Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

'·---------- ~--------- .::..:· to the (otmtr(j;.mtin. ---- 1 . . - · ----- --- - · - --·-· i 1 cJclrc-d in my Prognofru:~tion one ;:c:ltt or two :A 1 ~re~tc-r !hnghter then of the h :·H r , -'' ho a-: ; : yearcs hence,"' hen it ..,.i!l t3kc pbcc. j ! lub:ctl: vmn Scorp-:m ::md n~t vmo S.'J/;'~r;,u_: 1 1 To know where the effeCts of the fl:arres 1 J In the ycarc 1464. a ror:nm&l?n or 1)1ghcr 1fl1al take pbce,they haut <1pp0imtd·Vmt) cucry Phnccs was in Pifcet, vnder v ..·!iolc C:lon1!nJn~nJ 1 / fignc ccrraine colmtr!es; as ouer Eim;pe they ahh?ngh Et~rvp: be not pbced, p~t it mOfl: fdc :' ! hauc fee the fiC"rV Tr/pliclti~, oucr the Oricnt:tll chc !m:trt by crotJblcs & dui!l V\'3rrcs.~o I 576; ~ : and North partSof .Ajia '· the 3iri~-7Yiplitlrie, -~n~~ J 577· c·xo E~llpft·_s of the Sunne, t!~e On~ ! I the "''3teric Triplic!tit ouer Aphi-i~a, ot_1er the ml.-~o, the oth~r JO CapriComl' rookc thc_ir d- 1 Southparts of .Ajia the canhic Tnf!icitJe: ~ fo fed Jll Gcrmmne~ wi1C'0 as Leo and Cnprrcornf I' 1euery pecu!Jar figne h:uh Iris don!inion Otltr .Joc not rule th~t Counury. his vainc wfhcv~.· 1 fomc pans of,hofC.No\Vthcrforc,when :t cbJI~ the abfi.~rdity of this rule b)' 1no d::'lmplcs,thcfc j iunClion ~r Eclipfc: is in any ofthcfl: figncs,the J11a!J t:e fi1fti.C!_tnr. _ ,. I Cities & co'UOtric!' fubi?Cl V-J1td thcm 1 fc~lc the Th1::. !ha!! Jufficc toh::me'fpoh·n bf their gr.: / force ofthat conficlbtion cfpetial!y. Tfiis is a nrrai_Prc_dJChon~,no·.... fu!low d_1d-rflll'(i3.! _de..: 1moll man_i(e_Hvn_truth, an~ may be c~nf1,1.t~d by r_ernnnauons of_dH· ll~tc &:~rnper:~_1urc of t·hc [ I many rc:\[ons, I.The nature ofthe fig11_1is .1s not weather, vvhcttJn I .,_...-Ill fct forth firll of nil n the f3m'e ilow as it \\'as i·n times pail, 3nd'by the B I moH m_anifd.bnd abil1rd tor'itr3.dit"tio!l, which I confcffion of the bctl'lcltnCct hauc' t)[h-~V e;- mQt~ of them nbkc,and lhac iStbis; They vfc 1 ! ffetl-s nov-.', then ti:cy had in the daics of~Cin:g' · ~s IhJl!C f.'1id) to f:r down: their itHlgcmcnts ~ Ptolomic; yet ~·e fee ~he-nan~rc ~f.c.~·~·mrtcs & f oft_hc whole quartet~ that_ 1t £hot1ld b_c cithtr ) people to.rcmamc the fan.Jc fhll,_as tn:!yJ)e.fccn .. ltlot!l,lror,cold,or dnc:aftcrward iudgtng par- ~ by rqding Ta.citus, ,Piil!ie, C.tfar, S:r'ab"O, :. ticu!:nly they di!}lroouc~ypaniu;l:tr i:bics that Americe{~which1 is h:~lfc the world, hath no whith th<"y f:li.d before. In the ye:~re of our Ugnc_Sa&,?intcd it!': \\'~~· ~ it v ..·a-sfoqnd J· Lord 1 s81.onr faiJ that in the Amutim2 qt!ar- \ out o(~lare. True1t 1s, but thts rs an argument \ tcr ll1ould be-n great drought, yet· I pC'rldmg that th't Rules of Aflrologir, hrc ab"futd, :tnd his panimbr i71dg~mc-m vpon the daiCs of thC \ werc,(hdb3tC lnucutlons,ahd flll!l"~ina(ions" of quarter, findC it 010Uld hauc plcntie of rainc, idPe'bYilneS_. For thcrt).s ho doubt·~-:- but th:lt In the Y?~tC laH ~.aft, ~HI <:>ther ~'aid, the fommcr j .Y.tmerica,<hJs p:~.rcs and Ilands,.~s Br.:jil:a, Pe'm, ~ouhl_bc fo hote and dtte, th:u euen wells and 1 Pari, T.erra Florida, ftttttJ Mai~r, !aJta ·,&tirior, rit!Crs fh,;u]d be thii:d vp, and fiChes be fl"arcc_; I Ptt!oanti,'i'~tHilonga, Suhath, ..Majflm'a, Marf,rn, :fnd canell die fOr·'v\'Z.Ilt ofw:uei-: ·yet the farr;c ltllkltanlt~ Coz..umeOa~ lam~~ic4's· &f. haue fclc C panic io hi'5 p~rtictilar i11dgcinent of the \-.·d.: thcfqrC~ of \hofc <;ohhell'atiohs; \khicl,irhCy _ t~H~r, rriakcth 20. -<laiCs of tho..falne quanh, at attrit;>_Jtetafo'nie parlslOf th-e old world'. Be-: ·thek:!ft r:tiue :uHi miiling,intl 3.6~ othct eith"r l:'JUfC:tlf.attCOltt'itricSDC'3boU{th'CHlidlC'Z{me, tcmpc1:atcor very cbld. ~"' 3hd H3d~liotil'Pl.?p~u'&; figncs full oMr,'thct11j lh 'onc-·word, tHe ila~gemenu ""hich are fct and t~Ciefdf'e ifthe fiii"}·cs thre-aten :niy ITr<:tilge downc ofthe '-:·vc:lthc.r,th~y ?remore tollerablc thing".to -~ome, they ~u,H efpccf3lly''fct-lc ir. ~. ~hen t~1c rdl:y-ct .~s long a$ the world cndutcth; E-xp~rtCate thc'ca.ufe ofall aCls,is agaiofl: them, no man ffi:tll bco:lh!cfopro(noflic-ttte trulYwhai '~' is'n•a,rlif'ctlln rlicfc cnmples. 47· yeores hcl I <Vc:ither ihall be incticry <hy Ofrhc yci;c. The ,. fo,rc thcN'atiuitie of oUr S3'ufour Chtilf~ th~rC cau(cs.ofthis I h:tt~e fc.•t da ..... ·~C bcfc,~,& OCfdC: !I was a t8rliQCtton of tHe hiphefPl:incts inScornot_qow tO rcpc"-r~Wl1crfb:c tbry might lc:auc pu~.r,; 3nrl then_ \\·.as ciuUl w~rre betwc~ne Cte.._ . off 3!1Y longer.t6- Bufie themfc-lues in this kind. farrii3,1Po~ry:1A~tP~1 ~ehT~Hg2 bf tWe·Empirc ' And it 01all be fufflc'tcht fOr the leading·of a WAs'_ill~rlfflpe: But'a"t_co~}.ii~flg·vntP'th"e:;irl!lirt!!. Chrifl:i:~.n lifc ,toknow the general and ordinatl'o~~fo_;tj!rD!oj~Y~,~~ll tl1~fe t~0Lb:1~S''~1d~1a I ric efface of the1)arrs and fcafOns of the j'C::tre.; . luud;>ccnm'Aplmlz!; bcC3ufc Scorprli>. P.arh nls . , HJirtihN5n;th-er~."\Iii1:Ftc ye:tre of ol\r'LBrd ~·4. ~~-I Tb:thirdrrnfdn,ilhpittiei. there was a.R;rclt COQiunCtion ofplat1cts fn'Lro n'· 0 and rfi'Cn~f.iuh one vcry·rrophancly'J' \,., the i ·BE"d'' ~~~ rhi•, rh~ impiops rprechrs and , <?ofp;l~);'';'f~~;:d t~;~~t gh t~e w~rl~.But.i(he j ~' . vngoi(Jy' j>'lirC!ifes ~ 'which rhcfe men vfc, , rna~ t;Hls CotmmCbo·toibe a fi'gnC'oft·be prea. , i 1mghr moode a Chrtll1:1n rn:~n to loJth t'hcir ~ -chiqgn~f¥he"G_o'fpcll!~dl~1; it fl_10u~d mol-e hauC : ,i pr,edt£fioni.FiHl,~ear~ly (ot; doC ldie- <' binpr6{d1fcfirfi:Hc)ar_tS ofEftrop~ t~kn './1ft'!, . ldPAil·i~thh1ncWfh:tll ftudy 311d imbracc. ~t WHiCh w'd.~not't1-u'c'.lfl the Qf'blir'1:;orcl', ·I 'forget Or nS'glCCl-Tftie Religion. Wholt :i fi-lthy : 3-;n~.'ana1 ~ I 2:]'.'thcrc~~vcre gre:~.r cbniun~tions ~nd dcuillHlt thing is this, not 1 to be futfrrcd iri I in P;rjo,·anO yct th.t Cduntrics fi1bicChO this :~ 3-common '-\·d l}h :.,"•hrrethe GOfpcli of~hrffi 1 figne felt nO hlttne,but_lt~t(Jwas tfoub!~d with . is prfachcd.Eucry,tnaJ_l !~a~u~ITy is rhc Chtld qf the Poj;e! !U?e'rflirlorts, •an:J. Arrilu his hcrcfic !I wr:~rl1:~the v,nprofi'r~ble- f~'niant_,dc::cl in :ti -kil~cl ' was brochclL"Thcrc was~ mel·ting Of l'lancfs i .Jf'fi11n:c,his vr\1 dcHPandiil·g it is·cn!llitie·:~C.Jtnil ' I in Sttiittflr;tf17~· ycarc's'1:tfcc~· Chri/l:, when as ! ·! 'go.d;h.!s1:ltf[tlil3!:tf'e'te(:;cfliousas":linrl h!~\. ..,·m·; Otho,' Galfiit, V.ite!lim'~ and VcJf-ajimJ troubled I ~~ notl'C doth goqd 1 nd n8f·o11C~11'6?61}C: !1hit,Jt:inJ ;, the Rom~ne Empire, ycc_th~re was no where f~_cultic- t?_ rcc'ci~li,epl- k~cp true rC1i ~ion: \\·Cflie !! ::.'ore gnenous w:~rrcs then 111 Pa!eftine, and no I I ·asfa\\'C'S m the h:mds of'GOd , as rhc f>rO'!·HlC't \! ' Q.__q '1 'l l o.d'fl!J_i;