas powerfull, why may Church. I an£iver,rharrhere JSio the church nor the Sactameurs mmi!lred by the Hereof Rome,rhe hidden church ofGod,amtrpe rkkes'fianding in the roome of true miniSacraments acerherevfed, ·no't forrhe Ro, llers, beerrue Sacraments i In the daies of miOt Church, but for the hiddon Chur£h Paul, Plulipptans 1. lS. fome preached D which is in the mtddcl1 ofPapacie: Jikeauh" Chri!hbrouxh enuieand j/rife,and (omeofgood lanterne bcarcrh ltghr not for tt felfe, but for .,il/:wbarwas the Apo!lJes iudgementin this thepalfeogers: yet hence &tfollowes nor,thao cafe? Hi~felfeanfwcrcrh,ver( IS.What then? weethouldcommunicare \VIthidoJatcu, He, yet Cbrt/i 1<! preacheda!Jmanner t?[WIIl(J,rrhether retickes,and wicked perions. itb<.vnder~t pretence,or jincere'J, llndtherein 1 And fo much ot rhe Adrtlinillrarion_of ioy.yea,andwillioy. rhe Sacramems in generaU. I come: now to Secondly, rhis point is plaine hy examrheparticular Sacraments.,_ , . ples.TbcLeJitical Priells vnder rhe taw w.ere ·'· Herc.!ickes,and taught after afort the breach of rbe moral!law. Yea, rbey held IuUificati· onby workes,Rom•.to.J.and yet C.ircumcifi– onbychem adminiOred,w·as in force ;neither was rhePa!feoue( celebrated bythem, or rbe facrificco which the~ gffered, any·otherrhen rherruePalfcoucr,.agd truefacrifiFes. Iudas "'as avery hypocrite, yea CIJri(l cals him a Diuell, I oh. G. 70; ahd yet hcc preached the CHAP. IX. OfBaptifme, I THe firll Sacrament in ~rder,is :Captifm~; And the Q)!ellton• to~ching rt, l •re· ducerofiue heads. · , G I. Q.!!c!hon. '