•.Salfi,:,IJ, 1J,S4,l!• 1. Sill,. I ..~ 3• t.King. f.ti. !..Sam.rt. a.King.t. PfaT.nl.t. s. Tim.4.8. ,, ••.cOr.7:r.l. ·a. g. ~t/!4rtlt.tlt M.:trirnStt– ttlllll/iJ,.e.t9, c~t.Trid. Srlf~'t·~trtr. ,~:::.<fl· IM"">.!·l'· 'The Epi;11e Vedicatorie. fonnes Hophni and Phincas, of vngfacious children, vogoly Church~n1en. Ic·was the' ---i crrour of Dauid in the adminiflration and guidance of his owne houfc, which inccuraged Abfalom 2nd Adoniah his fonnes, vpon ~reliunption of their Fathet sindulgence, to become 11l Common-we2lths men, to afp~re anol vfitrpe the kinodomeby plots and prachfes of Rebellion. . · P To forbe2re further matterofinlbnce in this.kind; by rhc due. conlid~ration of the pr~milfcs, I hold it athing both nece!farie and bthooucfull for all cflatcs,to be through– ly mformcd of the nghr manner o(ereCting and ordering the ptiuate condition of the Familie, whereby they may be fnrnifhed with fit gronndsforthc common good in more publtkeaud open courfcs. For which endc this prefcnt Difcourfe ofchriJHan Ouonomi• was firfl conrriucd by th'e Authoi,ancl now thought fir to be fet forrh, for the inllruCtion and edification ofthe mulriwdc. Which as it commendeth it fclfe by rhe fhorrnclfe and pcr[picuitie, boJh 1vhich beeing applyed t? vnderflanding~nd memoric, m2y giue con– renr.to euery wcll·difJ>ofed Reader; fo it carrieth akind ofet)lincncie abouc other Trcatifes of this nature b~lr>re publiihed, in limdric regards. , , ,Firtl, where~s Experience teachcth, ihatthe Qleflions ofconfcience in Marrimoni– aU ~fflires, arc very many in number; ana difficult in na.turc; here we ll1all fin de either dtrect anfwers to tome ofthem, or at lean rhe Grounds of rcfolurion:in diucrs cafd wn– ran·ted by the word, in {[~eh fort, as little or nothing will appcare, vpon the triall3o be vntouchcd, nllking forrhc Readcrsfatisfaetion. . ·.• ., • Secondly, the 1mine Scope·of the Au.thor in the feuerallbranches liereoF,is, 19tl)ake pbine this truth in panicular, That no Family can bdnterelfed it1 the blelling and·f~uour ofGc:>d, which_ is notfomidcd.inlJts.fearc, and ordered according to his reuealcd will. for though rhe Heathen in theirwritiQgs ofthe like Argumenr, do,fhew, rha~Na– ture liy her dimme light!"~ affoa~Clfom' &'3od-direction~ to rl~is purr,off~.a~d tha,t mer meerely natural!, \Jauc profpered 111 the prachfc of Occonotmcall vermes; yenhe·frue happinclfcqf 1\oulesand inhabitants wh61ly dcpcndeth vpon the fpeciall grace of'Go\f, and illi1eth out pfllisp'fumife; and rhat is direCted nnely to them thatftar<hini, "'id~alkr in hinllajts-; irbceingGodline/foalone which h4ththe promiflt of thil lift ,a'ndthdtft t~1• .mt: Therefore \O dreame of a bleffing in any other !late, whicb i< not fea10ned with (Jfidlir nelfc,and orderedby direction ofdiuine'Law,i< bur a\vir1ef!e prefumprion;confidelin~ I rha.r the FJ~1ilie it f~lfefrom w.hence";h&·.&.rowc~ hath 1i~ fl•rrher affitrahcc.of ble~ed~ nelfe,thenlthxtlrngh tand mletn thepromt[e. ., . ·· · ·: •·• Lallly' it cont':iiiteth here ail'd there, tome fpeeiall GrOJ\ndsof tritth; ter;qingtoCthe difconerieOf diuerfc'errors qf Popifh doCtrine in poinis .appertainttig' iciMarrjag_~;Jas namely thefc. I. That this'cllaie i~ free to :ill men·, ·ctlen·.ib fuch>~s hime ~he gifc'6fcqn~ tincncie;and for thofe who hai1e not the ptiwer to abtlaine;iris.exprefiy !nibynedbyGeil. as necerfaric. Which dl(co(tetcth'that ·Errbr ofabfol\ttdnhibition dieicofto Come fdns o~nlen,without the leatl exceprioti,ofabi!Hier~fo.rbea~e; And in thi~ cafe,thougli•ihe Church of Romeprcfcribeth an helpeby prayer and indcauour, w~ere1he gift i~·W~n: ring; yet herein fhee addeth t)llo more ablitrClities to rl)e former ;impofing a nece,lliticof conraini'ng by her Lawes,whcre God hath·giuen liberrie,by his word;and cauling td,tlec from that only remcdi.ewhich himfclfe hatlifanetified,tbanothcr,whcreunroh~neither giueth charge by his will, iwr incouragemenr by J:iron~ifc. IT. That Mari~ges cori(um– mate without the fcee and aduifcdconfentofi:jre'lls;~ither txplieite in tearins;·or r,;p!i1 eit•, by conniucncc,are in the court of confcici,cii, nie!:!~·nullitics. Adoetrrine Clea.p:'~ 1 in rhis bookc, both by Scriprnres, and byi:onfent ofAilriquitie..\1\'herein is challenged,! the Iefuites propofition, That the foie cot~fe<U ~Ftb~ p.a~ties i·s li<ffiden,l , adM~;rimc~~--: umjirm11macratllmifjimndi!m. As~lfo.t~~::decree of~~.e <!:ouncc\?f Tren~, W~'-'.?rl:'W'~ , felfeth a dereflation ofchn·deflme Conrrai'l's,andyetw<th the fJme breath pr<>nounceili j the curfe of Anathema vpon rhetn, whoaffirme th~I·Pirwts may ratifie or mak'eoV'eide! MJriages conrr:i.Ctedby thcii'diil?retl 'f!:~~ur'their allowance. I•U . .IJ'M_at M~~-~i~Qhi.~ i bwfullybegu~ and conft~mmate, ts maile•votd~- oncly by,w_ay ofdltlo.rfe .10 t.l~e c~f:e. O,fa· l dult.ene. So ~Jtth our Sauwur1 · wh.jbeuerFh~.:lp11t"!rrM]h~' "'ife. (r.mP:;t b(fo~ (or~: .."'{•on, 'I &c.) And this hbertte graunted by Clmtl l:ioth to dtlfolue and to marnc agame,c~nnot be rcflrained or cur offbyany humane ordinance. A:''p()int direCtly'imp~gned liy t\VO ( - - - -------- - ' --.-·-· -~,~~~-i