Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

,, Cafes of Conjcience. · 2.Booke. " A I. ~llion, ha~God for theirGod. But the fignc rhere– of is nor.Forlookeas to the ctfencc of a oar. gaine, theconfcnt and agreC}I1enr ofthe par· " TTlb h· b t>esalone,isofmccrencccllitierequired 1 and ·: rr . et er 'Baptijme e ne, thiSbemgyeelded,rhcbargaincisabargainc, lf'p/T,., p / • ? though itbee neither fealed, fubfcribcd, nor e;;ary to l.)a uat;on,or no. conlirmedbywimcffcs;folikewlfcamanmay ,, , , · bcfa~d,ifhcbcwirhinrhccouenamofgrace, 11 ;FQr anlwcr to this Qt!e!lion, wee mull thoughhec haue not receiuedrhcfcalc and r.ightlydillinguiO> of Nccellitie. A thing is lignerhereof,thcSacramentof baptifme. ~a.>41robce occelfarie,twomarlnerofwaies;ci11. The barewant or priuation of bap· rh~rabfolurclyandiimply,orin•parr. Abfotifmc.(whcn itcannot beehad) is pardonable, lutc)y necclfarie is rhar,which is inall refpcds and dorh notcondcmne rhe parrie vnbaptl• j nr,::e(farie,and the contrarie whcrof is vtterly zed, The theefe vpon the crolfc was faued, I llf>llec~flary . .Ncce!Tancin partis that,which though bee was neuer baptizcd,Lilk.z 3.And iqfo~1e rcJpe&s, or vpon cerraine caufes and fundne Mmyrs m former rimes, who were ~~ FO)lfidera!IOns,is.necelfary. Thisdillindion B Gods deare chi!Jren, and d1ed f;,r rhe main· P!.e!.Difed,Ianfwer: tenance of his truth, though rllcy wanted :n .• ·oL Sea, r. the outward and v•lible bapt1fme , yer by row B•p· ; Firll,that Baptiline is neceffarythefecond Gods merc>e they were 1101 dellitute of rbc t~O~/s;~d ~va.y ,mpartan~ refpeCbueJy,dlat is,tn dtuers (nward, and confc:qu\"!nrly were not condem .. )wh /' ~~~.d fundry regards. ned, but f•ued. Andfomany children vnder ' 1. y · 1 I. As the Jawfull vfe thereof is a note, theJawdJedbeforerhe e>ghtday, vncircum· ;low Bap• tifmeisnot nc:cc:fi3rie, nd whyl 1-herebytherrue Church of God .is d>fcer. cifed, Yea, when any among them wore p~.dand di(\ingui01ed from the falfe church. weake,and could nor endure to haue the foreNot that the Church of God cannot bee a skinne of tllCir flefh curre,in probabthty their Church without the Sacrament; Forit may ClfCUmCI(JOn was dcferrcd,and fome (>! ·them .want jlaprifme for a time, andyet remaine a died m the mcane rm1e: which neuetthelelfc rrue Church l as well as rhe Church of the bee>ng borne of belecuing parents, were vn• le\WeS inauncicnt times, wanrc:d circumcifidoubtcd1y taued; accordmg to rhe promife on;fonhefpace of forric ycarcs, Iofh. ;. 6. ol God made to Abraham, I willoetth; God, and ycr ceafed nor to beea true Church,and andrh~.God if"'! Je<~ie, For as Chnfi faith of loucdofGod, C tlteSabbnrh,fomay weefayof circumciiion; . Il. Autferuesfor necetTaryvfesand pur· lt w>s made for man,and nor man forit.Acd pofesto men of ycares, that are to bee bapti· it were a >uJgemem bothralh and vncharita· zed: as 6rll, totcll16evnto the Church and ble, ro rbiuke thatallrhe maleo of rhechil· themlelues, that they arc receiued imo the dren of ll<ael that died before circumcifion, bod1e of Chnll, which is thccompanieand were condemned, focietieof thefairhfull. Secondly, to refi16e Ycron1heorher fidc,thewilfull contempt, theirobedience to Gods commaundemenr, and carelelfe neglectof thisordinance, when and their fubiectjon to his ordmanceappoin· it may cunuemenrly bee adminiUrea and rered by him for their good. Thirdly, to be.<a ce•ued,udeadly and domnable. And to them necelfary proppe to vpholde their weakcnes, that are guilty of this finne, istbc threat of afeal.e to confirme thm faith in the cowenanr God >ufily denounced,Gen.17.14.Euen th•t ofgrace,and an infirument toconuey Chrill perfonfhalibct·•t•Jffromhu people. v.nto themwith all his benefits. I I I. The grace and mercyofGod,Is ftee, 11 I. Iris necetfarie to infants, as it ferues and not ryed or bound to the outward deto enter, and admirre them lntorhev>lible menti,loh. 3· S.Thewindeb/owethrohmit liE:hurch, and wiihall tu lignifie their interell D jluh,rhat i•,God giuesgrace,and vouchfaferh 'in thccouenant of grace, and confcqucnrly fauour,rowhome,where,and whenit pleaferh theirrigbraodtitletolifceuerlafimg. him. Andhenceit!s, that theywhome bee Sea. z. wouldnorhaue perifl>, but come to erernaJl Secondly, I anfwcr that Baptifmc is not life, fhall be faued, thvugh they be norparta· abfolurely or limplyncce!Tarie, (o as the parkers ofthis Sacrament. . tie that dies without it, rcmames >n the Uate I V. Infants borne of bel<euing pareots, of damnation, and cannot befaucd. My rea· are holy bCfore baptifme,and bapufme is bur fcinsarerhefe: a fealeof thathohne!Te,I.Corinrh.7.14.'Tht I. Baptifme is appointed by God, to bee chsldrrnof beieming parmu •reholy. Rom. 11. no more but a fcale annexed vnro, and det6.!frhefirjlfruiwbehoiJ,j•uthewholel•mpe; ,pcndmg vpon the couc:nanr: therefore wee andl{therPotel:uhoiJ,(iutrtthe6r~tnchn. Yea, mull put aditfcrcnccbetwecne 11, and the eo· ro them belongsthe kingdomeof heauen as uenanr. well as'" others. Chrill {airh,S•fforlit/echi/. I The Couenant of gr~ce, and our booing dren, &c. prtothem belongeththe kjngdo111e of \l~ ______ i_n_C_h_•_•il_,,_·,_ab_u_o_lu~r-el_y_n_cc-e-!fi-•r_i_c:-fo-r-n-o-'_"_'"_' ____ h_,._u_ffl_;_M_•_r_k._I_O_.I_4_·_____________ ·~-·~-----I wo1uan,or childe,<an beefaued, vnlelfe they It is alleadged, rhat!hofewbich arc fandi· · fied