__ / . to the [otmtro~man. __ . _ !' 66 ~-·/ / the fame: as a r11an !hould fay, the Prognoflica~ 1, A qM:my f11ipwracks,and bthcdlirrt:s on the / : tor, tcllcth true, c:x,cpt he tell a lye. fc:1s. > I jBj 0 We {hall haue a very drie winter; '4· M•ny iJJaiJ addiClthemfclltes to the nu- I ifpcraduemurc any floods and Hore of r<!ine dy of Negromancie. doe fall, they fhall procccdc of former eauAgainc, betide thcfe waics there is alfo a fc:s. third, and that is this. They fearing kafi Lhcir 3• This for~ergu:trter is like t? .hc.for t~t Prog_nof.icat.ion._J flwuld not be regarded b.c;.; grcatc!l part dnc and hone, yet 1t IS ltke nc1~ caulc ofthctr !Jcs, and th3t they might winne thcr to be toO hotte,or too colde, but indlffcrilcn vmo the vfing ofthcm,hauc :~dioyncd A.:. rent. fhMomlc.dl mancrs ofthe rifing and fCaing of .of• Neither fairc,ndr foulc, both together. fl:arcs, oflhc afpeCts :md motions of Planets 5 Faire and calme, but a little miOing.o which an: no profit to thee. Here alfo rhe.; 6 Clouds portending raine and fil?W· hauc 4nncxed tables ofall the Falrcs in the Jan;1 Examples of tho(cprediflio'f.r, \'\hieh may ila.nd of the chicfe lilgh wayes, V\·hich becing 0 { grcc to eucry yeare arc connnon with them, as {omc price wit.h thee, make that which is thcfc; B naught of it fclfc, to be of fomc accompt. I, This VC:tre Anificers mun take heed cf too much o;cining their backes. ,. Takehccde of ventcring in llipperie rta– cesboldly in building. 3 Old men !hall die. 4 Deat!i of fheepe and other cartel! this yeare fh all be. S Sundry dir'eafesarc like to raigne amongll many which will fwcepc away many. 6 FaliC rumors, imprifonmcnrs, tortures, 7 Brethrenand fillers tball not loLtc one ad– other. 8 SundJic men and women lhal be troubled C with paincs in their eyes. 9 Much flrifc amongll men and women. roSnl311 Joue amongtl: kinsfolkes. 11 Much vnlawfuH lufi,this yeare and fccret {()rnication. u Some Eedefia!ticall perfon !hall be in trouble, •nd fome Noble man !hall die, this is euer at one place or other. eA [onclufion. THui much (good Reader) l hope lhall be fufficicnt topcrf\· .. adc thee of the Vanitic I of Prognofficatiom: if nbt; I bc(ecch thee ac..: ccpcof my fimplc C·ndeauour, fcruing in fomc part Vnto thy profir, For if thou be a Chrillian I man t~o~ oug~rdtonely r~ be cot1tcnrcd with knowmg the mnc~ and ord_maric. fcafons Ofthe 1 year~ : not ~egardtng nor learchmg any fccrct 1 and fpcclall Predictions, for which the Lord neucr gauc an~ man V.'atram, but in plainC wbrJs ha~h forbtd~en them. Nay thcy which be ingraffcd into Icfus Chrill indce4e, are (d farrc from fcarching what !hall be hereafrer . chat they leade: alife which is a cominual medi~ ration of prefent death. The "hich the Lord for Iefl1s fake, graunt Vnto vs, that we may in fome mc:afurc Behold our OY\'ne vanities. Trinvni Veo ji1 omnu honor~ omnu gloria. Q_,qqq + - - -~-