Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·----~-------------------------------------------------------------- CHAP. I. Of Oeconomic, ;~nd the F<l.milic. what Oaonomic is. PJg.66g.c,r What the fami/ie, •669,C.I --- ------- CHAP· !I. Of<hc Houfi1o!d fcruicc ofGod, Conference. 669.c.2 Invocation, 6]0.c,I F.jling. 6]o.c,t Emp!oymelll in thepttrticllfarcal/ing. 6]o.c.2 -------------- CHAP. Ill. Of Married folkcs, what Marriage ti. . 6]o.C.1. That Mariage is dflattmoree).:cellent thenJingle life. 67 t ,C,I To whome}ing!e!!fo is qerur,andhorv. 67t.C.t Theendtof Marriage, 6]I,c,: ThatprohiGitionofA.fariage tofomeforts ofmenis ~J do{/rillemuref; tiiAfolicaff. · 6 ]I.e. 2. CHAP. IIII . OfMariage begun in th cC~mtfaCl, That fome time muftpaffo henveene_ f.'~~contrttEf ~rndmariage 672,C~l CHAP. VI.. Of Confcnt in the ContraCl, I, CoofentofthepartieJthem[eluu, .681,C,l Caftt, . I 1. what 11 to he don( in ·zhe cafo of If forced J Contra[f. , 68J,c.z t 2, What is 10 /Je Jone l'Phtnconfont Upaft,·'f'id il appenu that the p(lrtiu haue errid in choifojirC011fonr, or both, ' 68t..c.z 3 0 what i4 to·6ecthonght of)f}oitfolt of,,.,.font that are maddeandfrantic~?.!. 6gl,C,I .!I. Conj'ent of Pare.nt.t.,,·~ : . 6~z.c.z 'That prit~t~rec~nraff, without P~e.nfs fO~fo,nJ ure ~H_/i:{~!· ~ )bi~.. • 0 CH1\P.. V"{J: ,; j(' OfReii:tlton or Refufalr ofthe Co11t!<\Ct made. ol;-:· "' ,' I .,,i ., t .11 The cauje isfomegreat llf!dhiii11o11s fau~t~J. :. r-- , Cafos. r. · r.n. ~ I. whatif fo";• d!/e-ife 6ef~ll•ne of rhepitrfys ~n;-_ medta(e'J afterrhi: ConrraCI? · 6'8t s, l I I I. what JJ to hu done iir 'B"fo.'of the hmg db-, · fence of the oneplf"f'tie.ii(fef11he coittr~tU-.lr8:g. · c.z .. . • , ~ ;q .:w.J .... · ::m: ' _l I 1,_wh~t ifi'[urthe C~nnoa£1•1one ofthe-p~>:Jiet , 1 bccomef~Jio{f'prmadde~ H !f";'), 6~tfi~·' what the Contra£! is. . 6]z."C.z whot i4 the 6eft mannerofgiNinfp•·om!fe in the ' -.eontra£i. 'id r • ibid.:. -. ~ . J,. ,, ; t"'" • "' if+ ·~ ·'1.1. . C!-!AP.1 V~It). '"''mi'· ·, -S~\8tal\i,age col}lu.~m:lt~: .... ;,: rl·i'..<; : _,::o::.-------,---------,:---', .~ fjl CHAP. v: .,_f;:") , ·Ofchoice ofperfons fitfor Maria'ge. ' wh~tperfontareMariag,.ble, ' N 6n_.t,I Signet ofjitr-effecffentialJ, 6]3.<.1 r. D;jlinUionofftu, 6]J.<.I •· D;jlanceof6/ood, 6]J.C,2 Con(anguinit:e. 6]3.c.1. whether couftn Germ,aues mtr.J1111trfi&.67 so.c.: .Affinit~, 6]6.c.l -~ariajec_on[lfmmatebJ thrcefoi:ts'Of ?'1r.i~ 1 , tYfCftOI11, ., . • , : {· Parents confe,1t, Tl;arj~ t5 necc.ffm;i~1gf!'¥J. . How farreforrh. , - ,. 684. ·' I!.' Bl1fing·o~ fltnCiiftcatfon of Mar/age, 68 5, c.:. 686.c.t - rJI, The 6rmgi'ng of rbe Bride inio tht"hou{e •f the !Jrid~groome. 686.c. I r "0!!JJ. ),.,betbermirth nndftaflin!,. ma; he vJ:~ at weddi11gs. 1b1d. Ruler of affinitie. 6]6.c.z whnheramAIJ,wf!enhUwifeisdet!d.maJ CHAP. IX. marriehnfifler. 6 77·'· 1 '" Ofthe dutic of married folkcs; and 3· Fitnej{tfor procreati411. 6]8.c.l fidl: of Cohabitation. 4- A found andhealthfu/1conj/itHtion, ,679·'·' )• Freedome{rommariage_. . : · 6]Q.c.r lnwbatca[esab{encet5permittcd. 68].C.t Signet offitneffe accidentall· 6]9·'· • What if•after M arriage, acontagiom dtfraft 1. Pllritic in Religion. ..f!.rownvponontofthem? 68-].C.I P .. , 5Age. 68o.c.l De{t'rtio11; cotifrary to Cohahitation. 68].C.I :. arJttcm 2Cottdition. 68o.c, 2 Cafn. I. w hat if an vnhelceui1tg Ot' Hereticall J, Ptth!ik,; /, 011ejlie, ____ __':6~8_::o..':-':.:· >:___J__ _____:::I"::".:.b•.:_•::d.!..fo_rfLa-'f(!'-eh_u:._· _be_h:._e_m~·ng"---w-"-if~e- ., __,-:;; ·rh_ an -----------