Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

664 eA 1\.ejo!ution·. . ! , v ..·hidl our hclucn~g:t'l~crs forcccll, haue no eo- A haH nor one caufc: to fC~r their thrcaminos ~t 1----. 1 herenee wi,h the fi1 n qualities,hcar, cold,moirachcr eo be fory for their cominual decci~s' wi- 1 1 Uun:, drindfc: neither can they any way profhing them mindcs th:lt may one day fee ;heir cccd ti·o1n them, and therefore tbc Harrcs canownc folly. not be caufCs of rhcm,for they workc oncly by Conccn~ing the time \\'hen the confidlatithcfc qualities. ons take their cffc~s, our Prognofticato1J~s fay 5. This rcafon is nothing to their purpofc: that fomc cake chc1r cffcCls the fame yeare ,tOm for bccau(c d)cy gr-:nmt that a nun may freely nor the fame ycarc bur long: ::~fter, as great wnrclift the inclin'ationof the Ho.rres, and he may iunCl-ions.and cclipfcs.For they fay ifthe Moon hinder that, vnto which the !lanes bend his be cdipfe.d one hourc, lhe \Yorkcth her,effeCt :a 'N~Il, ho\'~ dare they prciumc to fly this o"r that moncth after, if two houres, two montbcs at:. wHI come to patft!? The heathen men g:me vp tcr;and the SHnne for cUCry hourc it j~c~.hpfed, thcmfelucs to tbcir ownc luHs and vanitics,and takcth hi'i effect a W~.C?Jci'carc afccr. Truly thisfollo..,vcd cuery little and vaine inclin::aion:and r-ule which they follow, muH ncedes be ::tgainfi of them,in this order, dtd :luncicm Aj?rologer.s all rcafon.For why f11ould not all coniundions among them diuii)C th:u this or that time, l~t.:h · B and oppofitions of tbc Sumu and A(oone deatlioni,fuch vices, fuch cmcrprifcs,fucb affair!> ferrc their FffcCls,as w.~ll.:ls thofc coniunctions 01ould be <lmong them. In like manner our and oppofttions in which the St~mu and Moone E11gli/b wilcmcn, fpcakc of vs as though \\•c is Edipfecl; ifthey,lhow (onh rheir. po.w~r imwcrc beafls, !lot refonable men, 3S though \Ne mediatcly after, why ffio!JJd OOt thcfc a!fo doe neuer had hem! theblc!fed Golpcl ofGoJ;o·ethe fame? Moreouer Epigoollicall' Ajlrologm uer tailed of the grace of God,.ncucr learned who h:me conferred the cputfc of the heau_cns wh:at is good or wbar i,s baJdc, ncucr labou_r,cd with hiflorics, lhcwe very 1_:n:mifdlly; that Eto-fiibduc our lu{h and affeCtions, a\waics rnr~ clipfcs doe not dcfcne ~~~c~time qC'-')·9~king n~d to and fl"o wirh the blaft of any influcn.ce; thc'ir fpitc vpon the earth. "' · , -:. .. working very flcndcdy in vs. t ~·:;£.'~1;1 In the yearc of our Lord ,r~. ·t,l_Ie ~unnc Thus mud1 of Ciuill affaircs. They make, was Edip.fed inAri<!,ii'IP~cfc;ntly.a(ref,ih<wed mention alfo ycar~ily of the difcafc$ which all his ford:. There \\'-3.5 ~&rat.fedition in Prttg fhall raignc: bur th~ way which they follo_~.;is, th3tycare: In Par~,{ofe b.cp;,.~·~.CI)Cthem taken fonh oftbe barren and ,VJlC~rtaine rul~s:: of the Citic: and t~c~qi~r-fitiC.)~n~_~,X'o'P tbouof theold Aj}rglt{er.J,whodoe Co 2fCr,ibe vnt.d·, fand Schollers were flain. then alfo f!_!,c1::.~ejlau.1 euery Pb.ncr een.a,ine difc3fcs,lhat ~fneCd fl:al t C king ofBohemia beein&io_,a great p~!fi~_dicd. rcquire,thcy may.r.c.fcrre tlic fa,ms: d1fc.afes ym'Q-: . In the y,e~fC 1 524.~h~£ was a coOiun&lton 1 of . maay fignifications, as in the plague, thr;·pqtri~ Saturne and Jupiter m~corpim,_ and _alf9·~ gr"eat f:tCHon of humors· is artribut~d vnto lupitet;; Eclipfc ofthe Sunn,-4~hl.un{,:v~!·c;t!~~w,~~thei[ the- {harpe feu-er vnto fof.u-~, the rnJdnetfe 4 1 effcCl:sthe f:unc'ycare: CharlesKingofFr..tunce wliich followeth vnto MerctJ~itJ, rbc v~holc:~ driuP.~t:IP,,th of his..,~.f9,9Jlt~jf:'~ V\'?,q~Jl~:tweeoe plague vnto Mqr<. In the plur.~flc the inOa'Jn:!:-, . th,c DNlfll"lld the f'lSflR.t.$'-f!i'!~'<!,T,l,er~ \V~~ rion of theblood)>etwecn~·J:hc·skinne caJisJ1 a.g,,cer.plague in Ger..p;aNir,}:it,~i-114Hrt::P~ion-a"" Plursti5, and the ribbesJ is attributed V"\1t.9t. m~.~g{l,.,the _Princc%.l_£..the"Emp_if;.t; a1:rd .thte1n l Jupiter, th<: (tlppu.ration of the 4lood$.awhf<~;Joo~c tl}~ PiWo9fr.(y~n. JfrdJ'.- t4} r. ao t~~rnc, at)d the whole plLlrdi~~ypre Jupiter.;: Jp~ F;c{ip(c9f the S;,n1J£iP.r~agittariqs-_1_- J1i~ -~effeCts' · che bunclcs the iJIHnmmatioo(~f~o,rrupti.~o~g.ft be~31JfRtcfcmlyJ 2JA4l~e.d.a great;)vQ\Ie:Eueo , humors, VIHOlt]p!'tt.r~ thc,y:~IC5'{~ hqn'lqr·in:thfl t·hcn ~;CP1fjlaminop(~ ]\';:.tS pakc:;n by, d1R:: Tt.~r/ze.~ gaule, Vtlto /vfarr:, the pblhutlion of.,tb,cpm~· Tl1,c,i{angarian1an~lJalmnjam bc{i~g>d·,Fr,e,. v;ltoSaturne, thq ,whoLe I~U! b~cing \v~;JjE:' deriJkif, EQ~.El)lpcrqu~~-lt.47'l:~gft ,t\ptjlt, vntoA.ft"trs,black)vtno ,$'atttr~oAnd fo 1 in.<:ucry rh~ SliiH!C.w,as Ecl,infs4ln TatfY..Wtr.M:~rs bee'" difcafe.thcy v.fe this inconHa}.lci.c; and ambiguiI? ingjQ~vtrie.r, <~n.~... {t1(¥tt fin,S"tt._<;« The tie in PrtJgJJoft,Catina-, lt is a r~lc among rhtJA~. fam~y-~arc in IUm''\Fr .~-..:a~ f~cQ hc~t~;and dd.,. . .t " j1rologcrs that if rh~ Pla11crs fignifiers of.~iJ;, ncff<;J?fwearhcr,~~l}at.\I,'{Ood.s ~uen~"'~ithcrec!', eafcs be well aftCClcci)thcn there fllal be no dif. 3ll~l1i!·might wasfc.oucr dcepc;~iuqs;.Jn ~he cafes but health, if they be eqilly affecte9,tl;c:(\ yeaRs of our Lo,d, 1-476. 1460. 14.69.· 1486. difcafci follow. Our Progmf}lir:atour.r ncue._r ] sol;:~ 5 I 8, and !nany.ycarcs aft~/;,h~t~;WC'r.t markc thi:. rule, bnt howfucuE'r chc Planets be botltgrc;ar ee;niup~}~and flram).ge l;clipfc5, affeded, they Hraightwaics pronounce t~1qt whic.h tookc their cff.c:fls prcfencly.,nor one 1 f?r fuch difeafcs {hall raigne, For example; Th~ lafl two,or three yeares afrpr(as ourh~~u~n~gazers winter qu::artcr it was (aid by one ofthem,chat bean~ thee in hand.)AI thcfcexameltS·'!Yhich I the d 1 fcafes which Chottld afAid nLcns bodies, bring i11}1inft thcm,I haue not_fain~~,.burtakcn WCJ erewm<'s, coughes, colde Jaskes, fwcll!n·g forth ofthofc bookcs w~ich they. ha.uc,in grea. of the face & chrotc, f.'llling ofthe Colmcl,{me tcfl: eftinr~uion,:mcl could, ifneed fuould ferue, eics, dca!Cndfe,ahc ltont-,goucc,dropfie,gr~c-n bring :an hundred more, all to lhc\v their lies, I ficknes, madnes.' qu:ut:r~l(.' f~.·uc~·s, &c. And all when as they commonly fay rhus, There l113lbe the Planets fignlficr~ of chfeafcs tn that quarter an Edipfe this ye:lrc, maric I will not here de. were indiff<'rent \\'ell affeCted: wherefore thou cerminc his effeCts, hut re(e;ue them t<:' be de~ I dared