Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

So Cafes ofConfcience. 2.Boolce. Satan tcmpteth him codoubtofhisownee- A Secondly, it caufeth vs to dedicate ou.f flate,in regard ofhis corruption 1 euen then felues wholly,vnto God and Chrifl, rcmerol.!t him haue rccourfe tohisBaprifme, and bring,rhatwcconceofl'crcdour feJuestobee thinke ofthe earne!l and pledge ofGods fabapttzed, (in the prefence ofrhe whole conuour,which he hath receioed. Lethim draw gregation)in token that we lhould euer afterout his cuidenc:s, figned w1rh the feale of ward,confecratc our foulcs andbodiesvnto Gods couenanr, made vnto him in Iefus rheLord,and wholly renounce and forfake Chrill; and thatlhall bee fufiicicnr to (ioppc the flelh,rhc world,and the diuell. the mouth ofSatan, and to rcpcllhistcmp· Thirdly ,itcaufcrh vstolabour, tokeepe tations. and mamtame peace and vnitie with all men· Secondly, Bapri(meis apledge ofthe verbut fpecially wuh Gods people. For Bop~ tue of Chri(is death. Doe J•" not k>Jow ( faics urmetsa folcrnnerellimonic, of thcbondof Paul) th.r all we which ha"' b"nebapti<.edin· mutuallloue andfellowOlip, bothofChrifi .to /e(Uf Chri/f,httucb~cnebapti::..edinto h.:.Sdeath? wirhhts members, and ofthe members one Rom.6.J. For they that beleeuc,arc by bapwith another, To dm endePJul faith,rhallvt tifme conformed ro Chr1fl thm head, be· 11.u; oncfPirirJ;apthed in!oMt bod.J, J.Cor. cau(c they are by it,buricd togetherwith him B H. IJ. yea , and Bapti(rne i• one of thofe into his dcath,verf.4. rhmgs,whcrclly the vmtieofrhrjpirit is prefer- Chop .4 5· This point is of exceiJent vfc in cur Jiut!s, uedjntbebondofpeAct. ~ For it teachcth :t man)when hisowne corruption mooucth htm eo On, and he is now euen in the combare, thefpiritlut1ing again!l the V. Q,_\!ellion. Beqt,and the flelb againfl the Spim; cue thet:) PYhether aman falling in~ eo call to mcmoric his bapr1fmc, wherein 1t pleafcd God,ro fcalc vnto hm11tJe mortifica. tion ofhis un,by thepowor of ChriOs death; to jinne , after he is baptized, and confequcnrly ro pray earneflly vnro may haue any benefite of hi! him/or the continuance ofthefame powerm his heart, forthecontinuall cruc•fyinjl ofrhe <"Baptifme? old man; and the veter dellroyingotthe bedieoflinne ,Rom.6.6. Thirdly, baptifme isn pledgcvntovs, of c An(w. Hemayifhe repent. And thcrearhe LifeofChrill, and ofour fcllowO>ip with fons arc thefe. him therein. For looke ,as hee being dead in Firll,hislndentures& Euidc:nces rcmaine rhe grane, ra1fed himfclfc to l•fe, by hlSowne whole,in rcfpcd ofGod, and his name is not power; euen fo,and more then fo,bccing now pur out ofrhecouenanr. Which is othcrwile in heaucn glorified ,dorh hee by the power of rn the Euidenccsofmen. Fer ifrhcy be once his Dcitie,ra1fe vp his members, from death cancelled, aman cannot haue his name put to life, Rom.6.4. Acertair.epledge whereof, inro them againe. he harhgiucn vs in this Sacrament. VVhich · Secondly, Baptifme is indeed (as hath bin alfo affoarderh fingular comfort & ioyvnto faid)the SacramentofRepenrance; and(as it aman.eucn in his grcatdl cxtremirie.True it were)•pl•n/zcur hoard to fwimme,•por., when is, thatman by narurcis dead in fin ;yet God a man is in danger of the fl>ip"racke ofhis ofhismercie, (caleth vnto him in baptifine, fouk. Thcrdorcifamanrepent,& behearhis riUng from the death ofunne,to newnelfe tily forie for his finncs committed, hecmay ofJife. True it is ag:tine, that all men mufl haue rccourfe to his baptifmc, wherein was die. Yet this is cur comfort, rha~ inbaptifi11c D fealcd vnto him , the pardon of'Ill his finnes God hatb Ccaledtovs, eucnourriungfrom pafi,prefent, and rocome: he Clanding to the ' the graue to lrfc cueriaflmg, and all by the order ofhis bapriline,belceuing& repenting. vcrtue& powerofChrills rcfurr<dion. This Thirdly, to them that fallcuenafterBapis acomfort ofall comforts, able to vphold cifmc,tbcreis hope ofrepentance,and confe. the fouleof man ,euen in thehoure ofdeath. quemly ofthe fouour ofGod, ifthey bcetouThe {econd Vfe of Baptifmc is, rhat it chcd in heart with true n:rnorfe and (orrow ferues to bee a noroble mcanes ofour death for their offences. For hence :t was,that Paul vnto finne)and that three wales. callcs the Galarians(fallenafrcr they had bin Firfl,by puuing \"S in mindc,cfmortifying b;J prized) ro rhe remembrance of the fauour the f:lefh, ~nd crucifying our ownc corrupt!- ofGod, promifcd vnto rhem in the Co::~eons. For ifwe bee baptized into the death of nant, and fcaled in their baptifme, Gal.3.3· Chrill ,as Paul faith, Rom.3. then oughrwce c9.27. In the [am< manner doth lohn call not to continue in finne, bur to labour byall the Churches ofAGa, that had left their firfl meanes, as bypravcr, by fa(img, by the word loue,to repentanceand conucrtion, Apoc.z.. preached, and by auoydwg all occallonsof p6. And the faid Iohn, in Eccleiiallicall Eufeh: Ecoffence, tokdland deflroythc corruption of h1florieis faid, to hauc reclaimed a young c!cCHifl.I,J our naturc,and the wickedneife ofour hearts, man, whohadmofi grieuoufly fallen after C-~3• Gal.;.14. his Bapti{me. I CHAP~