The Epi'flle Vedicatorie. 1 other Rules of rhat Councell :- One, that the Church of Rome errcrh not, when t11cc I~-·-· teacherh (as they profeffc,iuxt~EuaRgdicam &,but in rrmh cxpr_cf- :{;:;:;:;.~,'i· fly comradietorie thereunto) That:he knot ofmariage cannot be broken becaule of a1 · • dulterie, and th~t neither partie may vnderrake to be married againe, during the life ofi the other, afrer the difinif!ion. The other, That the vowe of Chafhtie,and enrring into holy Orders, is offorce to loofc the bond ofM~riage. And in this cafe,fcpatation ismade ; and allowed de foc1o, by the foie authoririe of the Pope, notwithftanding the refuf.lf of the fctlcd panic to yeeld confi:nt. I V. That the iudgemcnt and detcrmin~tion of! caulcs matrimoniall, as of Contrach a"d their impediments, ofdegrees of kindred, of 1 diuorces, &c. rcfrcthonginally in the ciuill Magifrme, in whofc pGWer it is to ordaine & e(bblitb Lawcs touching rhem,agreeable to Gods word, and to caufe them to be put in ! execution. For this purpofe, in doubtful! and difficult cafes, the • ancien; Church hath ' •'" th< not abfOlmely refled in herownc decrees, bm bath made: rccourle to rhe feat of lufticc, ~;~;~.~~~: fpccially vnder the Chrifrian Magifrratcs, fubmitting her !elfe to their Lawes and Con- i ;:;;,i!r-',7;.;~; ! I fiitutions in that'kind. Whereas the~ .Church of Rome, bath determined, that thefe 1 '""!'•· &•. caufcs doe limply ~.nd oncly appertaine to Ecclcfiafticall ludg,cs,an~ t.herefor? lmh con- {:;.~~:~;d;,_ c!udc·dMlnagcto bcaSacr~ment : that the ddinmon of cafes c0:1Jugall, bccommmg, I vpon this ground.; -~naCl:ion offpirituallnature, mi15ht be transferred from the ciuill to f their fpirimall Courts. The.Soueraigmic whereof, in thefe aff>ircs, by their owne con– fiiturions, is greatly inlargcd. For though they admit, that polirib Princes haue fr>fiK 1 ••~~-'' intercfi in them: yet they muO: hold it, withfobordi1Wion to theatlth>ritieof<heCh!lrch- , "·'"'"'·S•· Magifrrate :and wijen the ReClor ofthe Prouince mal<eth a Lawe hereof, he mufldoe I '·'·""·'"P·;•· it4(pr•b•ntePrincipe Ecclejiijlico, by the alo;vancc ofthe Pope, orherwifc hi' Lawcs arc mcere nullities. -Andamong their reafons of policie, this is one of rhe principall , th·at·l they might by'this meancsraife a com)noditie to the Sea of Rome.,- by the falc of their difpenfations. • · . ·• ' Now thefcpoints, toge\h.e~ with theSubfranceof.thi5 Enall difcourfe,I willingly / commend. VlltO your Lor-3fuip,defiringthat vnderthc wingsof yourflonorable protc- I· etion, it may fafely walkeabroad in the the world' to the viewe ~nd" renefit of od\~rs. Th~ true report ofyopr auncienr loue ofrhe rruth, and fauourabl~ ir1chnatiori to rhc Mi– n\frers and dill'Gflfer~.thercof, bath giuen me incouragemcnt in this a0:ion: The rather, forrhatthe Argument fitteth in fomc forryourprefent rq'lt<;, whof<;,h(>trfc 'God lpth adorned With oltue piants,a vertUOUS and hopefuil iflite, whofeypung ¥cares beeingfeapf,Lui.J. foncd ch"crcin, by the "fweete faupur of their fathers vcicues; may yce"ld In ti•p<; a plchti! fuiHhcreafeof Honour in this Commonwbith: and confeq_uently aduapce 'y9ur ~~rue, in Jhemli:lues and-their poftefitie. To this rmy be adde.d-tnine.,owl],ddix,e ro gitt<;.fll.ilJQ tefrimonieof.!!ut,i.e.royour L1 ~s holding it/yom due, ro bc'liad in Honourable tcar.tnes with men, whdfe hre hatli D'eeh'c ro mainrainc rh~ honour of the !:figb~fr by yottt:S9.!!:.. fhntprofef.l'ion.ajld pra6Hfe of.Religion. P)nd rhus emboldening 111JI'[Q\fe> vpon the perfwafion of your L. fjlliOttr andacceptan.ce, I hqmbly rake my lcaue,,an~·commend.y0u to tl'i~gt'liC'c.o!Goa,Whp is abli:.~() b.uild Jou ~p further,and giue yo~ an inherironcc· AO.>o.p. ' tllclh which~re f:metlficd. 'Finchingfo.ld. seftemb•4· 1 6o9· , , . ._,;,·,, .... 0( ... • .... ~ •"\ill • ' ' • ~ • ~ \: \ ,. ')''• ·' . " .. ·'\:''\'"'· ]' bi:o ·-. t. -'\ •' :~·· ... :-. l •. ,i· \" ·~· .: .. ,'r.,t· '· . 1 • j;q~r be co'ffmrmm.ded in . l\::-~·~.... . i .· ..... :-~ . ,•\;. : all,Cbrijltat/'d~tie.;.~ " . ~. . .. ·~.- -:: T H 0 r "p ~' C R E' R l 'N GO .. ,. ---·--,--;~'-- ----···----------'-