Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---:--~--..,...~ -:::·=;p-olu_t_:io·n~=------. ---- - 666 ! I. --- 1---·-· · JG\d,H· \ Ef9 fpc-:lkctb:how then become ·we rcligiou~? jby the onely worl\cof God. Nomancancome I ro me ((aith ChriH) o:upr_r~e FarherdrmPI?im. And as God drawtch vs hrll vmo [rue rdigi1 on, [Q hcc all~ maketh vs comil~u.c in the pro– felling of the famc, asS. P,cu/ f:mn, hrt which I harhb:g:m J& good worf:.! ir, you, will finij7:~ the {>~me, &c. By wh:.~cmcancs d.oth God doe this? by the ontward pr.caching of the Lav ..·e and I the Go{fH:I,and .by the inwarJ working of his holy fpiri t : o,hcr mcancs the Scripture ncuer mcmionech. On the comr:ny pan, if any m:m ref~1fc the grace of God, and"' ill not i:11bracc the true Religion,it procccdeth from the hard~ ne!fc of his ownc heart, and wilfuiJ rcbcliion~ ~ecing therforc the rC'bC'llion ofm:ul commeth from his O\' ne will,:md the in=1bracingof tru~ godlincll'c from God z.lonc: .,.~hy dare they prefumc ,•.\ithom great imp!ety,w adioyne the conHcllo.tionsn.s-aJ.iuuant' either vmo 1~an or God in this diuinc workc. Againc,.th~fepredi– Uions al'c verypcrillous, for if a man l>e wic–,d~cy hinder him.froin the a~knowtcdgmg ofh is finnc,bccaufc they make him lay part ofhisf:w!ts vpon the (brrcs, when· as all j indccde come fro::n his ownc foulc. And ifa l man be a penitent finn('r,and fedc the grace of Cod;y~t bc.cing '-\'cake in faith and COI)fcience they make .him not ;o pm his whole tru(l in God, ~nd to louchim w.ith ;~,ll his foulc, with ailhis flrc;1gth; but ~llurc him ~n fomc pa,rt to. .attribute that vnto the (lanes, which is the onI IY, workc of .GoP~and not of at}y.crcaturc~ >. They vfe to foretdl what vices !hall raigne,:ts in the(c examples.: . :r Therr fka/1 bumucb Vfli~wfu/1. and focrer whor~dome, · . Great roh/;i"J ' 6) hie.waiesfdes. .< ~ W.t~ntb~-: an young men Jba/l fo in their. l Lt!dies lappes, by reafon 6f rheir Gon~ ; DES SE S ~effpf~tcing. .. " Mt!;:J·/hal!vfedeccit a>Jd cofining . 1 , _By rhefe ,and fuch likf , lewd and ditfolute, peopl~, o~c?-Gons 311 1 d :1re fiirrcd vp to Iiuc prophanciy, an~ to fo_llowc thofc _vices, vnco . which the l~A:s ~~thc1~nacurc carr~c them. , /1. 1 ud funhep.otcArtick.!,forfuch 11 Citic w~e . longirudcand.!arir11dc u thm. · 1 :!- Qg_artiltre~to!Ntion.. . -~ -, j 3· ~~~ll{icdfcwl~~otiom,tl,m(ai}ctf.softhcmc~ ·1 and c!mar1on . I+ Caprico,n,c in qu~l~ric eo(4 a~d .drie,rnclar.choi . lic,in raft hirrrr~ no. Efr.n:,J!~f:X_mininc~ 1(1t:ridio- . nail, of thcearrh'J trigrm. . . 1 5. Mn·cmielljlcs, fo;tiabftel, Martialiflc.r, Hi– emalSolftice, u£ffis(al, Vernal, .</:1lumn1lli, J 6. Pl!rs torll~r.r. coup!rd »;ith the Drag;111 tfli!e. l 7· Tanrm a f:gncof the Mrtl~!y n·if.OtJifmenatu1 ra/(.,, eo/de in the Jigr;e horoJS~p: an4YrrgiJ of I rhrfamej}ampe the f'gf.£,~f the preNmtion precel dmg. ., .. ' ·: B 8. A fig_,uofrhr fame t;:iangulariric lf!fjur Lord. of thH rcuoiJ~tion re{ident withVenm indomi– . ciliodlor[um4b A ngulo cad~ntt. l 9. Pltmtlsr~rrograde•. , ; lo. Carditt4/or .tfocccdwtpojieion.. · 11. L•••rir defrff, .. I ln hjs,dodecatimorian• . I:}.. Nalne~ offira,geamborJ. P.roclus:Atchi1J-. am, Me!Jah~la, Zarl, Albohaz;,cn.l(a!y_, Air 6umaccr,.Alhkharer ,.Gtli~o, ~~ne:_uJ;l[if},4r; I leufi!, F!r!"'illl, Abr-ahflm, Af'en~ra, 'JTifmc– giffJt.J•.1fith many.ot~~1( wo11drom 1/.iEf~:s, ha,i ~ing4g;eat ~Mle of[17Jtflt ~Mr.ving11 and 6~~- 1 :ng farre borne, M in. qaldeaJPer(ia, ,Arab.ill, I . ~~r~j;ou wikfay ''~~t mcancs,~llt~~? hero 1 is grea.t Ie:irnin~ nO clo'ubt ic'p;tf(l~h my capa-; cl citic-: '"'h'? would not.haUc a~ ..A~tnff#'!s/;;. ifj~ were,for n~r\ling butfqr \his, to {el'>t~~ heare h?wp~ofqund our P,r.p~~ofticatqu_::;!r41 l~~.9ll farre dccei~e{l thy felle ·,f<'.'· tl>cy0jlq~fiping_ well,,tl)'.;their deceits. 'l~q Jy,s ll}~.b;{oonc cfpied, haue inuemcd ~r.ange teann~.f~folou~ them, and to caft 3tTJifl}c,cf?rc.d)m~ Cf.Sh that thou!l not (~c thcir.JV·~'ghtz:dr;~Jiqg.,~ota.. ny man t~lcm,orc u~_e ~nd ~lone~ J]c~Yjnkctq his mat~cr, the morc.~ldi! ous 1 js._hE:fA·fpc,ake p\aincly to the v.~dcrf(an~ing or a)L ; .. ; . , 2. It wH apQil.ltJofthF kn~uerie\~~;thcDff uill, o.tb,cn~ife ,qlled,-(lpolla, ~ultc.,Hrrtll.t\' men ask~cd his counfcll;·to :m(wcr dcUJ?tfuUy, bc.c~ufc~\·hcn as he '!"':1s)gn9ra~t. <?f t~~Eucnt, Tlufour~h r_e11{on;, (Yifk!s yet wou!d n'ot, but fccn1*·t'? l<lJO~r;.:~.. tl~ ~n thi$ ofdc:cJt. 1 D anfwer, .\ . , , ~ .. 1 , , • ... • _.J , .~--r : lil'lt.iiJeePyrrhu~!9: Roma"~f;mA.Ji 1 :'·::: A Iuglcr vt~ich takcthvponhim tO d_2! ' compur. 1:t:01: ~. h'' ~!:. ~~ .. :; flrangc things muf~ vfc_n\any ,{kighrs,lc~ It isvndcrllood rwo w~yes:~~~\~5 !'Pn ;A{~r ifchc fbndc_r by Op ll fee Ris \{i_c~s of Jigicrdc... t~du mighty:mquiO\t~f~~~!llf!t~t·hM~~~.<?s mainc hcc be, and all his former cun~ 1mane !I ~acidn._ O,u!rlr.ogHofi(e,-qf¥9:~~.~la~1~ Inl.ngturnc to h1~ fl13ll)C. :9~~~:Pr..ognoflic~tot!rJ I chofcn, ~8ory g'?.9d~r,y.t.~t~I1S .r,~~JR~Io.w;Jhr.i.r 1 vnderflanding thi~,h3ue though~ j~ ~onucnicnt ~ ~FJiing with thee is-t}~cJi!4::.:-,'y\'~C'1~15}';[:i~~ j to vfc·iu th .. cir k)Jldc fomc tricks of Cccciuing I m:rd c~f!llOt cell \y!rat ~.o ~,·!7gf¥.fl.if"1t;,.t!;ey . J Iuglcrs, I can call t.hcmby no better na~11e, for J vfc.tV:'O \;;:t~~s o,f (o.Ji~t.c1J4~1g,1 cfth,sr t?.feea~~ I ' (o arc indeedc. Fidl publi!hit,lg chejr prc.- I chat which is trueCUfifY '>~fl-YI':?r-t_h~fl rvPJ~h ;I§ l diCli.ons in thy bcha!fc., th~y, v(~ fu~h ab,f1;1r4, I uuc eucr9' ye :Jr.~ . For ,)le firll, am.q.l1~P~!l1' l !vnknownc, :1nd infu!ea1t }'\'Or~es.,.as( !.chinkc) I <"xamplcs, I w1Jl ppt o~e or tYv.o that;[hp~l maiH I ncue,r the like wcr~ read or bar~ among(} vs io fc_c.rhc.if:dealing in rrue,1,l.oc,forgrd e.X31llpleos. 1 E1~glnnd. As arc thcfc which follow! ..., r..The c;oniunCt~p~l of Af~r.J :md SaruntB 1 : r. A Prognofticarion Aflrological! .calcu.f.t~ t rhrea~C!l 'v\::trrcs , b~1t l::pirn; \.\·ill .mitigate 1 -- · the : 1 ---~----~--------------' ~--~