Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

<L{JC lt\~9t ~OIUltablc <iilltR!j~ttt-l1tmt }~c\unllis ~m{Jfmrr.s. c· f·

;/ .--- - ------ ---- I I I ' I 1 ! ~-===v=====o=====;:~ s o ~ -n · IT HAT FA M 0 vs AND ' vVOR THIE MINISTER OF CHRIST in the Vniuerfirie of CAM B R 1 n o E; M'. vv. PERKINs. The thirdand lafl Volume. Newly correCl:ed and amended. C0 :J.( T rd l J\( l :}.( q HIS L 8 A 'R. .$\(_§'D Expofitions offundrie cboife places of Scripture, with .fomelittle TraElates. 'The particulars rPhereif · thou m3i{\ fee in the next Page, wuh the , ord<r of their placing. HE R E T 0 I S A :tJ! 0 Y N E D A T W 0-F 0 L D T AB LE; one of the chcife Points andO!!efiioris,ihcotherof · choiceplacesofScripture. E c cLEs. i:. 9. The ,ortwife the Pr.acher 'WM ,themorehe taught the people kJtowledgc, and caufed themto heare, andfearchedforth, andpreparedmtWJparables. . EPHES. l · 4I wbere6y whe"J"'Yead,youmay kJtow mine7mderflandmg tn the myflerie<ifChrifl. ~~---~-,.--•m~~~~ll~~f~:!i!:~::·~~- Printedby CANT RE L L LEo o E, Printerto:lle VniuerfitieofCAMBRIDo E. 161,. - - -~---~---__j _. ~----~-- - -

-~-~---------------- --·-··· A CATALOGVE OF THE COMMENTARIES and TractJtcs contained in this Volume, with the order of their placing. J. '--4' E.~p>ftion ofc!Jrifts Summm tbe Mount: Mmh. 5,6,7 , Chapters. - I I I. <.ACom.,mtarievponthe u. Ch•f· to the Hebrewes,eontaining the Cloud offoitlfi•O WttiJ:ffts. IIJ. tAi1 Extofition oftlMthreeftrft chaptersof the Reudation of s. John. I pag.zo7. - IV. TIN Comhate hetwuneChrijlandtheDeui/1: or aCommentarie vpon chriils Temptatiom :.Matth.4.~.1.&c. . · pag.371. V. UJ1Exhorr.tiont• Repmtaller,grotmtledvpoHZeph.z.v.z,z. pag.4u. V I. 'the·uUi,g ofthe Mimflerie: dtc!aringtheir DutitJandDtgnitics, intwo Treati· fu. Theftr.Jlgroundedonlob 33·V·23,24. pag.429, . iheSe;ond,onit'J.6. v.5,6,7,8. p•g-44:. V I f, AyuitfoUDialogue to»etrning the Ende of the World hetwmu aChrijlw1 anJa Wor/dling. pag.415. ;VI II. .liJI Espojitio» of the whokEpijlleoflurk. pag.479· I x. A Difiourfeoj'tht aamHtdArtofWiteheraft,grou11tkdon Exod.zz.I8. pag.6o7· X. A Re{o!ution to the Cosmtreiman,prooui!tg itvtterl]vnlawfi;/1to huJ or vft ourJtarelyProgHojltcatiows. . pag.653• XI. A fhort Survey ofthuight m;nhtr ofmilinz and-irdering of.< FamifJ, aec.rdiHt to th~Scriptum. pag.669·

---- ------· -· ·--·~-------;.____·--. /_I I A -~-...,. GODLY AND; L E A RN E D EX P 0 S l -"· TION OF CHRISTS SER... mon in the M ou N T • Preached in CA MBR 1 o a E by thiuReuerend and Iu ... . diciom 'Diutne t9\J'•VV 1L L 1A M p E R K I N. s• Publii11edat the requell ofhis Exequutorsby T a. P 1 ER s oN Preacher of Gods 'n!ord. W H E R E V N T 0 I S A D I 0 YN E D A T W 0fold Table: one, of fpeciall points here handled; the other, of &hoifepklees ofScrifiHTthertqllottd. MATTH, t1·5· This i& m7 welbelouedSo11ne in whomt l~tmwtdl pleaftd, hta>·e h1m, ! -------------·---- i Print~dby CANTRELL LEaaE, Printertothe Vniuerfitieof(ambridge. 16q. 1 : ~-' -------"-·___1_____ _.1

l ~ ,. r j ~r ,,\ ' 't "·l ' J~) !J'; ' ~~ \-At.. '\' vl {, '1 Vl' t 'I f ·; L ' Col 1 • .. ' !' ' .... ~. .. ''" '·~'"..;.o~;·.. ·.)"'.Cl ., " ~~·.et -....,~. '~ .. ; '\' . ~ ,,\ ..... ,. T :-:;- ~ ... '" ':. \• '~ ... ::-U n\

~----·· -··---- -· ------~-- ~TOT HE HO::A(_OV1\,rv113L8, 0L1VER L01\'D 1oaN, Baron ofBlerfo, his very good Lord; (jrace andPeace. I D . ._, . HE facrcd Scnp!Ures(RightHonourablc) arefiyled by the Spirit of, 1 I rruth, to be all and wholly 'righteom, b pe_rfec7, and~p;m,yeamojl " ptlrc, ~~i~~.;!:~ thac it mufl needes fauour of the fpmt of Anuchnft, to tudge any , , ''"'"·''"'·! part thereof (as the Papi(\s doe) vnmeete for Gods people 'to be ~c- :',';•1...,. quaintcd withall. And yet I doubt not but that on our behalfe tor : :'~,'t;~J::.~.~~ . fomerefpects,akinde ofpre11eminence may bee yerldedro fomepar- , ' ' P;"·l'· j cells ofScripmre aboue others, withour any derogation therefrom: clre the 'Apo!llcs ~.~·,<,",~·.~'· fhould hatte wrongco! Mofu and the Prophets, by prcferringd1e Gofpel farre before · •.!'"·'·''· theming/orieand ertidence. Andtherdore asPat~/gaueafpecrall charge tor Timothie r,;r;m.•..,. ofbisparchmcntsJbouehisbooku; as beeing, though not for matter :noreprctious; yet for prefent v(e at leait , more expedient! fo may our hearts, cmbradng with rencrence the whole truth of God as pure and perfect, in regard of fitne!fc tO our peculiar eftare, cleaue more nearcly to fome portion thereof then vnto others: for fecing herein is bothmilhe andJlro,,g me.tle, who will doubr,but that according to our ~geand growth in Chrift wefhould atfect? But I may not here dilate ofthis difference ofScripwre, and therefore will coine direCtly to that portion of it, chrijls Sermon inthe Mormt, whichisherecxplaned in this Commentaric; endeauouring briefly to fhew fome notes of eminence i11 tbefe threechapters, for which they deferue among all the Lords Worthie. to haue then•me of the firft three. And ro.omit the <.Aulhor hereof, though lefm Chrifl theSonne of God, becaufe the ·;;who!e Scripture WM' gitlen hy in(Pirationfrom g '·,.'"'!·" the famefpirit; as ;;lfo his preparation hereunto ( though extraordinaric) _hy h pra}fr h t ..k.•. u. to God the whole night hcfore, which mull ocedes import fomc confequence of great im– portance; I will onely point at themanner of penning this Sermon, and the marcer which It containeth. For the firft: when the belotted Apo(\le C1ith of Chrifls fayings and doings, that· man~ things were not written, and yetfome thingJ were written for the ground and confirroh.••·Jo·l' manon of our faith, none (I hope) will denie,bm thefe things which were written,were hy the holy Gholt iudged more behoouefull for the Church, then thofe which were o– mirted.Wbence by good collection it will follow,that things more largely penned were alfo deemed the more expedient: for why fhould the holy Ghoft in penning bee more copwns,vnle!fe the things propounded were (tovs at leafl) more pretions? Now fearch ~heholy records of Chrifl thropghout, and fee what Sermon is fo fully regiftred as this 1s;ynle!fe 1t Were his' eonfo!ation vttered to his Difciples, with his pra7ervntohis Fath_cr a >toh., 4 ,, 5 , lttt!e before his paffiom Thi< being his wcfcomcro rhcm into their Apollle(hip,and That, ''' ''·""P'· hisfarewell at hrs death. But to come to the matter it feffc. This Sermon contah1eth 12. feuerall heads of ,.,""'"'" ' Doctrino, anfiverable •indeede to the number of the 12. Apof\les, to whome it was or,,;,,,~ prin~ipally imcnded, vpon their calling to that office, although I dare not fay, parricular.y to be ap?liedpArt toper[on, bnt rather generally the whole to euery one; vnle!fe it may bee, in the lafl pareell by the great mine ofthe houfe vpon the (ands, Chrift had a lpcciall aymc atthe fearefull fall of ltJdas that betraied him. Now the jirjl of thcie concerncth mans cheefegoodm true bappznejfe, whJCh is here fo plamcly declared t;;;·,~·;~,~,. I in_:,ghr_ ~eucrall rules, as they lead eucry man hereto, and giue the chrld of God mof\ ____1__ · ~-4-~-------- co~n:- __ _

~~ r,, ....; I l v·rl.lf . W I tlu: etui:' ,.f I "" dur'"· Clu p6''·'· totht I:Jo f mr.•; •• thch•h. Cl~P, 1"'· I~;~~·· ve~l 7to rl'~ H . veif.n. 'o'cr(l f.tO. dlc:u. v~rf..::.l. to ~h: cndc. 'The cpiflfe 'Dcdicatorie. 1--·--, comf<>rtablc aff.,rance ~er erA, ~ucnin I:is gre~rcfl miCcric. The fcconcl doth tnr>rc pe- 1 culi.uly rcfpc\.~ the {imd,onof tnt mtnijlcrte , the ordtn:tnc mcancs of artaining rhc for– mer happiner.<:. ·,·ttc third rdlorerh the morall Law to his truefcnfc and ,~1 ea!1ing, which the Icwil11 Teachers had fhame!ully pcruertcd, lr>asnow we may make fl rai:c ficp s vmo our fccr c in rh c W'.l)' ~f1 ~bcdicnc~. T~1e fotn-tbdiredcth vs in th erigJJt 11:an-· 1 ner ofdoi,ggocd tVorkc.o, byfpcC1a~l 111flance 111 thdc three, <..Almu, Pr.9rr, and Faltmg, , wherein the Hypocri:icall P!ton(tes had fpent much lab<.'llf in vaine. Theffih prc- , fcribeth thatmoderateure and deflrc ofearthly ulungs, whtch cloth flocke vp toueto"fmlfc, I the roore of a!I euill. Thcjl.xth rcforn,eth the pr~Clifc of rafh iudgemcnt, for th e better1 cmdence of humtlme 111 om !dues, and of l0o11e vnt~our brethren. T11cfiaumthpre- , f<.nbeth m>nijlaurlfdifcrett~n, 111 the dtfpenlauon of the holy th111gs of God, for the , tnm kerpir.g of thcrhtng• rhcmfdues, an.dthe[aft 6eungof the di(pen(ersthereof. The I eight dothnotabl.J tnwt~rage VJbt>th by precept andpromtfe,r_o_th~ holyexerci(e ofpr.<ier ~nd inv oeation. The ntnth dorh furmfh vsco the prac\Jfc ol lfljltu and equitiein our ci– uill cotwcr(J<ion. The tenth Joth d feClnally vrge vs vnto care of our (aluation, bywa/· 1 king in thejlraitcWa] oflife, and {hunmngthe broadway th>t ieadeth todtj/Y11&1ion.Thet!euenth dorl1forewarne vsof ialleTeachers , who be thc_maine (edncersout of the w~y oflife. , The twelfthand la(!, with the conclufion~ doth knuvp all, per(wafling vs both by pro– miCe ~fhapft»t/fi erernall, and offccumu, mofi comfortable; as alfo vpon peril! ?f vttcr r~ttnerrrecollerabk,wahoutward profcffiou 5o toynean!iverablc obc-<heOE:c,both mheart and life. Nowall and eucry one of rhcfe (Right Honourable) arc _of that importance in tbe life ofa Chfiflian, rhat none ofrhcm can be negleCted ofhtm that wirh comfort and fJfctic would liue godly in Cbri£lle!its. Forthc bener cuiden£c whereof, I mult re– ferre your Honour, with the Chn(han Reader, to thts godly and learned Expofirion enfi.ting ; wherein the reuercnt <.Authcr,.ifbleffid mmtorte, hath faithfully laboured vpon found interpretation '?f the Text, to lay down_e wholefomc iofiructions for the obedience of fanh. My pawes herem harh bcene ch1efiy rhts, as neere as I could out of mine owne and others notes, to commend vnro the publike viewc, the Authors faitbfulllabours in hisownemc~ning. Oncly I haue here and there vpon good occa– fion( thoughpriuateJO myfclfe) addedfom~references in the margent vmo clafficall Popifhwritci-s,forfuch opinionsas are herem charged vpon them. Mine inrerefi for the publifhing of this worke, 1hope I 01a!l approoue vnro any gainefayer. Now what– foeuer itis,inallboundcn duue and fenuce, I humbly commend it vnro your Lord– fhip,and vndc:ryour honourable pro_teClion, to the houiliold of faith. And becaufel doubt not of your diligence in rhe fa1:hfulhnd frequent perufall of it, I will ntrne my pemvafions towards you this way,.into prayerro t?e Alrnightic for you,that by the edi– fying ofyour fauh,and other grace~of God herem;you may more and more abound in the fruits ofrighteoufi1effc, inioymg here m~1~h true honour, with l~ngand happie daies, in the peace ofour Syon, and the profperme of your farn1ly, and m the end eternalllife through Icfus Cbrifi. Maie, I 6o 8. · ~ur Honours to commaund"- ----------~~------------------~; t \

~AN ADVERTISE· MENT TO THE CHRISTIAN. 'l{eader 1 eoncerning the Worl<ts of M. w. P ERK!N S, • Ecau(e theTitleofthisBooke (Good Reader) importeth aconli•m– mation and finifhing of the lon g expected laboursofour godly and learned Diuine, M. W. P E KK r N s; and yet Ill this Catalogue prcfillled;befiderhetwoformerVolumes, th?uwanrefl: fome par.. ticularsrliat heretofore were promlfed, (as hrs Exprfttion of the F • and r ro. Pfalmes; The Coll{iltationof Canift~~< Cateahifme, with other Sermom;)Ithought goodwacquaint thee with fome reafons,wher– by his Executorshaue beene perfwadcd to makeafinall fl:ay and li•ppre!!'ing of tlte1.n. 1 , They were of thefirfl: fruit ofhis labours, which if he had intended for rhe preffe, he would no doubt haue reuifed long fince,as he did fomeorher things, which then he handled and publifhed for thy good. 2. Befide that the Church of God enloyeth the bertefit of other mens labours of the fame' k~,d ( ~hereto o~r ret~erendAuthor had due b refpect,) the truth is, that the ~~~~:::'~., .mofl: matenall pomts colllarned m thefe fuppreffed lectures,are more largely and exact- '"' ,•.'t>r.t. ly handled in his Workes alrea~ie publifhed. To infl:ancein fome t The whole argu- ~;:~~·;~ ~;:i. 111ent of the IIo.P_(alme,(to vfeour. Auth?rsowne diuifion) containerh either Chrifls 1 ~~~'l:;:.r kingdome,or hu Prtejlhood: both which pornt~ thou fhalt finde parucularly handled i•t ~:;;~hir'"' thego!dmchauu, Chap.t8.and more at large m theCrude: H!sktngdolfJe,m rhefewords, bs"h;, •d· [Hejittethat tha rrght h<ndof God,] and his Priejlhood, i" ' handlingChrijls Sacrifice. And 'I ;~;;;;'.~';':' for the3z.Pfalme, the points of largefl: difcoucfe_, ar_e The knowledgeofremifjion ofjinne, ~;'.';~;~,;;,. JJrth ajfi.rallceoffo!rJJtron, vponrheftrjl verfe; whtch rs far more fully dtfcuifed , in the d ••M'h' '·• 1 Treatifeof Confcienc~: 'CafesofConfcicnce, and r Reformed Catholike : And vpon ~~;;~·'"'"' thefocondverfe, the pomt ofIujlifoatronhJr"'P"'"'rrghteoufneffl, andnot 6y !11orkes:which di~~~:l:;,:" toth~ full content are cleared, in the g golden chaine,and "ReformedCatholike, bellde many ;·~·P·•· other ploces which I purpolely omit. And for theconfi•tationofCdlltjia<, what material! ''"· '· point of controuerfie can be expeCl:ed ,which is not either in hisgo!denchaine, The ReEt:?;;:;:·•· · formtdCatho!ike, TheiJolatrieofthel•fl times, The tnatifoof GodJfoegrace, and m•mfree 'Ch'P·17· will, or inhisPi'ohleme?Nay, I am perfwaded it would not be any difficulttbing, tO note I ~,;;,,.,,. 'out in particular, the feuerall points of thefeforenamed Sermons, in fome one placeor 'Clup.f•• other of his publifhed vVorkes ; whereby it is plainc that the fupprefling of them IS neitherpreiudiciall to the Author, or to rhe Reader . Thefethings well confidered,and withal!thegreatquanriti.e and price whereto his Workes are alreadie rifen, I hop~ thou wilt approoue of their aduifc that deliberately wifhed their final! !lay. It may bee f<mte will thinke it vnmeetc, that any thing of r,his reuercnd Diuine lhould be fuppreffed; Bmlet fi1ch confider well, what the bcloued A· poHie faith of the blclfcd workes of ourSauiour Chrifl:, to wit, that k many of tbtm, )'tA k Ioh.,c.J• · the g"atefl, 1111mber •f/htm, rvereomitted,a11dthoje t/;ing; one!ywr;ttm whichrve~c necejfariefor i ~;:~3~1up. t~r,rormaand confrmatrmo(our fotth: There ne~des no apphcauon, feetng our rim~~ I ~----------------------------------~A.~5________ are

, , ~nAcluertife.ment to the'IY!ader. < 4 ---r, ~r.:; IT,OtC like to fl~rferwith abundant;c,thElhrue for want of printed bookes. Where– fore 1hope this may fillfice ,to perfwadc thofcthat hauc vnprimed. copies in their bads, ·; r I I I I ~ i f f I to vfe rhem forthetrown.c pnuare benefit: Bm ifany rcfi not fatished bercwirh,l would yet imreare thusmuch of them, that before they put hand to worke forthe prelfe, they would acquaint M. Perkim Executor; with their rcafor.s that moone them thereumo : from whom I doubt nor, but they lhall receiue either fllflicient fatisfachon for their llay, or good'leaue to proccede in their intended cour!C. Which thing I do the rather aduifc becaufe the Executors banc a gencr:rll Inhibition onr of his Maiellics Court of high, Commiffion,prohibitingthe pnblilhing of any of his workes withom their confent. Now the God of all !'race, who is Lord of thcharuefi, lend forth daily fi1eh faithful! workem 1 en,and blcffc thefe and their hbou(S for the bcautie and wealth of Sion.Amcn. Septtm~e~ I. I 6o9· Thine in Chri£1: Iefus. 7homa~ Picrfon. ---------------~------~------------------ ... ~. -- \ ---1 I I___J________________ ~----------------~--·

~---c-~--"-~-~·=- ~·-~··- ~' I I I I l I 1·-- i ®~~;mrm~~~~~~®~rr.r.~@fu1rm~~i~~ffi1 / 1 ---=- .I j ~®'~~~®~&~®~~~®~~~ 1 I l A .. GODLY AND ' l'imc. a.Lui:.6.7. ~ I L'Ee.A'R..:J\(EV eXPOSJTJO:J\( OF Caains Sermon in the Mou 'wr. Matth. 5• t. ~ndwhen heejarPthe multitude, hee 'Went vp itJtoJ ~'i\1ountaine: andwhen hec '¥PM jet, huVi[ciples came to him. ~. ~ndhee openedhumouth,and taughtthem,jayingj &c. . . "' • N tins Chapt<rond the t,...o 1 A perfcCl then the Law oi Mofes: and alto dthncxt, 15 cont~mcd Chrt.ft 1 ucreth new dtuine counfcH to his D 1 fc 1 plt'sJ Sermtmmthe Mount, prca.. wluch was .not gtUen 1tl the La\ov,or m•,the chcd to Ins Dlfctples and Prophets. But they<frc ~nd are dccetucd: for others that were c6nu~rtcd Chrifts mtcnt is todcarc the tr:uc btcanu~g o~ vnto him among the multiMofeJ and the Prophets,which.was eorrup,ttd tude. Hereof I haue chofen by thefalfe gloffe ofthe Ie~·tlh teachers; 'and to Jmreat, bccaufc it tsa moll dnnnc and Iearnot to addcany new La~ or counfcll thpe.: ned Sermon; and may not vnfitly be called the unto, " l> afmwarq will platucly appcary. Kry. ofth<whol<Brbl< :·for here Cljnl\ opencth Agame, th<J Ccanno~ be g.uen vmo tnan a the fmnme of the Old 3!ld-New Tell•ment, IJlOre perfect rule then Mo[rs Law, the fum•n• • Beforewecomctothep•nsofthiSSermorf, 2Ddfcopewhereof1s, To lot~ Got{ with~lltht three gener:J!I pt>ints areto be (canned, fort\>< hutrt, wrrhal/th<foul<, •ndwtt.h~lit/;< jlrt.'f;t0, cleonng of the doC\nne followin". Futl, the ~hen whteh ther: cannot be greatriperfccltolt Timewhen this ScrmQn was preached; to wit, B m a creature. ~· c therefore vpon th,~ confide.; in the fecond yeare of CH R IS T s mmil\ene, ration of this worthie <ll.dC, mull· laboJir· to vpon.this occafton:when Chrifl ahad wrought faew the grcat~r ~01rc ~nQ confdencc,to learn!! a mirade, in curing the man with the withered and doe the thmgs propounded i.n this Ser, hand, vpon the Sabbath day, the Scribes and mon. . . . .• Pharifies went abou<to kill him; whereupon Ill. Point, Whether. is. this S~rmon th)! he departed from among them, and went into fame, with that which is [c; .dpv,ne by S.LttkJ, aMaimt, whcrehec fpcntthcwholenightin . Chap.~. v. >o. This qu~!\ion is, neccffarie: prayer·, And when it was·day, hec chofe the for if th<y pc the fame SctJlJ'1?•·th<.n v>•ij) th'e twelue Apolllcs: which done,he.<amc downe one giue great light vmo the·other. Men:in• into aplaine place ncarc to the MQI)nt, where deed differ in iudgcment ~ouching this point: he wro~ght many miracles; but qcuufe the fomefaythcyare diu~crs ~crmpps; other's fa~ peoplcthmnged about him to touchhim (for they are one and the tame: ~nd that opinion-j'g there went venue out of him which cured mol\likcly.Forfirll, theyh~.ijeonebcginnin-g them) therefore hee withdrew himfclfc out of and one matter, the fame otd<'r of preaching; the throng inco the Moumainc againe, ar'ld C and the fame concluf1on, 3s th~ comparif!g''O£ there preached this S·crmon vnto his Difciplcs them together will plainely d~c)are·. Seco.ndly, fooncafcertheir cletl:ion; no doubt for this this Sermon recorded by themhoth,wasmadc- . cnde,to teach them his will, andatfo to frame vpon the election of Chrifls. •wdut:Apoflles·,' & in!lruClthem fo asthey might become proa little after the curing of the man with the fic:able teachers vnto o~hcrs. withered hand. This is plaine in s. Lwk..!, and' '"P'· II. Point. The,foop.ancl drift of this largr may well -be gathered from ·tbe doctrine of hntcn.ctwn· Sermon: namely, to teach his Difciples, with this Sermon recorded l;>y cM .:f'l!thm,. wher~in I mcnt.incor;to all that bclc:cnc in him, to lead a godly, an bo... Chrifi inllruefeth his ApOfiles·particolarly in· ~~;J~;nang. ly) and bleffcd life. ~lthough this Qc c:uidcnt their office a·nd calling: which"he~: would not Jktlad.iGc in the text, yctthc Popii'h .Tcachcrs haue- de.. ha~c done, if he had not fo:rmct·ly called them~ bch;f'.f.tfj. :tndf.i;, ~ ~i~[~hc~e&: L1ikcfc~ ) .l 1lnwncdie ' !a·me·s~rm~ c cfi~?-S'·": 1),11,1.hl'· -~~-~ut:Uf.c.j. praucd thi5cndcand,fcopc; faying, that ChrHt :chercuntci•. Jf it be fai_d, 1 that S. Mattliriv rt'- herein propoundcth a new Law, farre more cordcrh their tlcttion dte_rward in tht rro. ------~~------ -------------~--------~----·------------~c~~~~~·~--~

2. I dn cxpoftion o/ Chriflr -- I Chap. An[. In the writings ofthe EnangeiHl~ : A Prophet like vn;~ E!i]nh, and £/ifha ,~_ho I there be ccrtainc Anticipartom; tPat is;(omc ' ...,·ere as Fathtn and l\·bltcrs CO the rcnt\rthe d1ings. arc (er do ..vnc afcer, ""h1ch were done Prophets : for herctn he doth nor otrelv tcz:ch 1 bcfore 1 and fomc things arc fct do\'"-'nc before, bciccucrs among che :nulrirudc bm hi~ owne i which \\'~ere done after, a:; might cafily be pro~ Difciplcs altO, who \Hrc afcer'ward eo make 1 ucd ~Y l<1~1dry examples, a_nd in the point itl Difnpks vmo Ch1irt, and to build \"P _funhcr ~~!~d :s.tmdcnt:for.rhc clcC ..h_o~fthe Apo{Hcs them chat didbcl<!cltC : yc:a;rhis inf.huttioaof IS (er downc by S. JUauh~w tn His tcntb chap.. his Oifciplc~, is the diicfc [cope of d1-is Scrvpoq_gcc:llionofhis rewrding 1~1cir commifli... mon. ~np~U{l);;lccl\~a\~:;~3~-~~~S\1~ir\t~;~;~l;~1~~~;;ltchf~ ~ thi; ~~~.~~~~'IA~~:f~~~C:l~~C\~i;~~x~t::~;;~~ r~·j;~~~um. Sermons tO be on<", S. Mtmh.·w fcniru; downc , •f Ga!ile.• 1-lcwmtvp into a)f/fount~?ine. This pbce the fame more largcly,and .l..ttk!thor~bri'ctly. · he chofc for t\~'0 caul(·!: Pirfi, to avoidc the Their Rcaf(H1S who hold them to be t\l'l'O throng that prdfcd abour him, \.'l.'hile he fiood diHinCt Scrmons,:nc of no momem. They fay~ . on the pbinc, to iCe him and to touch him, bc- ~ha-tl;c s~~lllO~II~Ccprded by,.S~~uf(e was made tn c~ufe t th~r-ewellt 1/6Yfllt DHfJ!/ him. Se~on~lly, f' Luk.6.1,, OJ~ the phunc ;_ thts of Matthew lll the Moun- r that he tmghr haue afit place,l>oth for himtdfc tame: t\l>,t Ql [,H~-~~·Jtl>dc I>_~ Qprilllland: . •. ' to fir and reach, and for his Difciplos and the ing; this of Jl1atrhcw as he fttt d<?V\'11C. AnfiP. .. multitude aucmiurly and orderly to hcarc and But LM"k5 fairh"nor, char ~t "':i~'in·aac'hy Chri!t learne that .,.hC>Uome doctrine wl!u;h~c dc!i• in, dr !bnding:oncly this he faith,that uercd. G:\lrft:comrni"ng.from the Moun 1 taine llood in lri this choice ofrhe place, Fi:ft,hC-ffiewcth ~ :~ i) place, -and there \Vfol)ght certaln_e great care and wifdomc to·maintainc our\'l.·ard 1 The ,rn. m'ira.dcs,:m"d thenpreaclfcd:nciw'all this rhight1 order in the difptnY.ltioh of his word:\.v.bercby Bcjd~nt', and yCfChri!l mi'ght preach .this hcteachcthovs, that i1l ~~ll1olyminif}ra9i<;>Os1 Sctimon in the Mount fitting, as 3-. itfatthnv outw:ud ordCris to be kept am\ c-oiaitfuient fMt1Wf0rrhc ordcf6ft~i·s:ttb,l'c rs:~His~ ~hri:ft' places chok!n, where the' v.~rd ot'Ge:d'jna'Y hef.ij.\ff n1::tlight-~d •b'f thC Iewes, vi· em inuta:~ be rcuerently :md profitably both fpoke: ~nd :M'ou~1t; a·~~ .t~ef~·pbicJ; after lo~,-~ Fr:Iy,.er,h~ hea·r~. s~~onAlz_,h·ereill he fh:""cih fpCcii!l carC chefc·the twc1ue ApofHcs~1 anCl then came fto d1fpencethrs Fath~s· INIJI when ucca-hon rb dbv.'".:nc into a1pfair1e1 tthd wrought Miracles: C was offered; yea, hec dcclareth hisdi!igeOce · 1 '" but Dtrea(on rof fltc~tht'Bng V.•l1i-gp preifcd 2.- herein :fo '?S 1.t istruc,it was s m~aua~tldrn;k,~ ' ~ Ioll. J bout him'tOttofteh~Hm,)le\o\'Cilt ih'ttYthc mou'nvnrtt him•, t.h\ts by tta'Ching the people to tloe : + tt.3ineaga)ric,-:~uidthcre·prcacheCq11is Sermon his F~tthi'liWill. And this1his : t.r>"hiS .ApbrHes 1 , ··;:nd others' rhit followeq· a·ptcGdcncund cxo.mplt to all GOd~Mi~iflcrSl hi'~!;.;"J.;: p·.P"~ " -" " 1_."_ J 1 I They mufi.not preach by. confir:Iinr; b!Jt~o£~ Pll'n of this -.,:Rasmtfeh lfl.lgt"riefdii.No'wWe COme to the· d. willii1g tlli\uJe~, t_he.Y'mnil~t:ci_oyce_and:be Sermon. Serm?rtit rflfe?.wlill!h d:Un-::tinctR't'llree parrs.· gladwhbf1 ~~C>ali~n i51 offac·d;:rh~t thcymaJ A·Prefa«nhe·M•rlei>of the'Seimoil; and the difpchfn'h~ ~vi !I of G<1<Jivnro hrs p«fplbThi• cbitcllljiotJ:·· ~·}~ .. tl ;') ... ·1 <lfil·'l ~ . PaHl me:If1(1n his f\rait_c ch~rg-c to Ximoibie, I. Prefl'e. The Preface ,or prcparati~n is c~:wtained itf , that h hecJ!oa!d 6e inflantJ·And teachbr1(4fon, h ,,Tim..;.. tli~ r:W<>fit«vl;rfeslOf:fhis· Ch~pt('r·;·\whCr..ciq. ~tndlJUt of{f!afon: that-is; take·all occafions to 1•:.· K:- . .. I, ClrttiiTt" 1 fh!lc:~; ·, ~\Uflf!r, ~ atef~t (1~Art€idi~~r'SJCit1cJm.fl-:rh1ceS tfertaini'ng tcac~ the: 'wbrd; foll·owi·og· the example of! t~t1Th:&>\<i1l(in\'J'!sl/itH and P'finelpall'y,the .An.' Chrifl,wh'o llaicd nor ri.thc oamc<ro Ier.afa!Cm, r.hhfWfit,r'dWit~1Pff's1\fls <rrH'a>t sT-th.c Rcdee-' or to fo/ne. Syn:\gog~c·,J•budiauing go.ot\~,oc- , m<ir, •na MeUfoi~in· •of manki't~de;'whb in the ·caGon offered;' taughi >11c>;thi·•j m~k1ng:of thfsl se~on, mull: bC·confidertd• D i Mountaine~ '. ' . •. !r, ··-' f..\~bi~lo, cu;e11 'as'"liec i.saProphet·: 'fir'fi, a·~ I ..,. Thirdly;Jlrcr.e is: not~d chat 6odt!J~ geflur~,. ·J· cireumtiitfl:Aiinifter 'oJhGW'G'It'mCiji()J .[.Jr:.rhe trHth -of which Chrifl'V{cth in tlus Sermon; hce tau-ght !bncc : d Ro:n,J 5 .s. , qaiJ, as th\ Ap~~Jn·fj;ca"-~~h ~·V.~leie~y thus' fhc).n,no-dhtnding, but 6tting;whcnhe.watfot:', Ccflur,. ~l!}It:liis fignlfic·dl;--that Iefus•C4lfiil·as hcc w:.ts fo when hep1·cachcd in,Na:z.arct, 'hu.jloOdiv.F i Luk".f.IG. m:a~ubor!JC among t'he Icwes,;: -\~as'Vilro tllcn'f andreadhlJ'tel:t, and thm fat Jowne, 1Wdpre~t2-o. a·P.r.ophctand minificr in hiSowne'per10n,3ntll : thedvnruthun~ And when his father anq me- j ~Ydtn h1s 0.\~•.n--e:! mo{,th ,.{.as to teach thcln thcV: ;thcr ~ough~ hi.mat the fc:~:k rhqfoundhimm -t l.ub. .-f. ;~ili!Of his F:ither :which thing wiis'~cq·uifiri:" the11impte·(jitting)•mon~;theDoUorJ,&·ashng ,f<>hht acconip!<!hinn of Gods' \'l6rd, who themqudh•>u:dndbeingapprehcnded,hc fild I jlbd·promifcd bcforet~ his auncicnt people by [0 the multitude, 1 I fate rdiJifJ with JPit in,th.c ' 1 Mat.~$.Sf· lMofi.r, that hcc \Yould raifc vp'v'mo them a ·rC.mplc teaching. Now Ghrifl V fed to~pr.cach I · ·c: ~.;.2.~. " !pioP.he,t like'vn~-Mof"!, cwhomethey jiJoil~d·, ,Jitting, becaofc\it wa·s thCin:~nne~r.a.nd c;Aornc :· mare·1n aU fhmgfthat bee J1,.•1dfPeakf vnto · ofrhar fhurch foro doe-: 7hrScrilmand l r l, I tsh-cm_.:. :w.hi~ll p~op,hcfie ~~:tll• vlelr!ficr(ll·f!ll t1,1-is r f PhhA~ifi~,r~ .ftrklT.h~ . c~ . ift1llfit i~J M.t ·~~.~kg~.,",:'d' l.mMat.2S·i. .' crn10~ ·~ :vrler~'n.~ lc,.·.m3nl."~ C( \t~"c ero '~~ :'; e.r.~.. le.:notc·t t-~lCLrge .t.U' caf:Hl ~ . tire· Mm1ffcr of CtrcurnnRoh ·vnrO thCrrf. I ' cxpounddrg~ht.·taw.Wher.cby\\'C: a·re ~ ·s~-r;!lt_; he..::_~~.(l:~confidcf''~hdH -aS'~.:>......o~o·bc C!;,efui! obfe:-ruing all fen~1dy,dc~~l~ .._~~.J.l_·...;'c..' · ~--~-~· ------------------ men :1 C',

~- , · ,Hauh+ 1 Sermon in the e5\1ount. 1 3 ' v_:_::_ , _ _ _ _____~-~-~~~.,l _/1 I mendable, and comicnitnt gcflurcs,which arc A hand,to open thcircarc-s,andapply their hearts fl vfcd in chat Church,whcreofwc arc members. w hcarc,lprnc,reccluc, bcleehe,and obey the I' Jfanythallaske, whether we mjy nor preach fame : this i>that Prophet forerolp by Mo[u 1 1 fittinc, as Chrifidid? I anfwC"r: if it vvcrc the whomuft bee heardq ;,., allthing.J rhar liet fba/1 ! qA&.J 1i,iJ cufto~1c: ofour Church, we might la\\'fully do {pMk! t yea, whofotucr will not hearchiJ voice, 1 it; for thcfc gdlurcs be indift'crcnt in themmtJ.ft be cut offfrom .mtong Gods peqpfe: and I [clues-:- but we doe icnot,bcqufc our cufiomc great rcafon , flr if theJvordfpok!n by .. t'btgcl!J is othqwi.fc, And fo ~ve may fay of preaching jlooodjfeadfajf, a"d eucr} ll'ttn[f.relfionrecl'iucd a 1 with the head coucred, whi'h j) the manner viu.ft recordpetJcc of reward; r howJbrtllwcee{c~tpe, rHeb·t1rl· fed by the MiniHcrsof the French Churches; ifweneglcfl: fogrMt f:z/uatiOJJ prrecbcd ~mto vs j but we vfe it not, becauiC we haue no fuch cubJ Chrijf? Secondly, hereby all Gods Miniflers · :a. vre. !!omeinourChurch. arcraughr,by allgodly 'diligenccro fccke w I +Circum.~ Fourthly, here arc noted the partiuwhom fim1il11 thcmfclucs fOr their holy Mi1~flcrie, U~:~~r:,. Chrill taughc,namely his Difciplcs;for though th:u they may bring ferious ;md waightic mathe fpakc in the audience of lhe multitude, yet ter vmo Gods people", an·d dcliucr the fame herein he chicAy intended to inHrnCt- hisditCiwith that conucnicnt boldndlC and auchority, pies:that is, all thofewhom he had conucrred B which bcfccmerh Gods word. Thirdly, in ;,V(,. by his former Mini!!cric,& among rhem prinChri!ls addreffing ofhimfc!fe to fpcak,all pcrcipally the twc:lue ApoiHes, whom hcc had fons mull learne to mak confci~ncc both offi..., ncwely chofcn to become rcachersof orhers. lenee and of fpeach: thiS we rh all doe,if by fiThis circumHance muCl: be well obf~rucd, for lenee we clofe vp our lippcs, till we bane iuft as it to cl care Come points in the domatterto fpeake of, rending to the glorie of tlrin foll?wing;fo it fcrucrh notably, to proue dod, or rhe good ofour brerhren:ond becing and iufiifie the Schooles of the Prophets, foprcparcd,vponfitoccafionjand i"n duetimc, wherein fome teach, & others heare and )earn, we may Vttcr our mindc ~ we mufi. remember forthiscnde 1 tofurnith rhemfelues with gifts, that Chri!! left himfclfe an example; that we that afterward they may become good and athould follow his (\eppes : and al(o confider i bleceachcrs in Gods Church: for what is this that of euerJ idle word tbat wee jha/1 fpea!,s, wee '""'·"·l•· hue ro follow the example of C.hrifl, who in muft rer.d~r account vnto God. If this were rhis pla __deliuercrh doetrine and ln!!ruClion knowne and be!ceu<d, there would not be j~ to his tweluc Apofi:es, the hrtter to inable many finncs in words, bycurfing, (,...,caring rhen1ro the faithful! difcharge oftheir holy vaineand idle fpcaking,as there-be. ' MiniA:crie. ) ThusmuchofthcPrcface. Now we come l'he mmer La!Hy, in this Preface is noted Cbrifh man.. C to the matter of this Sermon, hcginnina at the ~~~~~i~s nn-•ffpeakjng,in there words: And hte opm1d thi!d verfe of this Chapter, and fo con~nuing hu mouth andtaught them,[aying: which fomc to the z8.verfe ofthe 7.Chaprcr.And it maybe doe take to fignilie norhin11 clfe, but a full and diuided into r z. heads or places of doClrine: cuidenr kind offpeach;as it theholyGho!! had The fir!! whereof, concernerh true bappine!Je .. Pmonf {aid, hufpak,rwith hu mouth: as we vrc tO fay or blej{tdnejfo.-from the ••verre ofthis Chapter! h>ppindft, in Engli!h,/ ht>ttrdit with mint earts. But this to the 13. whcrcm arc propounded fundty phrafebath afurther meaning, for as Paul witrules diteClingmen to attaine thcrt'i.lnto. The nEfb·'·''· ling the Ephdians, n to praJ ID Godfor him that fcope ofrhem all mu!! be conGdered, which in ad.ortofvttn-anct maybe gi11en him, that hu genera!lisrhis: Our Sauiour Chri!!)lad now migbt open his mouth boldly topuhl;fh the fe· preached two yeares among the people, and <retrofthe Gofpel, dorh there make that opt• thereby had wonnc many to become his Difning of hu mouth, a more fpeciall kind of fpea.. ciplcs; and among the rdl ,his I 2. Apo!!les:to king,,and ofa fatre more waightiema~rer,thcn all whom hee promifcd happindfe and life ehis ordinarycommunication; and as Elihu fayuerlafting, if they would continue in the faith otob. ing, o I willoptnmy lippu,ttndwil! anfwrr, doth •D 3nd obedi.enc~ of his word :Nowth~ugh they thereby imporr,rhar his fpcech thould be vpon bcleeued rn lum, yet they !lrll rem)lined in rhe due confideration,andfound knowledge: fo fame fiate for outward things ( and bcCan 1 c the Euangeliil faying, Chrift openedhis moHth, more fubic8 to outward mifciie's then bcfor~· doth thcrebymeanc,thar vponferious mcdtaifo as if they iudged ofhappipf!fe by their pre~ tion vpon fundrypoints of heauenly dotlrine, Cent ounvard e!!are, rhey fight ealily fufpctl hce began to fpeake with liberric & authority, the rrurh ofChri!ls doC\rine, and think he had and to dcliuer vnto them dcepe matter of d~ceiucd them,bccaufe he pro~ifcd them hapwaight and great importance: that this is the pmefi"c, and yet for outward thmgs, their cafe meaning, may appearc by the conclufion of was farrc wo_r.fe, then before they knew him. PCh2P·7-11· this Sermon, where it is faid, P the people wonThis our S,auiour Chrifi conlidcring·, doth dredttt hU dollrine, becttu[e hee tttHght JU one ha.. here goc about to rcmoouc this fal[e conceit uin._r. amhoritie. hut of'their minds; and for this purpofe deli.. 6 DothChriilherc openbismouth,:mdvtter ucreth this Vnto them, in the firil The 'lieu.•. waighdc p0ins of doCtrine in this Sermon? generallhcad of ~11s Scr~on ; that true hlfppi- . I then it {b.nt.lcth :llt Churches and people in nef{e hefore ~od. u euer roynrd, rea couerednM- \· ' -~' --------~~--------~- -----------2ry~~

4 Th::vfc. t.Ru!co( 112ppmcnc. f Luk,.S,1o. 'f· lj/n Bxpojition qfChrijlr ! M.wh.5·\ ~----~~--~~~~~--~~~----------~ ~ o . ;. _ i many timu, 1Yitb the crof{e in rhU world. A nqgoodnef{c in rhei"t' hearu, thq defjulirein them~ ~ \ VVhercby hcc !hikes at the roorc of their carfel!ll's,andflicwholly tq the mercy of God in Chr~/l, 1 . nallconccir, who pbccd true happincffcin forgracc audcomfqrt, 4J,m did toDr.;esl , ounvard rhings,:md looked for outward peace gateJforoutwardrclecfe. and profpcrinc vpon the recciuing of the GoSeeing Chrift dorh lhus fer out the pedOn vrc:. ,. !' fpcl. that is truelv bletfcd let vs fee whcthrr we be ,~ Trbll 1~fom As this is the fcopc of the doChinc follow.. in the number ofthe'fe poorc ones. Indeed \\'t poucmc. ing, fo it fiands vs in hand to learnc the i3mc, hau.c many poorc among vs, fomc that by ex- :md to fin de e:mcricnce hereof in our O\o\'OC ccf\c and ryor hanc fpent their fubllancc-, 3nd I hearts, that true 'comfort and felicity is :1ccom... others that through idlencffe incrca(c their · panied wtth manifold mii'b:ries in this life. 1n- \~ant; as rhc wandring.beggcrs,:~. finnet"nll and / dccdc carnal! wifdomc- dc'cmcth them happie dtfordcrcd people, who ioync thcmfclues to 1 that cnioy outVI.'Olrd pence, wealth, & plcafure: no <;'hurch :.butno?cofthe(c can b_¥ _tl~cir po- ! but this conceit mufl: be rcmooued, and uc-rucmakcJUfi d:ume to true fchcltle. The ~ Chrifis doChinc embraced, who ioyncth true blc~ed poore, arc poorc in fpirit, ~nd this po... 1 happinc{fe with the croffe. Secondly, this fer... ucrttc wcmufl:finde in our hearts, tfwc would I ucthtotea~hv.spatienccin affiiC.lion; for it is B knoweour.fclucs to bee rruely happic: but Gods will t? temper h:1ppines and the croffe after triall, this will be found much ·wanting: together: now this puts life into an affi.iCl:ed forfirH, ifmen liue outwarCiy ciuillj and keep foule, to think that Chrill: v•ill hauc his fclicithemfducs from grotfe finnes, thisthouglu of tic inioyed and fclr in out'Nard mifC1'ie. Thus pride takes place in their hearts, rhat they are much of this head of doChine in gcnerall,novv righteous, and they perfwadc thcmfelucs vvith we come to the branches thereof. the u young man in the Gofpcl, that they can u ~bt. 19.1o. kccpe Gods commaundcrncms. Secondly,let v-3- 13/ejfedarethepoorcin JPirit: for theirs u thek.jngdome of heaum. Here is Chrifi~firfl Ruleconcerning happi.– neffe; "''herein obferuc rwo points: fidt, the' parties bldfed, the poore in fpiri flr fecondlJ., wh~;rcin this bieffcdnc{fc confifis, for their.s is C the k..!.ngdome ~fhcauen. Before we come to tbefeparts fcucrally,notc in a word, thefonne of fpeach here vied; they that are !odd~ by humane realotl "'~ill rather fay, Mtj[ed are the rl"ch,for theirs are the kjngdomesofthc worldt But Chri!there fpeakschcllat contrary;faying, h!~ffedare thepoore, for thetrs i,· the k.J.ngdome of /;eartew, which is infinitely better then all the kingdomes of the world: whereby \VC may fee that the wifJome ofthis world is foolifhneffe ·with God, o.nd the ordinarie conceit of manJ A:u:oppolitc to the fauing doChine caught by Chri!l. Bte/fed "'' the poore i• ffiirit. The word tranO.cedpoor<,doth properly fignifie abegger, •D one rha:: bath no outward nccdf.uies, but by •'ift from others! but here it is more l:trgcly :;ken, not onciy betokening thofe that want outward riches, (for f S. Lu!,s oppofcch theft poore to the rich in thU world) but alfo thofc– that arc any way mifera~lc, wa:ming inw:1rd ot· outward comfort :and tuch an one was– rtM, [ th~tt lq begginl at Dives gatcJ, Wh:lt is meant by poore infpirtt, is plaincly expoun– ded lft.66, z. where the Lord faith, I will look._e to bim tbat is poore, and ofa contrite fpirit, a'id that tremhletbat my words. Chiifls meaning then is rhis, that thoftpooteare/;leffi·d., wbo by ~f tbcir dzftrefj't, through "ii'Ant of omward cemfort.r, are hfought to fee their j fi!!!!!.:..r, and thcirmifcrie.r tbcrebl; fo tU jin~mg I - worldly wants befall men, in body, goods, or name, and they arc gricued; yea., their foules arc full of{orrow: but fOr fpirituall wants, as biindndfcof rnindc, hnrdncffc ofhcarr, vnbe.. liefe, and difobcdicnce, their he:trts are ncucr touched. Now whence comes this, but from thatptidc of heart, whereby they bklfe themfelucs in their efiatc, and thinkc zll is -....veil with them in rcfpt:Cl: oftheir foules?fo that true it is, pouertie of fpi!·it is hard to befound. Wee thtreforc mufi fearch our fclucs, :nd labour to fc-dc our (pirituall wantS f and looke how La- ~arm lay for his bodic,at Drvcs gates; fo mufl: we lie at Gods merde gate in Chnft, for our foules, abandoning this pride of heart, and acknowledging t}lat there is no goodnelfcin vs ofour felues; fo~r theflraite gate of beauen cannot tcceiile a fwclling heart that is puffed vp with prid. And to induce vs vnto this good dutic, let vs confider the gracious promifes ·made to them that be poore in fpirit; x thc:y :c Pf.,t 7 M. arc called Gods poore: y bee think$th on them: y Plal.p.•r· though heamn he Gods throne, and the earth his foorftotJle,.JetJvillheez look.; to him that M -z lfa.f 6.:. pooreand ofa contritefpirit: yea, the Lord will a dtYe!lwtth him that U ofa comritc and lr.·ok!n ;1 If.t.j7.tJ.. heart : b Chriflcame to preach the.rJadttdings of b Luk..pS. the GofPelro thepoore: yea, ' the Lordftlkth the c Luk.t.H· htmgrie (that is, thcpoorc and hungrie foulc) . withgood things, htet the rich hufends emptic alVAJ. Let thefe and many fuch fauours with God, which they cuioy .prouoke vs ro become poorc in fpirir. Secondly, arc the-y blcffed that be poore in ~:~oJ~tic. fpirit? then here all poore and wretched pcrfons in thcworlcl,maylearnc ro make gooci vfe oftheir wants and dillreffes; they mutl confiderthem as the: hand ofGod vpon them, and therebybe leddc ro t.he ''iewe of their 1inncs: and by lhe conhdrration of their -~nqes, _ b: b1ought

!.Jrm 1·.,. 1 ------ s;;~~~~-;;;;r;-~-;;.--·-------- ·r - 1-'/ ~ ! ~:.:_~----~ brought td fee.thc;r ~ndcrie m thcmlc!ues, the A the bmer conceiuing of this bie~lcjnefi'eJwe l----~~ 1 i true ground otthis lpintuall po_~cruc. No\:', mull vndc:rH_a,~d a lbrc.or conda;on of ~na11 ; I when they :uc once po<:Jrc: in fpirtt, theyarc m \\'l_1crc~y he JSlO~&od_s bLtouri an_d •lath_ f~J,~w: a bldl~d.ttltc in the tudgctffl:!mof ~lmH. lf :1 ~}up_wHh God. I he truch et: this ~1;-ftnpuon man bleed dangcroutly o.c thC: nokt th~;: bdl: 1_s cu1dct~t by the t~nour ?fthc new I_dl~mcnr. 1 I \\'ay ro faue hi! life, is to td !Ct hi!ll blood clfcNow this cH~tc ?t m:mts c:!.ll_c'l a Ktr.gdome~ where :md fo rurnc the: courfc ofthe blo~ anbceaufc hcrcmCJod rules =:s Kl' g, and nldn oothcr ~·ay: cucn fo, ..vhcn a man is o_pprc!fcd bcycs a.s Gods fubic~l: f~r no mo.n .can be i~l l with 'v\'Orld!y calam!tic~, hcc cannm finde .any {_?ods fau~ur,.ndr cn1~y l11~ fell?\' fh1p, vnldle ! comfort in them, tor 111 thcmfclueo; they lJod be lus kmg, n.llmg 1a h~s bearc by h 1s 1Gods cudCs; yet if thereby h'ccan be brought 1 word and f[lirit,and he ~ods fuHi~Ct rthg.nin~ to fee his lpintuall poucrric, ehen of curfcs 1 f~imfdfc to b: mled by hm~:for happ1e c.: they become bleffings vmo him: a11d there- I ~:ue co~1fifism ~~ds~rlctaus rultng ot man/ fore when we arc in any diflfcffc, we mull noi: I :tnd m:m:s holy iubu:C.honvnt? God, indeed oncly fixe our cies vpon the outward croflC, feW do fee any grc;H happindfc it~ t.h~s crlarc; I but by me:mcs o:f chat; lab?ut eo fee the pobur t,hc t~uth is; marts whole fchctue ~:md.S' uenie ofour foults; and Id w11l the croffelcad herein; Rom. '4· 17. Thcl~ngdomeof God ~e I t"s to h:1ppindfe. . B not m~ate and drinlz.~. bHt r:_ighttou[ncjfo, peace, f.~i;h""" Thirdly, they that abound with \O.:drfdly" andiOJ irJthchol; Ghoft. HcretheApoll!ctca~ iiufic. Wealth, mu!l her~by lcarnc topecomc poore chcth vs three things : naniely, that "'hen' !fl;bcy will btf.1ucd:Pao~·c I fay, tiot in go·ods, ~~ds ~~irit.rules in~ mansh,art, then firft, hee but in fP:irit: this iqclccdt is hard to-.B..clh.and I,S 1Ull:16cd, there ts rightewfiujfo : fccondly,' blood, for naturally ctlery rich maa bldfeth hehathpeacewith God, eucn that peace ofeO...; hitnfdfc in his oucw·at.:l cfhtc,&pcrlw:1ds him fcic~cc whichpa.~crh :1ll vndcrHa.nding: third- / . fclfe th3t God !dues him,becaufe he giues him' ly,<be ioy ofthe !-J.Ghol\,which i1an ·m fpcak< .I wcahh ! but fuch conccits mull hn H~iue a-' ~le comfq·rc,pa.fh. 111gal world!~ ioy wh~tfocucr~·· g:\in!t;add lcarne ofGodt1 rcioycc in th1J,thar f\nd th~icthrc~ do~ nota?if_kt out the Cl~teof 1 h.~ innaddowc;Iam.J •. H!J~ , , . . . an happ1em31H wiuch will yct,more platnely I I;.Ag.;;"ri fputthly, on·this faying of <;:~rill, that rhi ~PRcarc by their c_oiniaries in Iudg.s, who be-; t!u: Vo•yeof p~ar~ 4re hlcjfod, the Popifh tca~hcrs ( obfcr.: 1n~a w~ctched linner, vnrightcoufly betraicd I ~~~~~~~de uing the word t. ranflatcd pvore, to betoken I his maller, and thereupon fcJl into d1c mifcric I Mon~ch,t.,·. 1 O'l}ti{Vard poue,rtic} goe about to build~ their .... · of a guilticaccuting confcie.ncc, which wiS "P·'"· YO'\Vf ofvolunmie_poumic 1 1vlrtre"by men rethe eaule of his delperate death, and allo that 1 n·9·u'ncjrig theinve~lt!J and po!fe!lionsof this his bodie burlhfunder,and his bo,wcls gulhc\1 I y;pr!g 1 dc< bct>l<.c_themfelues r<> -fomc Mona- C out: Now ifan cui!l confcience b~ lo !earcfull 1 lJ~r)c'1Jlrc:.c to l iuc a. poorc an:d {olitaridifc; ~hcn how bkffed an el\a<c i.s the peace and »P~ tli6lr \jofunta~i'e pou'CrtiC' .r:•H not agref: ~oy of a good co~{deutc? whlch a man thcil with·tllistdtifor.€~tHls po-crr~here prono"ilnhach, when Go·d by his word and lpirir ru!cth ccd lrldfed,-:tre,!ildi,QS by reafon"qf rhcirpo'" ' in his hcatt•. A~:Unc, this cllate r. called the aerti~;·ift;n\:ile and ~rtl!ci)~d, ~Vatfti.tig' ~ngdom~ofhetmen; bccaUfCth~t hiarl.ifl wh01i1 outy;ard cqnif6~J.S;~:s wt lh'e>~e4oilt 6f LHk!, (::hrill rwcth by his'word and lpirit, fs alrcadil: 1 J .t ..k.<.io. .h rJ)crc \=hfil\ o)•pofcth,hcm•,q t!r<,ri"ch,who hin&lft in haoauen,•though in fiodic he be yet wii~ io;t r)>mi~d1wi~h all wGtld!t d~JJg}1ts ;· b~r ,p.~n..: on ~anh: for h~au~n. is like a dtic with twO' -~Cr(lQi:tltcP«pi9lcV~Y'.qfvolunJ~ric. ppucnr,- gates, tbiough both which a ma~ mu!\ patle 1 i~ n<l cfl~r~.~f 11!\fme or dill!;~\1(: 0;/'!r who d6 bcfprc he obtainc the full ioycs thereof: now , 4Ne (1l _grf:itcr ealo,~ oc enloyA'PJ~ .frcc.dome fo foone·as God by his w6rd aild fpirir ruJ<S· ·f}·<ep1 ~hocroffes:.ul_d·vcXaSi'tins-6ftPfs trfc,thcn· in any mans h~art, hce i's alrCadic entred the [email protected]~ ? Agains,1 t(~l}dr.vow~d D ~ate ofgtaCt!, which is thefirfi gate; the other~ l_p.·op~r .. tj~. h:1d a,ny ground in,;thib.,.tcxt, ~hCJl rcmai11cs tObe paftcd through at the time ~f l,epril\.11iouldpronounce fj•elri!pii~•J>_!c!fed,q~ drat~, wl•ich is th'e gore ofglorie, aird t~en he j' .lnaq~ fhpni~Iu·es !>9>?te_!.\>llrthpth;.doth n6fl . JS m lull polTeljion. . . fgr then in the n~xt ~.rle.he fuoyl<!:pm~ounGe' :both true happinetfc eonfil\ in this ellace; ITJ,.,r,. '· {f!ch_Jl)~.urnu~ blcOc~, ,aS Yplt!F!~r~AY 1 Cau(C' whert ~hriil rulcthand ~anobefcs?thcnhere 1'l:e ~rror of. j !h~mfclt(CS"to '\ISIIIWe,: f.,.,t\i'l~ll.._~rf• depen~ behold.rhe <rroul of all Phifolophers agd wile ''' ~?'" .l dcdl o'n thiJ.,:tS".am~t~f~ll ~?I'P.l._~n~tfonof tP!s ' inen of dlis w6r1d.touching happindfc: for 1 h~~e~~~~~ fisfl nl).e: \l'\lt n9, man•.will ,fay.tLat they rh\lt Come hauc placed it iR plc•lurc, forne in P · ' r mournc ~\'ithout a'c;:J.Dfe, :\r1~ tjl{~e.. caJI~d bltf.:;· "Y\'taith, and othCfS inCiliill vertues, :md forn,t ., j fed; and therefore. P bpitp ,v;c?.'ll;~-~ .PPO<rtic' in all thcle, Bunhe truth is, it !lands in none i bath no groundob'thispia«.•f.p;gilius much oftbcle.A naturall man may'hau,< all thefe,:hid : of the pcrfons. ,. , . , .., • yrt be condemned: for thc·ciuill vc:rtucs ofthe ·~ I I l. Point. \:V~er.cin the blt,Kedneffc of hc:nhcn, were in them but glorious finnes. thcfc p~ore conii{h;)'~.rrfclY,}fi.~au~n.g a:ight' Our Sauimrr Chrlfl h_at.h he-re reucalcd mort; J xi.,•.Jnra of tO the k1agdome of\JI!'!'I, . For t.~t~rr u t~c vnto vs,thcn al~ the w1fc ~en ofthe world did I!.:J~=n~ i k:!_;rg~ome-ofhcaner.. By kJ"gdom~ofhet~H(IJ (for euer know: & flereb~ we haut iuil occafion to· ..n;g:

6 ___ ......_ ___ _ ___!n Expojitil'li1 ofChri~s --'---· -·-- ------------------ . m:~gni.fic the bookcs ofScripture, farrc ~bot:c: A,: fccondly, wherein their blc!fcdncfl~ conf fis? lll bmh3tu.: writing~ bn:aulcthcy doe fully iCt namcly,tn r~uiHing coP'f orr. For tbc tirfl: by ! .~1.lff\) , I :..:...1_· ~ \ out vnto V$ the no.turt::nd dbtc oftrue fclicimot<~rntrf, \\'C mu it not vndcdhnd cuc:ry-onc 1 l : tic, ''-hich no llltlllanc ..,,·orkc could cucr doe: that is any way gricucd, but fuch as ·hauc iuil 1 \ . · \\'e moHftht.Tcfurc ~ccount ofthem, not as the and waightic c:~.u!Cs of gricfc, and doe then:- ! V\·ord o man, but ofthe cucrliuing God: yea, fore mOutnc:for the words import an cxccc- ~~ra~r'llr. \ this ll•tdl petfwadc n to maimainc the bookcs din_g meafure of gricfc, fuch as ts.cxprcflM by l ofSet iptm_c ago.inH all dcuillifi1 AthC:.Hs., that crying:.tnd weeping, as is plainc by Saint Luk.!, T.t·l: ,-;,f. i : dcnic the bme robe tbc \\'Or,t of God. who rhus relateth ChriHs f.1yit-1g; 6/tJfetl arc aM:Jimr. 1 1 Secondly, h~rtby we ;ltetaugln,fromthe jurhat"now weepe. And yet cucr.y one is not PrJv fvr honom~ ~r our he-arts, to make that petition blcOCd,that monrneth vndcr grieuous diftrcs; I :i'u~~~-b.~gfor our ldncs,whi(hCbt-ill-tc~thcth in 9is hofor Cainc, Smd, A,hirophcl, and 1Hd 1 u wcrely prlycr; nat,lclf, tl5tlt hu rvuuld let hii kj_P.gall dccpcly affcclcd in iOule with their moll , dmJC·c6me: th:ltis,not ti.Jffcrfinne, S:~.tan,or wocfulldhtcs,thoughfarrcfromthisbleffcd1 the 1 Aorld to r:~ignc in v.s,but by his word and ncs, This·rH/e then, mull thus be vndedlood; fpirit to rule in our he~ms, giuing v~ grace to thn.t tbey are Mef[cd, who with their mO~trning be !~uidcd thcrcb.J' in :11! our \-\':tics. We affeCt B for Wlf~~btiecaufos ofg'·iife, doe withal/ moHrne nutllitll:!_llldr-= thenlkippincs,and chc1 C:forc we for theirjin11n: JOr lo was rhc.formcr Rule to muH otrc:mimcs mon fcri ouf1y1makc this re~ be vndedl:ood,-of thofc~that with the fenfc ofi quell to God,prcfcrring tHis cHarc with God, their outwa'rd difircife, had adioyncd an in4 1 befOreall plc:.ii1res and happincs in this world, wardfeeling of their jpirituall \\·ants: and this \ and vfc all good mcanes 'to feclc inour hearts verfc isbut a more full explication thereof, as \ thepower of Chritls kingdomc. ifheihould h'aue fa id., they are blcffcd rhat are Th irdlv, this !hould moouc vs to hcarc poorcin fpirit:Yea,pm cafC amanbe dHlrC{fcd ue 1 }Gods Gods wo~rd with all fcare andrcuercncc; for for moH \Naightic caufcs of gricfc, fo "'-S hee · wurd. by this mcancs, the kingdonu: of Chri!l is ~ow.le and~rie vndcr ~he burthcn of them:yct ereCted in vs: when the·word of Chrift takes 1f Wtthall,fic can vnfl1nedly mournc and ·w-ai!c pilee in our heartS by f:~ith, :md brin,gs forth in in heart for his linnes,non-..·idi!bridino till his I our liucs the fruit~ ofrightcout'ndfc, and true pouertie and difirdfc, he is ttucly bJc.ff'ed. . _. .. .-. ... rcpemancc,thcn may we trucly fay, the kingThis blclfed fcmence vpon thCill th:lt vrcs. •.: 'J dome: ofhcancn is in vs. mhurnc, feruCs fundry vvaies for a foucra'igne 1 c,,nrulan._,-;. 4 _. . LafHy, Chr.ifl: afcribing this happic title of C falue to the coilfcience ofaChrifrian. As fir.fl; Ion,. 1 ·'t:~ con(oJJrion h1s hcaucnly kmgdome-to them that be poore, ptit thc'c'afe a man were dHlrcffeU ·with grrc~ to t~lcl'oorc and of a contrite hean, cloth hct·ein ininifl:er a uous calamities, ~nd wi'rhaH w·creou'crtakcn foucraignc rcmcdic againft all temptations, with fome hainous finne, wliereUpo·n not Ontfrom outward poucnic and difircffe: Doubtly his body is ·afflicted, birt his eonfcicnce~lfo Ic!Tc poueP!.iC is a'gricuous c;.roffc, nOt oncly in ·\vounded, and fo he isc~fl: il~r-o tht g~Jre-bf regnJ of the want of bodily comforts; but -defperation: yea fay, that b)' re:ifon'df cfpccially b::Caufe of th~n contempt and rethe tcrrou.rof his confCicn-Cc, his fle!h~\,~Cte proach, which in this ,.,·orld doth hang vpon withered, and ·his mi'rrcSwe"t~nfuii'ledi111liS it:whcrc:upon many Joc'cilccmc thcirpoucrcy, bones; were· not this a ca1ff~ of cxc€e'dirig a<o a figne of Gods "''f.lth ag:~inCl 'thern, and mournrng? yet loe,our tridfitble'£frdP~ym:ron thereby take occaf-ion to dc-!pairc., thinking ·Clirlfl: lefus, hath m:tde·aplaifler for hiS fof(;. the kingdomc of darkcndfc bdongeth vnto for if this !ni)l of difire'flh, ciiil withall~fuely them. But here confider you poorc, this fenmournofot-=affeadihg God tbrough :hf.Hrah1:. tcncc of Chr·i!l, where hcc plaincly tcachcth, j\'rcffiflns,IIC:isvndoub(cdly blciTed;for'Chl'il\ thlt if a m:m in omward difirdfe, can be D harh faid 1 1t, whofe \VOrd fhaii nCuer ....fl ile brought to fcelc his Cpiriruall poucni<.·,:~mi the thougl(hei~le,n-:tn'd earth come to notliihg. <.l}.. wrqchcdndfe of his foulc, qy reafon of his 'bleiTed text, "'hich b"ceing well appli~;·\vm finncs';then he isfo t3rrc from1lauing iufi caUfc not onely fupport the heart in 'great dillrcffe; to dcfpairc of Gods f3uour, by reaiOn' of his but recouet rhc tonfdencc from vnder{it'cpe poubrie, th:u on the contrarie, h:·may gather defpaire.'...'S'ec6ndly , ·pUt' dfc a· man \Vere to hisfoulea motl comfortable aflur:mcc, from gr.ieuOuJ1}' 1fiCk, ~nd that he fc:lt·the very pongs .the mouth ofhim that dnot lir,th~t the kingOf dc:uh'~'*'i~oUrto.ll-ellfe rorfcaie' Vp0t1'1him, dome ofheaucn belongs vmo hito. <:[o as both rpeach ahd fig·hf, -with all oiit\\·:ud ' d h h comfortg1bef,3n't0 faile hl'm ; this (hue were v. 4· 'Bieffe ttre t ey t at lamentable': yetifln hisfoulchcc can 'trucly , f. h fh l'f I. mourne fo.r·h~s offcnces,cucn in this extremity, mourne:_; or t f,J Ill-• ue comhe is bl<ITt'd·:'fh'irdly.-put'caleaman w'cre '"- 1} t c/. ken of his enemies, :md his wife ~md children I QY e • : fhinc before his face-, ha~1ing thrir braincs 1 • Rule. I ·Here is Chriilsfecor.drule touching bletfcdd;~(hcd out vpon the lloncs,aftc:rward hlmfclfc ndTc; wherem confider two points; flrH, the put tO amoft·wocf~lll rackc anti torment: this 1p~rti_cs who arc bldfcd., thtJ tha,t ":ournt: were a~ e(l:~.t_e more woc[l.ill then clc:nh : yet '--"--J"'~----...__ ---~~<m \ ~