-----~-~---~--'------..;..--~~.....o.L'---..-'---= TO THE RIG HT HONOVR.ABLE RoBERT LORD R 1 c 11, Baron ot LE E z E·, &c• • Ighr Honour2ble; Among al~tl1c Societies ond Sta>es, IYhercof the whole world of mankind from the fir!l calling of rl.da01 i~ Para· dile, vnto thisday, lwh conft. !lcd: the fir11an~ mofl au.nc. icnr is the Famdy. For tf we looke toto the Scr!pwres; fhe wrttmgs ofMo– fes, which in time go beyond all the Ai!lori.e; andRecord~ of men, doecuidenrly declare, it was the will of God, to lanchfie that fir!l coniun6Hon ofAdam and Et•c, as the roote wherein mans whole po· . fieritie was.vim;:/{l'contained, and whence in rh~ ages fucccedi~g, both Church and Commonw.ealth fhould fpring and growe ro their perfection. And all thole Nations and Cunrries before the Floo.~;the Heads wbcrcoflmeal!y defcended fro'!' .\he two firfi houfes of Serb and Cainc, had no outward forme pf ciuill gouern~- menr,by which they were ruled; nor any vilible face ofa Church whereto they I;:ad r~latio!J, but thewhole frame of tbeirpollicieboth CiLiill and E~defiaflicall was confined within the precincts of priuate Families. An<l from the 6'i10d, th~/lOu[e ofNoah be– catJ1e tiJe common Mother, in which the other two Satc;s were included,.and.our'of .,vh<>fc,bowels they iffitcd afterward in the rnttltiplicadon o(poflcri:ie., for nutpbcr~ e.< quaJl to the fiarrcs ofthe skie, and the fands byrhe Sea~a.~e. . . . .• . . . .Anfwerablc to the voice of the Scriptmre ,bath beene thevet'diti of the HearhcA in ttris point. Some of the Learned among them, haue called t~e Familiqhtjirff-toci,tit in nat11re, dndthegrou.Jd of alltherift. Some againe hatie compare.d imnhe Bee·h i.:e, which we c~ll the St<>~ke, wherein 2re bredd~ many fwarm·es, which thence doe.ll.ie abroad in– . ,, .Ardlo: P~u-· ·· ti(, [, Xmoph.i1101· (~':~fl;i,, to rh~world, to the railing and maintaining o( otherStares; Others doe nor vnfidy re.- xm~h.ibi~ femb!c the Came ro aM'tropolis, or Mother Cirie, which firfi trainerh vp her nariu~ in– habir~nts,and thcn"·.rcmo<;>uedJ fome pfthem ~o other place~ofabode, where they n)ay •.;,.,, 11 ,. beJra1ned as members, ro liue in obtdi~<1Ct; tq t,fie Lawcs '?f their fieaq., . . t.:~:''"~'l \(pon this conditiqn of the.Familie·, beeing rhe Semina'rieof all other Socielie~, -it fiJilowcth, that the holy and righ,teons gouernement th.ereo.f, is a direa m~anefor th'; goqd_ordering, both of Church and Comm(mwealth; yea thlt the Lay;es thereof: bci ing rightly informed and 1eiigjoufly obferucd, are auaileable to prepare and di(pole irien j ' to the~ecpingof mder in other go_ucrn.ements; Hence ir is that the Holy Ghofl)n . tbe booke ofScriptures, badJ in great wi(edomecommended borh Rulc.s for dire;& 'pn, .f and Examples for imitation, to.Hpsbands and Wi~cs, to Parents and Children, to !\fa-1 llers;md Scruants, in >uer~ p,oi~H-ofC.hriflian carriage touching God and man. For rhis I 6r!l Societie, is as it were the Sfhoole, wherein are taught and learned the principles. of aurhoritie ,and fitbiection. And looke as the Ji,oeriour that faileth in hi> ciJJrge ·Will j . 1 proouc vnca~able 9fppbl.iks_iJnployo1ef!t;fo theinferiour, who is no·t franocd to a cour(e 1 · ,;~''"+l'· ' 1 of Oecon_omtcal_lJilb<ectwn, ")llill1'-rdly vndml9!! ~\Je ypake of_Caull obedtencc. _ _ ·; I ' 1 .1\gaine,thc co;ruption or.ftccjiporio.n of.t.his lirfl argument? mull of n.cceffiti c giuc f· ,. '··'· ,way to-the rp111~t11.1g of ,he rei}. F~n: an er~o~r 'fl rhe.foundatton; puts rne bodie.andl . parts<'>frho:wl)ole building in appaqn( ha~r.ard. In rhcolde worid, before r.hefl0od, I though a!IJI4h h•d·aqrrupttd;heir.,ways; yet the .firfl gronnd.of that '"J.itler(a!l oued!ow.~ ,. f r. . ifi . n. . . d J v"J.<.u,, i 0 llllOe' 11 ucd .out ot ;he nare Occonomjoall ' 20 t Jcnce was deriuc<l into [~le i -..., j. _ __ .[~~~::~:~~~·~~:~~_:t~~~~-tlle prtuate gotlernem~~:~~~~~~~·,:~-~=~:11~~~:~;~- . - - !